
Doji, Ha'ze


Doji's stopping by the infirmary with a headcold and Ha'ze tries to be helpful. Maybe.


It is evening of the sixteenth day of the ninth month of the twelfth turn of the 12th pass.


Igen Weyr - Infirmary

OOC Date 14 Dec 2017 06:00



"If that is what the healers are giving you then you might check their knot."


The Infirmary

From the astringent smell of redwort, to the gleam of counter and cabinet, this place positively defines the concept of antiseptic cleanliness. Despite the yawning exit to the Dragonhealer Courtyard, the floors remain scrupulously swept of sand and particulate matter. Back behind the counter where the healers usually are, are shelves full of bottles and jars, as well as cupboards hiding away more delicate items that shouldn't be exposed to too much sand. Beyond the counter, there is the Desk, where patients are checked in and taken to one of the examination areas by a healer. The windows are usually kept open for the flow of air, but there is both shutters to shut out dust storms, and curtains for other occasions.

As surely as the changing of the seasons, there comes a steady trickle of folks into the infirmary. Sure, there's the normal injuries and sick babies, but in addition to that, there's an notable increase in those with some serious case of the sniffles. This evening, Doji happens to be one of those poor, sniffly souls. The brownrider's nose is nearly as red as her hair as she sits patiently waiting her turn to be seen. Every so often there will be a nice big SNIFF and some blinking as her eyes water.

The problem with bring on the injured role is that healers are all like, 'so check in with us regularly', and get super annoying if you don't. So Ha'ze strolls in about an hour before he should - upside is getting to flirt with cute healers. Today, alas, they are busy. Only Doji. "Hard break there lass."

Excuse Doji for not answering immediately. She's much more concerned with taking care of that runny nose with her handkerchief, however temporarily that care might be. The sniffles always come back. She's actually too tired to blush much at the moment and just gives a bleary "Bleh…." Followed with some more sniffling and blinking. "Yeah. I just need some mustard but I was out." So for now she waits, slumped down in her miserableness.

"…. Mustard. Lass, are you… why would you do mustard?" The older scarface man seems completely mystified on this point. "You sound like bed rest and a sea side vacation. You look like complete shit." Just in case Doji wasn't feeling horrible enough atm. Just throw in judgemental statements from complete strangers.

Looking like complete shit might not be an official medical diagnosis, but it's considering she feels like ten times worse than that, she's not in the mood to object too much. Just sniffle a little bit more. "Mustard. You make a… a…." Seems the cold's got her brains all kerfuffled and hiding words for simple facts, but a few seconds she snaps her fingers. "Compress. You make a compress. And it helps." Don't ask her how at the moment. That would take longer than she can manage at the moment.

"If that is what the healers are giving you then you might check their knot." Ha'ze does not believe this thing is a real thing even for a second. "Plus, can't you get that from the kitchen?" Ha'ze folds his arms and leans a shoulder against the wall. Talking to Doji is CLEARLY the most interesting thing around.

"Not that kinda mustard," Even super sniffly and miserable Doji can summon up the energy to give an exasperated sigh at that, shaking her head slowly. If she shakes her head too much it might have drastic consequences like rivers of snot or something. "There's a black mustard seed. And it works." She had her own healer's knot not too long ago after.

Ha'ze opens his mouth then gets a listening look which ends with a shaking head. "Now you have done it." The it gets explained as joyful flute music reaches out to wrap around Raktraeth's mind, bringing with it the faded glory of Autumn splendor with it. « What is this mustard seed? » The older bronze is clearly curious, though he sounds little bit like he just woke up from a nap and might return there soon too.

Doji tilts her head just the tiniest amount as what exactly she's done she has no idea. As for the dragonside of things, there's a stirring in the fallen pine needles of the forest floor as small critters scurry making their preparations for winter ahead. As for the larger ones… they may also have been napping. Raktraeth certainly was, but he'll stir enough to sort through some of that encyclopedic herbal knowledge his rider has and share an image with the older dragon. « Medicine, that's good for colds. And apparently can also be used as a spice as well… » Ignore him as he's going to like his chops a little as his thoughts stray away from medicine and more towards the possiblity of roasted herdbeast with a crust of mustard seed.

