==== December 3, 2013
====Amoxena, Katarina
==== Amoxena warms up to Katarina enough to show off some scars and talk firelizards.

Who Amoxena, Katarina
What Amoxena shows off a scar, and her and Katarina talk firelizards.
When Seven months until the 12th Pass
Where Southern Weyr Living Caverns


Living Caverns
Grand and spacious, the cavern curves high aloft in naturally-vaulted ceiling that soothes any sense of claustrophiba. Rich woods line the cavern floor, varnished and stained a rich mahogany, while round tables scatter about candlelit and intimate. The largest table lies southerly next the sideboard, long trestles that seem oriented to providing for the weyr's youngest. The rich blue of Azov can be seen from a distance in good weather, when the heavy stone doors covering the entrance are allowed to stand open.

Katarina finds herself back in the caverns after a fitfull nap. They are even more derted now than they were during her late breakfast this morning. She slinks to the klah pot and pours a cup, wrinkling her nose, someone needs to put out a fresh pot. She shrugs and grabs a few meatrolls before heading to a table and chowing down, one of the rolls given to Holiver as they sit. The little blue visciously rips into the roll, his mind all on food.

Amoxena has also returned to the caverns but this time she's a bit less voracious, and a bit more activity-minded. Settled onto one of the chairs around a small circular table the brat appears to be in the process of whittling the smooth bit of bamboo she appeared with earlier. The large green is settled opulently onto the girl's bunched and fluffed satchel across the table, and it is this green’s gentle trailing of talon-against-wood that alerts Amoxena that someone has settled nearby. The disheveled girl peers over the luxuriously stretching firelizard to see what other flying creature has garnered her green's attentions. Sure enough, Holiver is espied and the food-offering rider directly after. Seeing as Katarina is one of the reasons Mox is currently full, she's neutral, allowing the woman to stay in the close proximity, as she is not deemed a threat.

Katarina looks up and smiles at young Amoxena just as Holiver is finishing up his disembowlment of the meat roll. The young blue licks his maw and claws, cleaning up the last bits before he meanders over and cocks his head, creeling a hello to both the girl's green and the girl herself. Katarina watches her blue with interest, she clears her throat and lowers her half eaten roll to her plate. She methodically chews and swallows before wiping the remnants from her face. "Did ye get enough ta eat earlier youngling?" She asks, trying to be friendly.

Amoxena is whittling, whittling, whittl—dark eyes edge upwards at the verbose little creature as she pauses in her task. Her gaze oscillates towards Tart, which allows a pause to settle between the two. Amoxena has never seen such a friendly firelizard, and it comes as a rather unnatural encounter. She gets a taciturn response from her own half-dozing green, who merely rolls onto her side and straightens one wing in a sumptuous stretch. "Does it…" Amoxena pauses as she looks over at the rider then back at Holiver, "want something?" Tart resettles her wing and concedes one slow, ambivalently eddying eye to the smaller blue. As for whether or not Mox ate enough, the question seems irrelevant to the girl. She has more important things to address, like what this cheerful little cobalt conundrum might be after.

Katarina lets out a soft chuckle at the young one's question. "/He/ is simply bein' frien'ly. Holiver likes children." She sips some klah and looks at the young child, noting for the first time, how wild the child is in appearance. "Kin I ask what ye're carvin' out o' tha' wee bit o' bamboo?" She quirks a questioning brow as Holiver inches closer, sniffing at the girl in curiousity and just an outright need to know if he is going to get pet, or shooed away.

Amoxena doesn't exactly pet things, firelizards or otherwise. The small blue is the recipient of a lingering stare and with little else to show for her unexpected admirer, Mox reveals her slightly lumpy creation to both rider and firelizard. The bamboo is being etched along the sides, shallow divots and tiny pinholes marking a crafty pattern of shapes that allow for a clunky if moderately pretty design. "It's going to be a cup, a small one, light, so I can take it into the jungle with me." She shrugs, not particularly attached to the work, even though she's obviously putting in the time to make it as ornate as her unskilled knife work will allow. While this is going on, Tart utters a low, unfriendly and deep-throated growl at Holiver. Mox is hers. HERS. Mox, on the other hand, waves a mollifying hand at the now snout-forward, tensely lumped green. "Shut up, Tart. He's not going to do anything. I have a knife."

