Lani's Hot Buttered Rum Gold Rhyath
Hatched at High Reaches Weyr, May 1998
Harper's Tale's 18th PC Clutch
High Reaches Weyr's 1st PC Clutch
Nuff's gold Tiareth and Jh'ral's bronze Rennth
May 10, 1998

Clutchmates: T'vim and bronze Eldiath, K'len and brown Keshalth, Kumiko and brown Zenzorath, L'shil and brown Piccath, S'phen and brown Trebinth, E'ren and green Xeth, Kay and green Verth, H'ot and brown Tamaleth (NPC), F'ral and blue Bellanth (NPC) and Sushi and green Sashimith.

When setting off on an Expisition, be sure to bring Provishuns. Or, at the very least, Cookies!

— Winnie the Nuff.

Landry. Lani. Lalalalani! You charmed us by simply being you. What more is there? Be kind to us High Reaches Folks — We are Riders of Very Little Brain, and just want to have some fun.
Btw, no matter what the dragons say, Nuff did /not/ paint your couch purple. Its a lie I tell. A conspiracy! They're out to get me!

Benden White Egg
Decadence drapes the expansive curves of this egg in a capricious cascade of rippling white and palest wine-chilled gold. The colors flow, liquid and expensive, barely effervescent against the vitreous arch of the leathery shell: aged long, aged well, and with a vivacious glimmer of indulgent amber bubbles.

Hatching Message:
Benden White Egg sprawls, aged shell crackling and spitting into amber shards that dust the sands. Tiareth sparks — attentive — and hovers over this, the largest of her eggs. A spark of gold, the snub-nose of a determined dragonet, and as a darkly purple claw shreds the shell, the tiny queen tumbles to the ground in a sprawl of wings and tail.

Hot Buttered Rum Gold Dragonet
Buttered sunlight broils — bakes — bastes this straggly young dowager in a glossy layer of liquid fire: it distills sharp neckridges and bowed legs into sleekly polished style, darkening with the ruddy rum that riddles capacious sides and stalwart withers into full-fledged battle armor. Such formidable elegance melts at last into the dishevelled comfort of crazy-quilted wingsails, sprawling indistinct shades of fawn and rum from their scythe-sharp spars. Her stature may be diminutive indeed, but devious intent dominates the intoxication of this dragonet's gaze.

Impression Message:
Everyone look right. Everyone look left. Everyone pick the Harper in the middle. But even the little Rum-Buttered Gold Dragonet knows she has to do a bit better than that. Ignoring everything else she matches the Ginger-brown, step for step, and reaches forwards.

Personal Impression Message:
Shadows — silence — senseless: for an immeasurable heartbeat the world that was now is no more, and everything hangs by a single, simple thread. Slowly sensation returns, but it's woven through with a new taste — a new existence — and like the liquid warmth of rum it spreads through all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will be. She rewrites nothing, for no truly metal torc is she, but instead weaves herself into the tapestry of your conciousness until suddenly nothing distiguishes you from her, her from you. » ! « And, after a moment of investigation, » They said you would be here. « Through her echoes the welcome of Dragons, though their humour is as quickly buried beneath the sudden flames of her hunger. » Rhyath is hungry. «"

Name Inspiration

Rhyath. Rye-ath? Ree-ath? Personally I just say Wrath :D I know you wanted something you could pronouce easily, but too bad. We were stuck on finding an R-gold for no good reason but that we wanted to, and the simple ones were all taken. Originally we were working with Rhion-Rhiannon-Riana type inspirations which mean Noble Lady, though I'm not sure that Rhyath is either. *hee* Rhyath // Wrath has interesting connotations and I don't relish seeing her angry, but doubt that would define who she is. Kyleigh admits to coming up with Rhyath when we found that Riath, Ryath, Rianth, and Ryanth were all taken, so there you go.


Rhyath smells like whatever she's been rolling in — flavour of the day. If she has one that's just hers, noone's ever smelt it.


Kaleidescope, the mirrored ones, not the ones with colored gunk in them. Rhyath takes the world and refracts it — sometimes she refines it, sometimes she confuses it, but mostly she just reflects it in pieces and patterns. Her thoughts are like that as well, her touch riddled with punch-drunk colors and reflected light. A prism, of a sort, without any specific color of her own but happy to distill the colors of others. She's rum-flavored, of course, and it'll go from rough raw fire to refined aged scotch as she comes into her own.


As Oph said: Rummy about her Tummy and butter eveyrwhere else. I think mellifluous best describes her hide, though for the life of me I couldn't fit that into the desc and not have it look really pretentious. :P Its a dulcet, rich, liquid butter-gold that skims her tip to tail and manages not to look sloppy. For Landry, Felice Landry, her belly is armor'd in rum-riddled, rum-red gold that sneaks around and about her withers as well, and this could simply become her mature dragon-hide if it suits. Or butter-rum if not. Either way, she's pretty much a solid color eventually, I would think, though born now painted in more distinctive patterns. LIke a fawn with spots, this too may fade. :)
Her wings are the only sloppy part of her, dishevelled and forever getting entangled with each other. The sails are a sort of crazy quilt of fainter gold, and butter gold, and rum gold that isn't ever very distinct and there's a comfort in them not being all polished splendour and stuff. 'Sides, Rhyath's not vain enough to care, one way or the other. She just wishes they were easier to fold up out of the way but is too sloppy to manage it well herself.

