Location Southern Weyr
Position Infirmary Orderly
Birthplace Igen Weyr
Played-By Adrian Grenier

He might as well never shave at all for the dark stubble that outlines his chin: Tolanzir's a hairy man, from the dark, thick curls upon his head to those stubbled cheeks and tufts on chest and limb. Tall and broad shouldered, he's arguably handsome, and seems to know it, too: those curls are artfully arranged, and if his clothes are conservatively designed, they're rarely less than tidy.

Common Knowledge

The only child of an Igen brownrider and his weyrmate who nursed the elderly, Tolanzir was five when his mom died, and seven when the Oldtimers arrived. Both events were pivotal in his young life, and though these days he can't really remember his mom much at all, the repercussions are understandably long-lasting. Tol — NOT Tolly, whatever his dad calls him, thank-you-very-much — and T'lan were reasonably close for those first few turns, and that made it much harder when the brownrider fell for, and promptly weyrmated, one of the strange brownriding Oldtimer women.

At seven, Tol was too young to really grasp the politics involved, but not so young that he couldn't see that the natural order of the things — the order he'd be raised to — was being interrupted. Some of his peers embraced these exciting changes, but Tol simply stepped back, unsure and uncomfortable. Had he been a few turns older, it all might have turned him militant and angry; as it was, he became an sullen child, and increasingly so when his father moved them to Southern upon the opening of that Weyr.

Much of Tol's angst understandably focused upon Rataria, this woman whose arrival had changed so much of their lives. It was her fault they had moved away from everything he knew and loved; her fault that life would never be the same again. It caused a strain between father and son, and saw the boy detach. The arrival of thread only made that more difficult: what time did a man have to rebuild his son's trust, when there was thread to fight?

A sulker more than a fighter, Tol spent his childhood and early adolescence out of trouble mostly by dint of avoiding authority as much as he could. His quietly conservative beliefs have strengthened over time, but never spilled out into overt intolerance: he knows what he believes, and what is right, but yelling about it has never been his style.

Following the end of his harper lessons, he surprised himself by requesting to work as an orderly in the infirmary. Perhaps more surprisingly, he's found himself comfortable with the work, and even happy. He's Stood a couple of times, too, since he turned fifteen, though dragonriding has never been a particular desire of his: it's a duty, and arguably his duty, should a dragon choose to give it to him.

For now, ambition is not in his personality, for better or for worse. If his frustrations occasionally bubble out from under the surface, it's never for long — and never enough to push him into overt action of any kind. Sure, he could move to a more traditional Weyr, but which? When? How?

It's easier, surely, to simply float.



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