
Osarlio, Ryott, Talya


Some people should not be watching weyrbrats, and Talya finds herself in the playroom after picking up an escaped weyrbrat and punishing the babysitter with a candidate knot.


It is evening of the tenth day of the sixth month of the sixteenth turn of the 12th pass.



OOC Date 07 Mar 2019 07:00


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"Wait, really? COOL. I can change my name to Weyrwoman!"



A durable room, this place, painted with bright colors with whimiscal scrawlings done along the walls. Childrens toys are EVERYWHERE — and so are children, with nannies both frantic and adoring chasing after them. It is, in a word, mayhem.

The Playroom has descended into chaos. Utter, and complete chaos. Who keeps letting Osarlio be in charge of the kids? The good news is that they all seem to be well-entertained and no one is visibly wounded, but there is paint everywhere. Osarlio is absolutely covered in it, his clothes marked up all over by childish handprints, while his face is a garish mask of youthful artistry. They've pinned him to the ground and are using him as furniture, which makes it nearly impossible for the man to keep track of anything more than those children immediately near him. The rest are free to do as they will! Which may or may not include escaping and decorating the caverns in equal amounts of paint.

Who thought it was a good idea to unleash Ryott on the impressionable youth of the Weyr? Someone must have, because the white-knotted Igenite is there…snuck in while Osarlio was being paint-attacked, and possibly let out a couple of paint covered kids out in her wake, totally unintentionally. Standing with a subtle brood on her features, she's sticking near the door with a look of subtle horror on her features. So many brats… Ryott hardly got along with kids her own age, let alone any younger than her. So she stands, back to the wall, totally on the defensive, as one kid wanders closer and she gently shoos at it with little flicks of her fingers, "No look, he wants to play with you. I was just told to watch you all." And she's taking that job very literally.

Escaped children in the caverns definitely is something to raise an alarm! Thankfully only one seems to have been smart enough to get far enough out of the playroom to be caught up by a brownrider. The red-handed culprit of painting the hallway outside comes running into the playroom again as if he was followed by a pack of rabid felines. "Yeah, kid, you better hide! Not going to be my problem when they decide to feed you to those hungry queens on the Sands. How else do you think they get fed??" This loud voice comes from Talya as she stomps after him, freshly laundered clothes covered in handprints. The kid is laughing madly at least, so he must know she's joking. Right? Either that or he has a death wish. "Who the fuc— er, who's in charge of the kids today?" She calls out among the chaos, raising her voice to hopefully be heard and settle some of the noise.

Osarlio can't see Ryott from his vantage point on the floor, but he does faintly hear another voice that doesn't sound like a child's, shortly followed up by another voice that's much louder and definitely not a kid's. "Well I think someone else was," he says, his voice a little strained because there are multiple children shoving at each other for the right to sit on his chest and it's doing some funny things to his lungs, "but then maybe they left? I've been watching them really good, though!" Except that one who escaped. And maybe a couple of others. Also, there's still paint EVERYWHERE, so maybe someone needs to tighten up the definition of being "in charge."

Snickering under her breath at Talya's almost slip up with the curse word, Ryott puts her hands up with as innocent look as she can muster. "I was just told to come and watch them…..ma'am…" she'll tack on that last almost as an afterthought as she spies the woman's rider knot. Osarlio is watched as she becomes human furniture for the ankle-biters, and the teen makes no move to leave her spot even though a small gang of kids start to approach her. Dark glares are shot discouragingly at them, but they just…keep…coming.

Talya first seems to notice Osarlio, maybe because she had to do a double-take when she realized he was a full grown man that was just covered in children sitting on or playing around him. "Apparently we have different definitions of what 'really good' means… but looks like the jungle in here." Her dark eyes slowly travel the room, taking in the painted destruction, then lands finally on Ryott. Her brows raise up quickly. "Oh sure, can't fault you on watching them, obviously you're doing that." That is definitely sarcasm in her voice, and her hands go to her hips. "The caverns are being overrun with candidates and this is all they could spare?" She makes a vague gesture at all of Ryott, and then looks back to Osarlio. "How many kids did you have to start?"

"Doesn't it always look like this?" Osarlio sort of strains his neck to try to look around, genuinely bewildered. There's a pretty good chance that the man is never fully aware of his surroundings. Every shift in his facial expression makes the strange, garish paint designs covering his face look even more ridiculous. "Uhhh…" There's a long, long pause. Is he counting? Maybe he fell asleep or passed out from lack of oxygen. Finally, there's a gesture that's probably supposed to be a shrug. "I had a lot. But there's still a lot, so that seems right." He finally manages to catch a glimpse of Ryott, called out, "Hey, I know you!"

"What?" Ryott asks at Talya's sarcasm, her blank stare not quite innocent, but at least feigning ignorance, not at all taking offense when the brownrider bemoans the choice of candidate for the job. "Well, maybe you should complain, demand they get someone here who actually knows what they are doing." And relieve Ryott from the misery that are the children zeroing in on her. In a last ditch, hail mary play, the girl picks up a stuffed animal that is conveniently by her feet and tosses it in the opposite direction. "There, go get it."

Talya stares long and hard at Osarlio, maybe trying to see what kind of designs exactly the kids left on his face. She does not comment on it, however, and instead looks around at all the kiddos again. "Someone is going to be pissed about all this. And I thought I was bad at watching kids, but both of you are certainly worst." There it is, the twitch at her lips, the smirk playing there, a brief gleeful expression at the thought of watching others getting in trouble that isn't her… Talya may want to observe this at a safe distance. The face is quick to fade, watching into the room and trying to actually count the kids. "Alright, settle down, or I'll personally make sure none of you get to watch those eggs hatch!" Baby dragons hatching is always something everyone enjoys, right? It certainly settles some of the older ones down. "You!" Again, pointing to Osarlio. "What're you going to do about this paint on my clothes? My dragon's not going to like this." She frowns deeply at him, angry on behalf of her clothes.

