Location Igen Weyr
Wing Mosaic
Rank Assistant Weyrlingmaster
Dragon green Liareth
Firelizards gold Blaze, bronze Mios, bronze Shu, brown Ausir, blue Dedun
Significant Other L'xan, rider of bronze Nokteryth
Children Rhylar (son, with R'xim)
Craft Harper (Jr. Journeyman, former)
Birthplace Big Bay Hold, 10th Interval
Played By Alexia Fast
Player KyaLia


At 5'9", Kyara stands confident and centered. Toned, yet pleasantly feminine, her athletic build favors strength over speed. She has long legs and is well proportioned, if rather small in the chest - a fact she laments frequently. She has a musician’s hands, nimble-fingered and strong. A closer look reveals calloused fingertips and palms, all the result of years playing stringed instruments and drums. Her knuckles are lightly scarred. Her first explanation will always be that this is from repairing instruments, but in truth, it is as much evidence of past scuffles as her nose is.

Kyara's oval face tapers easily to a somewhat rounded, narrow chin. Her full-lipped mouth is set constantly in a tranquil line that smirks readily. Her nose is slightly off-set to the left (it’s been broken twice, but reset well) and just a tad on the wide side. Dark amber eyes peer out observantly from beneath dark, level brows - one of which (the left) is interrupted by a short, thin scar slanting toward the outer corner of her eye. Her hair, which she usually keeps at a short shoulder-blade length, is a burnished strawberry blonde, straight save for an occasional wave that appears when it gets longer.

Though willing to strike up a conversation and tending toward verbosity, Kyara is fairly soft-spoken. She is compassionate, friendly, and trusting (sometimes to a fault), preferring to give others the benefit of the doubt. She's been called naïve because of this, though she acknowledges it as true. Due to her circumstances at the Harper Hall, she tends to be cautious, protective, and a worrier. She's quick to jump to the defense of those unable to fight for themselves, and just as ready to defend herself - physically or verbally - as the situation demands. Confident in her abilities as both diplomat and fighter, Kyara walks with an air of quiet strength. She's also a terrible romantic, which tends to color her view of most things.

Much of this has been tempered by the harsh realities of dragonrider life during a Pass. Liareth's pragmatism is something she's had to adopt for her sanity's sake, especially while serving as an AWLM. While she retains her kindness and compassionate demeanor, there's no denying that she's had to mature, adopting a viewpoint more realistic than idealistic over the past Turns.

Those with a more outgoing sense of humor may find Kyara easy to tease because she is quite literal and often unsure how to respond. Her own sense of humor can be either dry and straight-faced or cautiously teasing. She embarrasses easily (and readily blushes to show it), but generally isn't easily offended.

Kyara likes to dress simply, but she is also able to don a pretty gown and turn a few heads when she wishes. Her favorite outfit consists of plain trousers and tall leather boots with a flattering shirt in white, cream, or some jewel shade of blue or green. She isn’t much for jewelry, though she can be seen to wear a few things: a paua-shell pendant of deep sapphire blue suspended on a delicate silver chain (a present from her mother), and a diamond-shaped pendant of blackened silver containing the image of a dragon in flight flanked by blue and green paua inlays - one of a set of four she had commissioned for her and three of her closest friends to commemorate their graduation from weyrlinghood.


When in Rome Green Liareth

Splendor of cadence and verse coalesces in Romanesque curves, elegance wrapped in a robe of twining ivy. No Roman nose to be found here; the lyric of her soul's song is writ clear across the concave dish of delicate features, the melody as winsome as the blunted arcs of neckridge and lissome length of tail. Aged-copper verdigris melts lichen down every slope and angle of this master-class beauty, a softness opposed only by the keen edge of bronze-washed spars and talons. Narrow, tapering wings exist in jade glory, the grace note of soulful harmony that gives voice to the ageless soul serene behind demure propriety.



Kyara was born in Big Bay Hold, the only daughter of a Seacrafter, Dekyzan, and a Healer named Nemari. Three brothers - Demad, Zannen, and Cephander - followed in her wake. She began singing almost as soon as she could talk, and started fiddling about with any instrument she was allowed to touch as soon as her coordination allowed. Her parents didn’t wait long to introduce her to the hold Harper, who quickly recognized and began nurturing her innate musical talent. He recommended that she be sent to the Harper Hall at Fort Hold as soon as she came of apprenticeship age. At eight Turns old, she made the journey westward.

