OOC Date May 20, 2019
Summary An update from the mines, and local fallout.

After nearly two sevendays of full scale search and rescue operations in Telgar, it was conceded there would be no more survivors found. Among the victims of the disaster were a master, several journeyman, two whers and many non-craft laborers. The loss not just in men, but in knowledge as well will be something the craft will be trying to recover from for some time.

Now that the the miners and smiths have had a chance to evaluate what they can reach of the mines, current theory is that while trying to excavate further into the main firestone vein, they encountered an unexpected gas pocket and a spark caused the explosion. It will take months to fully remove the rubble and rebuild the structural supports, but rebuild they will.

In the meantime, Igen and the other Northern Weyrs that received most of their firestone supply from Telgar are currently scrambling to figure out how long their current firestone supplies can stretch and are their alternate firestone sources they can turn to at other Holds?