
Niyati, N'tael, Prymelia


Niyati, N’tael and Prymelia introduce their young lifemates to the wonders of the beach. One is disdainful, one is disappointed and one is unsure.


It is midmorning of the twenty-second day of the fourth month of the second turn of the 12th pass.


Southern Weyr, Beach

OOC Date


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An eerie mirror, the glass-quiet Sea of Azov: the clear waters stretch along the dark-pebbled shores, and along this narrow beach. Here the faintest lap of waves belies the calm beyond; here the rocks have been ground down into finest, softest sand - those observant would mark upon the similarity between it and the sands of the hatching grounds. The soft sand soaks up summer sunlight as a sponge; painfully hot during the warmer months, it is only truly pleasant at wintertime. Rocks rise to east and west, lichen-limned and green against the abyssal darkness of stone.

A break in what seems like never ending days of rain requires some kind of celebration. Perhaps that is why one of the youngest of the weyrlings has decided that TODAY is the day in which he will introduce his bronze lifemate to the love of his life- the ocean. It took no little convincing (and a concerted EFFORT not to drop his g's) to get the bronze to stir himself away from training. That is perhaps why N'tael is running full tilt towards the sandy beach while Tlazotezath follows at a much more measured pace behind, each footfall carefully placed, especially when he reaches the shifting sands, so that no misstep can occur. "Come on Tlaz!" N'tael turns and runs backwards, continuing to beckon the bronze.

The moment Issaeryth had caught wind of Tlazotezath’s destination, she had begged Prymelia to be allowed to go too. With shorter legs than the bronze, it takes the sturdy little green longer to get there with her rider-to-be patiently ambling along beside her answering the many, many questions being asked. “It’s flatter than your dunes.” The redhead can be heard to be saying, “and the sea is so vast that you cannot see to its other end. And it moves.” That earns her a startled look from Issaeryth who pauses the moment the expansive lake of blue comes into view. Faceted eyes stare and stare and stare some more until with a soft laugh Prymelia nudges the green’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s go take a closer look shall we?” As N’tael goes streaking by a sunny laugh breaks free but she doesn’t chase after him, instead she takes a pause to remove her boots and socks and roll the hems of her pants up to just below the knee.

Niyati has gotten tired of puddles. Fortunately, Kaiyth has lost her fascination with them as well. Thus the Weyrling has decided it's time for the beach! "Don't go too far into the water." At least she's dressed for the surroundings because the little green does what all young do when told to restrain themselves and splashes right on in. Within seconds, however, she's splashing right on out.

Tlazotezath doesn't seem to even notice the pair of greens that have ventured outwards with them also, his full attention focused on N'tael and the water he is heading for. Despite N'tael's encouragement he continues his slow and steady procession forward every footfall judged before it is made. Only when Kaiyth enters the water does his gaze finally shift away from blond haired teen to watch from afar and perhaps listen if the green should share her experience. N'tael notes this change in attention and trots back from the edge of the water. "See, it ain't hurtin'…," some warning rolls off the bronze and N'tael swiftly backtracks on his words, "ain't doin' nothin' t' her. So there ain't no problem with ye goin' 'n too."

<Local> Issaeryth senses that: There's a burst of firey dissatisfaction that cools into shades of moonlight grass. «It needs to move. This water is too still.» (Kaiyth)

Boots tied together by the laces with socks stuffed into them and slung over her shoulder, Prymelia leads the way beckoning with a flicker of fingers for Issaeryth to follow her. Hesitating a few moments longer, the little lady finally ventures forth uttering a chuff of surprise when her paws sink into the softness of the sand. Leaving the green to make her way down to the water in her own time, Prymelia’s attention falls to Kaiyth’s antics, laughing when the little green charges right back out again. “Is it too cold for her?” To N’tael her gaze drifts next as she wades ankle deep into the lapping water, a curious expression in place. “What does he think the water will do to him?”

Niyati chuckles. "She says it's too still, but I think she likes the sand." The little bronze is given her attention, smile still on her face. "Does he think it'll cool him?" N'tael is given an amused look. "I imagined he'd be straight for it. … Kaiyth!" The latter is exclaimed as the little green makes her way along the water's edge. "No wandering. We'll visit the river next time. You'll like that."