Katarina raises a brow. "A cup eh? Ye like adventurin' in th' jungle then youngling?" She asks? And for the first time in the young Blue's short life, he lets out a hiss and meanders back to his owner. Well, if they won't be friendly….Katarina strokes her young blue, soothing his hurt feelings and pondering the knife in the girl's hand. She lets the thinly veiled threat to her flizzen fade, as such things from children are generally bluffs anyhow.

Amoxena looks a little irritated with Tart as the small blue slinks away. "Adventuring?" Mox asks perplexed, before she chews a bit on the word, trying to get a grasp on the implication. It takes a moment, but the uneducated child gives a bark of laughter as she gleans the meaning. "No, I go into the jungle to get stuff for the healers." Because a little stowed away allowance for a job well done is something she learned running errands for black market vendors at Igen. It pays to have the means for a plan B. "Where did you get him?" She indicates Holiver with the tip of her knife, a rather bold gesture considering her previous statement, but her expression denotes only curiosity and her knife is back to the bamboo in short order.

Katarina idly scritches at Holiver as she thinks on what to say to Mox. "Aye, guess we all 'ave ta do our part." As she's working her way down Hol's neckridges and back, Amoxena asks her about the blue in question. Katarina smiles fondly at her little companion and he chirrups back at her. "I go' lucky wi' this lil one in th' jungle 'ere. 'is egg hatched righ' next ta my head when I lay down fer a nap." She grins. "Where did ye get yers?"

Amoxena looks surprised, a little impressed, but mostly suspicious as Katarina relays her story. "What about the dam? Was she gone? Green you think?" She muses a bit, and then goes into her own account. "I also found mine in the jungle, or just outside the jungle on one of the beaches." Her glance softens as it moves toward the conked out Tart. "The nest was in a little lump of sand and debris, I had to wait a couple days before I saw the wild ones begin to show up and sing." The girl pauses to roll back one sleeve, revealing a half-inch scar, lightly puckered and questionably healed. "I got this from the dam, she was gold. She tore me when I made a grab at two of the eggs. I got them both but one fell while I ran." She doesn't go into detail about what the fall may have done to the hatchling inside. "Anyway, got into the brush and hid there until dam went back for the rest. I thought for sure I grabbed a gold, the egg was so big." Mox chuckles as a large inhale and snooze-wheezy exhale escapes the immense green on the table. "Turns out, it was her." Her being the behemoth of a green breathing more shallowly, a clear sign that she's playing possum and is actually somewhat awake. After all, who doesn't like hearing their own story?

Katarina chuckles. "I've no clue where th' dam was." She points at Holiver. "Th' egg was by itself." She looks fondly down at her little blue, caressing him as he thrums his contentment. She finishes off her klah and pushes the mug away. She listens to the story of Tart, paying close attention to the little one's story. "Ahh, I see it's no' on'y dragons tha' can maim us eh?" She smiles. "That's a good battle wound there youngling. Be gla' twas on'y a 'lizard tha' did tha' to ye." She chuckles. "My brown gave me a long scar on me leg when I impressed."

Amoxena tries to imagine the sort of violence that might come with the hatching of a dragonet, but just can't quite wrap her brain around it. The truth is, although she sees dragons on a fairly regular basis, they seem a creature so far removed from her daily experiences that having any sort of interaction with them would be as unlikely as stumbling upon a hundred marks out in the jungle. It's just unfathomable, and she's not a terribly imaginative child. "It is, yeah?" She says with ill concealed pride as she twists her arm up and about in order to peer at the still blushing scar. Scrapes and scars are things she carries with delight; it's the only thing that impresses the older kids with whom she has to bump into on occasion.

Amoxena tries to imagine the sort of violence that might come with the hatching of a dragonet, but just can't quite wrap her brain around it. The truth is, although she sees dragons on a fairly regular basis, they seem a creature so far removed from her daily experiences that having any sort of interaction with them would be as unlikely as stumbling upon a hundred marks out in the jungle. It's just unfathomable, and she's not a terribly imaginative child. "It is, yeah?" She says with ill concealed pride as she twists her arm up and about in order to peer at the still blushing scar. Scrapes and scars are things she carries with delight; it's the only thing that impresses the older kids with whom she has to bump into on occasion.

Katarina chuckles at the girl's pride in her scars. "Indeed it is." She sighs and just as she is about to say something else, well, a young man comes bolting into the caverns to Katarina's side. A whispered order in her ear, and the brownriider is up and scooping up her now indignant blue 'lizard. "Please excuse me youngling, bu' I am needed elsewhere." And with that, she is out of the hall as quickly as she can go.

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