==== November 8, 2013
==== O'ell
==== What he's thinking at home after he gets 'the news'

Who O'ell
What What he's thinking at home after he gets 'the news'
When There are 0 turns, 9 months and 7 days until the 12th pass.
Where O'ell and Jafyth's Weyr



Cheyenne Mountain Complex
Mostly on the spartan side, this bronze-sized home has the basics. Just like every other place. The only thing really different? Drawings up on the wall that have obviously been done with a child's hand.

The wooden table. Chipped, scarred, plain. It doesn't wobble when the new bottle is pressed hard down against it's surface. And doesn't waver when the glass is put down, waiting for dark liquid to be poured inside.

But the rider whom it belongs to - oh, the rider. With his hair nearly greyed too early for his years. He wobbles when he slumps down into his chair. His eyes linger over the sparse trimmings of his new home. Barely a thing there to make it personal save for the child-like drawings that have been dutifully stuck to smooth stone walls.

And one of them he holds in front of him, the glass lifting to his lips to knock back the contents in one fell swoop. "Shit." Up here all alone there's not a person there to hear the epithet. Well, none except the bronze dragon that takes up near half the dwelling anyhow.

And it's the dragon who sniffs disdainfully. « You dwell too much on the past. This mother will be fine. »

"Drawing on all your years of experience of a healer, are you?" Not even for the lifemate of nearly a quarter of a century does O'ell tamp down the sarcasm.

« I am as much a healer as you are, of course. » Suck on -that-, rider. The steadfast support of a mountain's base follows the chiding censure. « Calm. » is urged, a warm and gentle meadow breeze whisking away the last vestiges of anxious frost. « Bryn will enjoy a sibling. »

There's a long sigh that escapes as the shot hits it's mark. The oblique reminder. "Yes. Yes she will." he agrees, rubbing the rim of the glass with his thumb while he thinks.

Both rider and dragon fall into a decades old pattern of silence then. One brooding and thinking. The other just waiting there; being the foundation of all things. Calm, Knowing. Patient.

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