N'tael reaches up and runs a hand through blond hair, taking, for the moment, his argument with Tlazotezath silent between the pair. Finally he breaks away. "Fine, ye jus' be stayin' here then. I'll show ye it ain't nothin' t' be wary of." Tlazotezath settles himself upon the sand, wings spreading just slightly as N'tael turns back to the sea. Both women get cheery grins, as if no argument had taken place. "He just don't know nothin' 'bout it yet. 'm sure he'll be likin' it once he got experience." His footfalls take him right to the edge of the water before he pauses, and begins to strip off boots, pants, shirt leaving just the Pernish excuse for boxers on. Clothing tossed aside he begins to wade into the water. "What does Issaeryth 'n Kaiyth be thinkin?"

“Too still?” Elegantly sketched brows arch upwards in amusement for Niyati’s reply. “What…did she expect it to do?” Asked while Issaeryth makes her way ever closer to the water’s edge with the measured aplomb of a true lady. That is until she gets a whiff of the direction Kaiyth is trundling off in. Adjusting her path, off bustles Issaeryth after her clutch sibling keeping to the damp sand so that she’s not yet touched the water. Catching a rush of movement from the corner of her eye Prymelia is just in time to see N’tael casting off the last of his outer clothing and dashing into the water. “I swear that one’s half fish.” She comments though does so sending the younger bronze weyrling a fond look. As for what her lifemate thinks of the ocean a wry smile appears. “She says she’s not sure a puddle should be allowed to get this big.”

Niyati gives a long suffering sigh. "Well, so much for a swim…" She gives a stern glance her lifemate before shrugging helplessly. "She says she can't believe my 'big surprise' was a huge puddle and she'd rather have moving water if no one else minds." Prymelia's question earns an amused look. "I think she expected it to be in motion under the surface. After all, the puddles show motion when it rains." A glance goes between her fellow weyrlings and she appears thoughtful for a moment. "You know, we're to be working with straps, which means sewing. Maybe we can get some time for proper swimwear. I didn't send everything to the hold, there should be enough for a few sets of swim clothes."

Swim clothes? N'tael probably has never owned such things, preferring to jump in naked or just in proper clothing. A few steps into the water bring N'tael to deeper water and he dives downwards disappearing completely under the surf. A particular tenseness overcomes the stand-offish bronze as thoughts of searing heat explode outwards, a wordless reprimand that the bronze doesn't bother to keep between himself and N'tael. Several feet further from the edge of the water N'tael pops back into view, twisting around to look at the bronze with no lack of exasperation. "'s jus' water 'n I can swim! 's not…" Tlazotezath quiets his voice and settles again till N'tael sighs. "Fine." Back towards the shore the weyrling comes to pick up the conversation of the other two. "Ye could tell 'er 's movin', but ye gotta be feelin' it with ye skin," a glance over at the pair of greens, "'r hide."

Watching as Issaeryth trundles along beside Kaiyth eyeing the ocean at regular intervals, Prymelia laughs and then fits Niyati with a curious look. “She thinks about stuff like that?” Thoughtful her expression for a moment and then she blinks when her green abruptly comes to a halt and swings a look onto Tlazotezath. Nothing is said for the look does it all even although it probably doesn’t even register on the bronze’s radar. Quickly, the redhead searches out N’tael’s form emerging from the water, glances back to the bronze and then with an oddly amused look fits Niyati with a warm smile. “That would be lovely.” She says to swimming clothes. “But not one of those affairs that looks like underwear, aye?” A bikini is outside of the Nowtimer woman’s realm of comfort when in public. “Maybe a sort of halter top and skirt type of thing?” As for the tide and currents touched on by N’tael he earns a chuckle. “I think it might be a while before Issa decides its safe enough to go in and take a quick paddle.”

Niyati gestures toward her dragon. "I've tried. She wants to see it move." The little green turns to glance back at her bronze brother and exudes a calm so still it presents itself as a mirror made of water. «Perhaps he fears the water?» There's a moment of chastisement in the Weyrling's face before she glances out to catch sight of N'tael. "Is he afraid you'll be overtaken by the water?" To Prymelia, she nods. "I did something of the sort for Sabina. She wanted one that was a singular garment." She wags a finger, though her expression remains amused. "We'll never change minds as long as we conform! …but I do have something already patterned that matches that description and they only take a few evenings to finish."

Fear? Tlazotezath treats the idea with the utter distain that it calls for, as he drops a very large boulder into the stillness of the water. N'tael shrugs his shoulder a bit. "Nah. Jus' says it ain't proper t' be swimmin'. Mayhap if I show him some've 'e bigger 'uns doin' it…" For a second N'tael drifts off into his own throughts before snapping back to the moment. "Ye know, 's always movin' out by 'e docks, 'r durin' 'e storms. Ye could be bringin' 'er back then." N'tael begins to gather up all of his discarded clothing, but since he's wet doesn't actually start to put it all on. Rather he drifts back to where the pair of women talk casting longing looks backwards at the ocean.