She excelled in her studies, becoming adept with both voice and instruments, though her greatest talent was composition. She was a curious, determined, and motivated student. This, coupled with the fact that she was a girl, garnered her some unwanted attention from the other apprentices. After her first few vain attempts to avoid that attention, she refused to stand for it and began fighting back - successfully. She befriended a sympathetic boy from Bitra named Jerrig, who taught her how to fight more effectively as well as how to handle a knife. When necessary, she would come to the defense of the other girls at the hall, but not without insisting that they could and should stand up for themselves as well. She became a Journeyman (one of the Hall's youngest) at seventeen and was posted at Ista Weyr soon after walking the tables.

Then, a Turn later, everything changed, and Kyara had a choice to make - one that landed her in a very different place and time. What made her choose to leave her old life behind? A story for another day.

After being at Igen Weyr for scarcely more than two sevendays, Kyara suddenly found herself thrown into a very unexpected situation: being Searched for Igen's upcoming clutch. The circumstances surrounding her Candidacy were equally unexpected; as a Harper, Kyara had been asked to sing before, but never for a bronze dragon! K'ane's bronze Dhioth persuaded his rider to bring the young Harper to him in the Bowl one evening, and after granting the dragon a brief snippet of song, she found herself handed a new white knot.

Candidacy did indeed transform into Weyrlinghood for Kyara, and Weyrlinghood eventually became riderhood. Liareth looked to her and found who she was searching for…and Kyara now feels as though a void has been filled - one she didn't even know existed. She was tapped into the prestigious Whirlwind Wing upon graduating from Weyrlinghood and remained there until the need to experience combat at lower altitudes prompted her to transfer to Arroyo.

With the 12th Pass now upon them, the hard work the green pair has undertaken is certainly proving its worth - both in the air and on the ground. Kyara serves as an Assistant Weyrlingmaster - permanently now, after several Turns of alternating between this and flying Threadfall. She always fears for the weyrlings, much as she did when facing Falls (and other challenges) as a fighting rider. However, the strength she gleans from Liareth and her loved ones is all the bolstering she needs to make her courage unwavering. Life is never dull, and she wouldn't have it any other way - even with Thread in the mix.

Common Knowledge

  • Kyara and R'xim were weyrmated for a time. They have a son named Rhylar.
  • Liareth is one of Igen's largest (and prettiest) greens.
  • She most recently flew with Sirocco, keeping her Threadfighting skills sharp between seasons as an AWLM.
  • W'rin - one of Igen's late Weyrleaders - originally appointed her as an Assistant Weyrlingmaster.
  • Kyara was at Keroon's Masquerade Ball along with most of the Weyr when the freak first Threadfall hit. She flew in the initial rotation of Whirlwind's chromatics and came away with a minor scoring (her right thigh and Liareth's right foresail).
  • Competing in her first T-Tourney yielded a win for the greenrider in the Paired Search & Rescue category.
  • Kyara was tapped into Whirlwind when she graduated from weyrlinghood.
  • Upon graduating to Senior weyrlinghood, Kyara was promoted to Wingleader.
  • Kyara was one of the weyrlings presumed dead when part of her class disappeared ::between:: (on purpose, to discredit their oppressive weyrlingstaff) for two sevendays.
  • She likes to stay in shape. While she can be spotted running and swimming, she prefers martial arts to accomplish this.


Rhylar: "My brightest joy and the light to outlast any heartbreak."

Zannen: "I don't know if I would've kept half as much of my sanity after coming forward if you hadn't come along. I'm so proud of you, and I love you and your family so much."


Theme Songs

Hercules by Sara Bareilles - A song that hints at a few less-known reasons for Kyara leaving her time behind. Recognition of her own internal battles can be found in these words, as well as the definition of the sort of person she wants to be.

No Fear of Heights by Katie Melua - A reflection of how Kyara views her old life and her new one with Liareth. Also a statement of her love for her lifemate; no matter how often they may argue about things, Kyara still finds herself nearly overwhelmed by the devotion she and Liareth share at times.


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