

There's really nothing about this young man that'll make him stand out amidst the other riffra- er, laborers that drift on the fringes of hold, hall or caravan. Of average height for one his age, that awkward gangly teen stage is thankfully over, though he might yet gain a few inches before he's done growing. At first glance, his appearance borders on unkempt, not quite disheveled, but close. In careless disarray, roughly chopped black hair is cropped short around the ears and back of his head, only to fall across his forehead, irritably tossed - or raked back habitually. His facial features are even, cheek and jawline clean-shaven with a complexion that clearly shouts the majority of his life has been spent neither at sea nor in field. Beneath level brows, his eyes measure the world in with a steady, thoughtful wariness. Are they blue - or is that green? Maybe grey, depending on what shirt he's thrown on that morning, which, by the way, probably needs mending.

Common Knowledge

  • Tal was a drifter in the Black Rock Hold area.
  • He is now a candidate at Southern Weyr.
  • He was searched by K'lir's Bronze Bryntaeroth and Keelie's Brown Gruffith for Nemekhath's and Raxsonath's clutch.
  • Some people have figured out that he was a wildling (probably more than he realizes).

First Impressions

A'idan - Don't think he's getting paid enough to do this.
Clementine - Level-headed and kindhearted. She'd have made an awesome member of my clan.
Halkarie (A'hali) - Big guy. Needs protection.
Jorlen (J'rlen) - Who? Oh…the…non-committal dude that hangs out in the background? Jury's still out on this one…
K'lir - BMOC who I've, for some reason, made unhappy. And HE TOOK MY MAP!!!
Kas (Iska) - Pretty sure she's skinned more than just potatoes before now.
Keelie - There are questions.
Loe - I think she might have a drinking problem? Or she's collecting more than herbs on her forays. Not sure which.
Nedric - Not sure what to think yet; should see a healer for that severe reaction to potatoes.
N'jord - Well-meaning, honest dude with great hair.
Talyla - Need to talk to that one.
Tanjek (T'jek) - Someone shut him up. Please!
Varvara - What planet is she from?


A'hali (Halkarie) - Fellow weyrling. I am his friend, even if he isn't ready to accept that. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't do for the dude. He's a gentle soul that Talobi Clan would readily embrace were she still…intact.
Iska (Kas) - Acquaintance, fellow weyrling. She's made of mystery, but somehow doesn't seem quite so cold.
J'rlen (Jorlen) - Acquaintance, fellow weyrling. I swear, if I hear another word about that dulcimer of his, I'm going to have Tenayth step on it.
Keelie - More than an acquaintance, and there is the common connection of our upbringing, but she's a busy gal and my time is limited.
Talyla - Friend (?), was a fellow candidate, wildling. She gets me. I don't get her or how such a hot-head survived in the wild. Someday one of the weyrcrazies will do something and she'll go nuclear. I'm a bit worried about her - especially since I haven't seen her lately.
T'jek (Tanjek) - Acquaintance, fellow weyrling. One of these days I'm either going to slug his smart-ass face or we're going to be pals. Not sure which yet.

Wildling History (not generally known)"

It's not hard to know what to do - you remember~

…when you're the last of your family clan. So a name dies and a name is reborn. The birthname he had is dead; he has become Talobi.

It's not hard to know what to do - you leave~

…when clans fracture and the leader of them all, someone you trusted to drive out the invaders, instead makes a deal with them. When your only choice is to go somewhere foreign where ice lasts forever, the decision is irrevocable.

It's not hard to know what to do - you compromise~

…when you're 12 turns old and don't find much to eat after striking out on your own. When dragons swoop down to hunt wild ruminants, scare off what small game there is left to be snared and your belly is empty day after day after day.

It's not hard to know what to do - you survive~

…without the clan's protection. And now, at 18 turns, Talobi doesn't look like a wildling - not anymore. He doesn't go by Talobi either. It's Tal. At least in Black Rock Hold, taking small jobs buys shelter and a meager diet. Ask no questions, expect no answers…


At Black Rock Tal tended to stay out of trouble and kept to himself while picking up enough odd jobs to have something to eat: crafting fishing traps, lures and snares, running local deliveries to outlying holds, acting as a hunting guide, that sort of thing. Other wildlings may have encountered him out there. He tended to avoid dragonriders when they came to Black Rock, but that all changed one day during one threadfall.

Out making a delivery when it was least likely to be seen, he stumbled into a wing searching for burrows. The upshot of an encounter that ought to have had him arrested, was that he was searched by Keelie and K'lir for Nemekhath's and Raxsonath's clutch. He he's got his reasons for accepting, but they may or may not involve actually wanting to impress a dragon…

But impress a dragon he did, despite his best effort not to. When Teynath drew near him on the sands, he'd closed his eyes and resisted. But like fighting a mountain, that effort proved to be futile and he walked off the sands with a new name and a new people.

Character T'obi (Tal)
Location Black Rock Hold
Position Weyrling
Craft None
Dragon Bronze Tenayth
Birthplace ?
Played By Dylan Sprayberry
Player Desmaris


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Layout by outcastandcrew for bingo win. <3