Dryly amused is the pattern of pretty lips for the teasing chastisement that comes from Niyati. “Mmm. I disagree. A woman needs to keep a little bit of mystery. Leave a little something to the imagination otherwise we may as well all just walk around naked.” Come to Southern, Pern’s first nudist colony Weyr. Issaeryth catches that comment from Kaiyth as does she the disdain running off of their bronze brother. A flick of tail inadvertently sends a scattering of water in Tlazotezath’s direction that maybe arcs toward Kaiyth at the same time. Whups? “I plan on getting Issa into the water by telling her what good exercise it is.” Prymelia says of her green’s current reticence. “Say, did either of you take notes about the firestone grading? Issa…ate mine.”

Did Kaiyth just stick a tongue o ut at Tlazotezath? She looks so innocent now that it might not have happened. In fact, the little green has changed her course and is now making for the water once again before looking back at the little bronze triumphantly. One can almost hear the 'neener'. At least until she's splashed. Niyati can only shake her head before chuckling at Prymelia. "Well of course we couldn't. What would we do for fashion?" N'tael earns a concerned look but she hides it quickly. "Well, we shouldn't deprive ourselves of the water." The question of notes earns a rather embarassed expression. "I… might have drawn around mine… They may be readable still…"

Tlazotezath has NO INTENTION of getting splashed. When that arch of water comes towards him he scoots gracefully backwards and levels a baleful look at the pair of greens. The rush of burning sand and heat strip the land bare of anything which stood living, leaving the debris of dead plant and bone behind as his reply to their taunting. They can think what they will he knows better- so there. The concerned looks are missed as N'tael simply shrugs his shoulders slightly, and pick at those underpants of his a bit as they stick to his skin. "Ye can have mind if'n ye can be readin 'em ma'am." He's gotten BETTER but… still not the best handwriting.

Whether Issa’s ‘accidental’ splash reaches its intended target or not is incidental to the intent behind it of, ‘Lighten up already!’ That blast of heat and burning sand finds the celadon green opening her maw in the physical to drop a big, fat yawn. Boooring! To Tlazotezath’s disdainful reprisal she sends up a wall of sand that encloses the precious oasis deep in the heart of her deserts and she turns her attention instead to her green sister. « Maybe if we stomp it, like the puddles, it will move? » And a step closer is taken to the water’s edge that her tail had just swept through. On the human side of things, Prymelia lends N’tael a warm smile. “I think I remember most of it, so if I could borrow your notes that would help me put together a new set for myself.” Niyati’s confession earns her a laugh. “Please tell me you were drawing something interesting.”

Niyati grins. "I'll show you later if you promise not to tell the model." She winks before glancing over at N'tael. "I'm sure if he sees some of the older dragons swimming…" As her own dragon is doing now, to a point. It's mostly splashing while using her wings to spray water out around her. "Well, I'm going to go out and try to teach Kaiyth to swim. It will make baths SO much easier if we can just come out here."

"I'll put 'em 'n ye couch." N'tael promises, watching as Niyati moves off towards the ocean. "Tlazotezath's gettin' grumpy again, I'm gonna take 'im back t' 'e barracks." That declaration is made as Tlazotezath is drawing himself to his feet and is already heading back towards the weyr, having not needed Nate's permission for the excursion to be over. Issa's attempt to get him to lighten up having completely fallen flat. "I'll see ye!" A cheerful enough wave before N'tael breaks in to a run to fall in along side Tlaz.

Issaeryth follows Kaiyth’s outward path but doesn’t herself follow. Not yet. For now, she’s quite content to remain beach side dipping the very tip of her tail every so often into the vast puddle that stretches out before her. “Thanks, N’tael. I’ll get them back to you as soon as I can.” Prymelia sends after him with a warm smile and a lift of hand in farewell as he scampers off. As for Niyati’s reply with regards to her doodling over her notes, the redhead sends her a sly grin. “Tea and biscuits later tonight? We uh, we can go over a few designs.” Settling herself further back up the beach, the redhead will linger for a little longer watching Niyati trying to coax her Kaiyth into swimming before heading back to copy notes. All in all, not a bad first day at the beach.

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