"YOU, TREE GIRL." Osarlio goes for the tried and true practice of raising his voice when he fails to get a response out of Ryott. But his ever-shifting attention drifts back to Talya, and then the kids who are try to squish him, and then Talya again, and then, "Hey, was that there earlier?" There's part of a sandwich sitting on a table, and he's pretty sure he didn't put it there. "I call dibs!" He misses the critique of his child-wrangling skills entirely, only looking back at Talya when he realizes that she's asking him a question. "Huh?" is the eloquent response. Then, "I think it looks cool. Why wouldn't your dragon like it? It's art. People call all kinds of weird stuff art, trust me." The lightbulb goes on. "Heeey, maybe that sandwich is art!"

Well that gets Ryott's attention as her gaze falls back to the man on the floor, an eyebrow raising in question as if she'd just seen him there, "Oh hey, didn't recgonize you down there." she offers him a wiggle of her fingers in greeting before giving Talya a sidelong look. "Oh no…maybe they will forbid me from working with them in the future…" Ryott responds in a deadpan way, not at all concerned by the looks of it. As the rider and….well whatever Osarlio is, seem to get into it, the teen slips towards the door mumbling something under her breath about finding someone responsible. Retreat!

Talya opens her mouth, unsure what to say she closes it again. She isn't sure what to make of Osarlio. She gives Ryott a look that clearly says, 'How is this guy even alive'? "Tura is definitely not going to buy that excuse." She narrows her eyes at the man. "I sound like a crotchety old rider, but that dragon of mine is going to drive me insane because of this." She runs her hands roughly through her short hair, frazzled and having it stick every which way now. "Right, punishment. I can do that right? Whatever your name is," she says in all seriousness, crossing her arms and glaring at the man. After a long painful pause, as she considers her options, she says, "Candidacy. People suffer plenty as a candidate, maybe it will also get you into shape to actually wrangle these brats. If you don't want to do that, I can find something far worse for you to do."

"Wait, I still want your na-" Oh look, there goes Ryott again. Osarlio flops his head back on the ground heavily, muttering an 'ow' when he hits it too hard. "I can wash it, I guess?" But would anyone of sound mind really trust the guy who let the playroom turn into this wash anything? "I just need soapsand, right? And water." He does pout a little at the promise of punishment, and all the kids perched on or around him give a collective, "oooOOOOooOOoo," at the prospect of their watcher getting into trouble… but then it's not so much a punishment after all. A few of the kids are bouncing on his chest even more now that candidacy is on the table, and there's a rousing chors of little voices urging him to take the knot - but Osarlio doesn't need any urging. "Wait, really? COOL. I can change my name to Weyrwoman!"

"No, defintiely not that, though I may have you pay for something new if they can't get the stains out." Talya is quick to shake her head at his offer of washing it, raising both hands up as if to ward him off, in case he gets it into his mind to yank off her clothes right there. The sound of someone smacking their face with the palm of their hand echoes in the cavern, drowned a little by the uncontrollable giggles of all the kiddos around them that think Osarlio is absolutely hilarious. Talya can't help it, she actually laughs too. "Maybe a gold will confuse you on the sands for her rider, sure! I have a feeling they're going to kill me." Just who she is referring to, can be various things: The weyromen, the Weyrleader, the candidates for giving them this new addition they have to suffer through? "But you want the knot or not? What's your name anyway?"

Osarlio still can't move, but he's grinning from ear-to-ear, even covered in ridiculous amounts of paint. He accepts Tayla's refusal to have her clothing washed with a shrug, oblivious as to why she might reject his generousity. Each to their own! "No, I mean maybe if I impress, the dragon will change my name to Weyrwoman," he explains, as if those words actually shed any more light on this dream of his. The dream he has had for all of a seven now. "I want the knot, I just can't-" Move. He can't move, and those kids are doing their best to keep him in place. A couple are even deliberately holding his arms down as he attempts to get up. "I'm Osarlio, but you can call me anything! I also go by Buckethead."

Talya's laughter had dissolved into a shaking of her shoulders as she tried to suppress it, and now it's completely gone. "Sorry to burst your fantasy there, but sadly that is not how that works… But if you want I can call you Weyrwoman." The shoulders start their shaking again, and she hides a chuckle with a cough. "Orsarlio, right." She claps sharply once, to get the childrens' attention and tried to shoo them off the man. Look, there are nannies finally arriving! Whether it was Ryott, or probably the fact that a kid or two were found considering they're dragging them behind them, the brownrider makes sure to state quickly to the flabbergasted women, "There was an emergency and half the crew had to go running! We got here in time to find the place like this and did all we could! I'm taking this one to get a knot and settled in the barracks. You all have it from here right?" She makes a quick get up motion to Osarlio as she makes her way to the entrance, saying to him, "Now that you're gonna be a candidate, find out who that girl was from earlier? I got more babysitting duties with her name on it."

"Really? Cool." Osarlio tries to give Tayla something like a salute, but his hand can't move so it's really just an arm-twitch. But look! Nannies to the rescue. Disappointment and relief are in equal measure as he's pulled from the pile of kids. Yeah, he's probably all bruised, but everyone was having fun and the paint on his face looks awesome. "Bye, guys!" He waves a cheery farewell to the kids, some of whom look very disappointed to see him go. Who doesn't like a babysitter who lets them do whatever they want? "Oh wait, the art sandwich." He snatches that up before he goes, taking a bite as he makes his way over to Talya. "You got it," he promises around a mouthful. Osarlio, reporting for duty!

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