Her paws are black, laquer'd black, though if you look really really carefully they're actually that really dark huckleberry purple that everyone just thinks is black but isn't. The rest of her is red-rum polished but mostly just gold. Solidly endlessly gold.


Rhyath relishes splendour — from the endless shifting kaleidescope of her thoughts to her excessive pleasure in oil and any and all physical contact with you she /sprawls/. Her capacity to devour space grows as she does, both in the gestalt and where-ever her physical being happens to be at the moment. Its not really that she's messy or lazy, because she isn't. But like you said, she just likes having things at hand. I mean, why not? If a nice juicy haunch of herdbeast is nearby, it saves you both having to get up and go on down to the pens for a meal, cuz Faranth knows she's not going to go by herself. And if its still alive and kicking about, literally, well so much the better.
If there's a space, Rhyath will fill it. And if there isn't she'll try and make some.
Picture all her clutchmates lined up on a bed. Rhyath would be at one end going »> Move over, Move over. « They'd all move over, and *thud* , Xeth'd fall out. Then she'd start again. » Move over, move over. « They'd all move over and *thud*, there goes Trebinth. » Move over, Move over. « Zen'th, Verth, Piccath and Eldiath, till finally Keshalth is left. — » MOve over, Move over. « He'd move over — *thud* — and, only then, would Rhyath curl up onto her spot and go to sleep — unless of course anyone else came back up. Then she goes back to sprawling so that there's no more room.

Its not that Rhyath's greedy either, because she isn't. She shares and offers and genuinely cares about other dragons, on occasion. People are less interesting for the most part. Just Rhyath likes to see how much of th e world she can lay claim to as hers — not in arrogance or pride — just out of simply curiousity. She'd take over the world if only to toy with it for a few days and then hand it off to one of her friends.
This also means she's a bit of a packrat. The getting is the most fun part, the having is just incidental. »> Well, yes Landry. I might in fact need that old boot with the hole in the toe one day. You never know when you need something to chew on. «< But the things she collects aren't shiny or pretty or even all that interesting — old socks, dust bunnies, empty wineskins. She doesn't even plan on collecting these things, they just appear. Unlike her assorted menagerie of animals — Aminals! I want cats, I want kitties, hug'm into itty bitties… Elmyrath of Pern? Not really, just like you said, having things on hand saves her having to move.

Just look out. When she's proddy she becomes obsessed with clearing things out — old bones, old boots, any of Landry's old bedmates — out out out with the old! This might just mean sweeping everything from weyr to ledge to bowl, or getting some weyrlings to flame things into oblivion for her. If she gets rid of everything, there's room for them big male dragons to come a'courting. But mostly its just that, when proddy, she just wants to go be doing something all the time. Except that's she is also narcolpetic — LEts fly Fly fly fly…zzzz. Kerthud. zzz. Zzz. Zzz.. Proddy she has an hpyerdrive on, or hyperdrive off. There is nothing in the middle.

In general, Rhyath's just not not-Nice, but neither is she effusively overt in her affections towards others, except perhaps her littler clutchmates. Gregarious, yes, outgoing and sometimes loud and sometimes obnoxious, but not too brash or noisy or nosy either. She shares some of Tiareth's cryptic humour — humours? — and has a sort of wry intelligence that is easily lost on others. But she does like to /play/. — Roll, frolic, fly! Especially with others, and with you. Water is good, because she can /sprawl/ and stay buoyant at the same time.

She's just everything Lani needs, though it might not alwyas be easy to get at. And has a few surprises and quirky bits you'll just have to discover all on your own. Watch out for that rum-tum-tummy, it itches. Rhyath's sure it itches more than the rest of you. But that might be because as she gets bigger she likse having you under her. Wrapped up in her wings, torc'd by her tail, enveloped in that buttery-gold hide. » Mine. « All Mine. And in that, is Ours. Yours. Hers. And it is enough.

Rhyath. Simple pleasure in an unsimple world. Mebbie. Gotta watch that glint — that gleam — that devious nefarious mostly hidden spark behind those oh - so - innocent eyes. If I were you, I wouldn't trust her any further than I could throw her. :D

She does like purple though! Ask her! Nuff said so.


Egg: Benden White Egg
Egg Desc: Nuff
Dragonet: Hot Buttered Rum Gold Dragonet
Name: Everyone!
Description: Nuff-Saoirse-Ophelia-O'feri-Sen-Jh'ral-Tiareth
Inspiration: Nuff-Everyone
Puppetteer: Nuff

Last updated: March 20, 2002