Location Igen Weyr
Position Weyrbrat
Birthplace Benden Hold
Played By Johnny Depp
Player Jedibear


An adorable hellion! Sandrian is a sturdy young man who looks slightly rough and tumble if only because of the fact that his sandy brown hair is not kept trimmed short. While it doesn't quite fall past his ears, it is long enough to be a bother! Mahogany brown eyes peek out from beneath sandy bangs that curl so much like his mother's. His face is slim like his father's, and his hands and fingers are long and slender. He is an average height for his age.

Common Knowledge

His mother, Melissandria, was the daughter of Benden's Lord Holder….in the 10th Interval. He has no claim to the hold now.

He has a talent for musical things. Probably both his mother and his father's faults.


Melissandria and Shinell were his parents. They are both now long-dead; they sent their son ahead without them.

Realilina is his pseudo-aunt. He is very fond of her.

A grandson of a now long-dead Holder he may be, but he is just every bit as inclined to stick something squishy in your bed. Although perhaps a bit more politely than other children.


Born to the daughter of Benden's Lord Holder, Sandrian was naturally, a bit spoiled. His mother's only child thus far, she tended to dote on him. It was his father that kept him in line, and when combined with all of the classes he was required to partake of even at a young age, it resulted in…well. A little boy with manners, but who still, above all else, enjoys being a little boy. Shinell encouraged classes from Melissandria's Harper friend Realilina among others; this also ensured that the boy has had quite a bit of exposure to music, poetry, and even painting.

When rumor of the comet reached her, Melissandria reached out to people she knew from her time at the Harper Hall. Learning that the rumors were mostly truth, she did the only logical thing, and investigated further. Not long after, Sandrian found himself at Ista Weyr without his parents, and not much more than some clothes and a child-sized lute.

Now he has found himself at Igen Weyr, and has done as his mother said, and mingled with the children there. With varying levels of success. He is only eight, after all.

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