Location Southern - Black Rock Seahold
Position Guard
Craft Seacraft (former)
Birthplace Tillek Hold, Nowtime
Played By Robbie Amell
Player KyaLia


Steel-blue eyes peer intently from the shadow cast by low, thick eyebrows, giving this strong-jawed young man an effortlessly brooding appearance. Skin is fair but not markedly so, the light weathering of sun and sea giving offsetting light stubble that matches thick, brown-black hair kept short. A stern yet mobile mouth frowns as easily as it smiles below a nose rendered slightly crooked from a few obvious past breaks. Faint scars mar his arms, hands, and chest (when it’s visible), all illustrating a life not lacking in excitement or trial. Tall and muscled after the fashion of a man whose work requires a strong body and quick action, Eamon is a solid and surly presence, sure in his movements and confident in his stance both on and off duty.

While he can often be as surly as he looks, Eamon isn't without charm, and he's quite aware of his looks. One might say he's got a bit of an ego on that count, actually. He doesn't much care what other people do with themselves, so long as it doesn't take away from what he has. He's loyal to what makes him comfortable and not much else…but that's not to say he doesn't have the capacity for loyalty to other people. It's just been severely damaged, and it may be a long time before he finds it again.

Common Knowledge

  • He has a reasonable aim with a thrown blade and considerable skill with any kept in hand - sword and knife. It's clear he didn't learn it all in the guard, but it isn't known where he did learn it.
  • Most of Eamon's off-duty time finds him at the tavern or down at the docks. Some have seen him working on restoring a badly worn boat.
  • He likes booze and women in apparently equal measure, though he'll take the latter over the former if he has to choose one.


  • To be determined!


Eamon is a man who has spent most of his life walking in - and wearing - the darker shades of grey presented by the world. Born in Tillek to a Journeyman sailor and his wife and showing an affinity for boats and seafaring at an early age, it seemed only natural that the boy should follow in the footsteps of his father. He was apprenticed at the Master Sea Hold at thirteen…

…and hated it.

His love of the ocean was deeply rooted in his own ways of perceiving and interacting with it, and there didn’t seem to be much room in the Craft’s rules for his preferred way of doing things. He constantly kicked against the strictures set by his instructors, earning him copious amounts of chores and punishments. Try though his father might to convince him to give the Craft a chance, Eamon remained rebellious and took it upon himself to relieve the Hall of the burden he was proving to be. After a Turn, he packed his belongings and set off down the coast.

Eventually he ended up at Sattle Hold and traded manual labor for passage east with a trader caravan. His travels placed him at Fort Sea Hold a few months after his fifteenth Turnday, no marks in his pouch and little more than the clothes on his back to his name. Unable to find work at the docks, he attempted to pickpocket a man who looked well-to-do…and turned out to be a pirate.

Rather than beat the lad, the pirate - a man named Rogen - took him aboard his ship, the Crimson Crest, and had him work off his transgression. His meals were light and his lodging nothing more than a thin straw pallet at first, but it was better than what he’d had upon arriving. As Eamon’s talent for sailing and handling a ship became more and more evident, Rogen saw what an asset he could become with some training and so took it upon himself to show the boy the perks of piracy. No Craft rules, a leveling of the field with those wealthier than most men, a chance to get his hands on whatever his heart might desire - what wasn’t to like?

Eamon embraced the pirate life, becoming an adept thief and swordsman aside from a fine - if rough - sailor. He also carried a surly charm and charisma that earned him the loyalty of much of the crew. However, he eventually found that the darker, irrational side of men would catch up to him. He was doing so well for himself that Rogen began to view him as a threat.

During a trip to the Southern Continent in the second Turn of the Pass, Eamon ended up in a tavern brawl - one that his shipmates inexplicably refused to rescue him from. He was knocked senseless and woke up the next day without his sword, marks, or - oddly - boots. The Crimson Crest was nowhere to be found. He’d been abandoned.

Wandering into Black Rock Seahold itself, kicking himself for believing such a life could last and wishing to return neither to it nor the Seacraft, Eamon pickpocketed enough to buy himself a bed at one of the cotholds and a drink at the dockside tavern. There, he picked up enough gossip to learn about the hold’s guard. With just enough corruption to keep him comfortable and slight whiff of redemption about the prospect, Eamon decided to get a meal, “borrow” some decent clothes, and present himself to Guard Captain Garyck the next day.

Apparently, Garyck found him acceptable.

Three Turns later, Eamon is steady on his feet at Black Rock, protecting the people from the very sorts he used to be - for the right price.

Gallery / Icons



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