« Hum. » Apparently Raktraeth's answer was not sufficient because Kaisylaith is just going to reach out to Doji personally. « How is it cultivated? And where? » Ha'ze rolls his eyes and smirks. "That would be by Kaisylaith. You managed to catch him awake for a bit."

Even with the months of practically living with Dhazkyth during weyrlinghood, Doji still startles a little at the foreign voice reaching out to her, but she shrugs it off like a champ. At least there's no unicorns doing unspeakable things this time. "They're grown in the mountains of uh…." She's got to take moment to think about it but then perks up a bit when the answer does come. "Lemos. In Lemos. It needs forests. I think."

Nope! Kaisylaith's voice is as gentle as one could wish, underlaid as it is with cheerful flute and floating upon warm canyon born winds. « Lemos… hum. » Ha'ze rolls his eyes. "Thirty one turns and you would assume the passion would die eventually. Ah, well. I have the time." Spoken ardently.

Doji raises an eyebrow ever so slightly at the older rider. "Sir?" Cause half sided conversations don't really make much sense even under the best of circumstances. And definitely not when one feels like your face might literally be melting. Eventually Doji will be seen by one of those healers. It's only a matter of time. « Lemos. » Raktraeth will respond in the affirmative. And since food was brought up ever how roundaboutedly and somebody is too occupied to tell him no, this particular brown is going to sneak off to find his third herdbeast for the seven.

"Hum?" Ha'ze glances at the (literally!) snot nosed youngster. "Lemos. Apparently we will be going there once Kai gets up the energy. As we are still on the injured list," a gesture at his face though those scars are clearly old, "We have time."

HEY! Doji's at least trying her best to keep her nose snot free. The handkerchief however is totally and irredeemably snotty. It should probably be burned after this cold has passed or something. "Oh. Lemos is nice. It's got trees there." And she should know considering how often Raktraeth decides on taking a tour of All the Trees of Pern. The injured list gets a not at all sneaky once-over glance from the girl to the older man, searching for any visible injury.

"Yes, most places have some kind of trees." Ha'ze is being kind to the young woman. The look gets noted and Ha'ze straightens up, "If you want I could take my shirt off too."

Doji is still a teenager and she'll demonstrate those superior teenage eyerolling skills right now cause even if he's being kind, it sounds super sarcastic. "That's not what I meant…" Although the second offer will have her coughing slightly and scooting further down the bench as her face grows even redder than it was from the stupid cold. "And that's definitely not what I meant."

"So you weren't looking for something in particular?" Ha'ze shouldn't tease women he doesn't know, but, y'know WHAT IS THE FUN IN THAT? "Your mama never taught you the ways of the world lass?"

"I… my.. noooo… uuuuuuughhh!" Doji will just give up on even trying to come up with a retort to that and flail her hands a bit. Her eyes are just going to be darting around towards those healers in the back. Surely one of her former journeymen will have some pity on her soon. And rescue her from Ha'ze her cold.

Ha'ze will actually be concerned now, "You look about… twenty and no one has told you about….?" Clearly Ha'ze needs to do the fatherly thing here. He is about to sit down when a healer calls out his name. A glance over his shoulder and he aborts his sit. "Ask your healer lass. A sharding shame you would waste your best years…" Headshake and Ha'ze will be gonnnnneeeee.

Mortification wasn't what Doji was expecting when she came in to the infirmary to get a simple bit of medicine for her sniffles, but that's totally what she's getting. When Ha'ze appears to launch into a talk of the Vtols and the Avians… she appears to be debating to bolt, but then the healers finally get their act together and names are called. She'll let out a sigh of relief as first he leaves (and that conversation ends) and then shortly afterwards she will be seen. And plenty of mustard seed paste to last the next week or so. Hopefully longer than the sniffles might last.

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