
Sebastian, F'in


F'in gets turned around at Southern Weyr and stumbles into a strange vignette unfolding in the Infirmary.

(No actual pooping, sorry)


It is evening of the thirteenth day of the third month of the twelfth turn of the 12th pass.


Southern Weyr

OOC Date 14 Oct 2017 07:00


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"They're always watching."



Sterile and scoured, the surfaces of the infirmary, well-tended and beloved by the complement of Healers due a weyr of Southern's size. Soothing tissane simmers at the large hearth, while comfortable chairs circle that particular feature in a waiting-room of sorts. Tables of dull-gleaming oldtimer metal lie as examining slabs, neatly lined in rows with pull-curtains enabling full privacy as needed. A low wall separates the southern half of the room from the rest, and those practicing the apothecary's trade can be seen compounding medicines under the watchful eye of the posted Master.

It is the thirteenth day of Autumn and 78 degrees. The night is clear and bright, stars twinkling merrily in the darkness.

One of the cardinal rules when working in and with nature is DO NOT TOUCH THE WILDLIFE. Sure, some of it you can, especially if they're your co-workers. Yet, there are some that should be avoided at all cost. Even with the goading of said aquatic co-workers. It sounded like a good idea at the time, to just reach in the hole and let something bite, then pull it out. Only, there's no telling what you're going to get with Nature's grab bag otherwise known as tide pools. In comes Sebastian with that crooked 'I should've known better but I don't, pity me' smile on his face. "Odesse is gonna kill me, but it was WORTH IT." Why was it worth it? Because he showed those Dolphins! He's not afraid of little round chubby yet super adorable stinging fish! Well… he did startle at the croaking sound it made when he pulled it off his finger, BUT STILL! "Oh, fer cryin' out loud, Journeyman. Would you stop provoking everything out in the water!?" The Healer simply snorts, pointing to a row of chairs while she finishes up bandaging some other poor unfortunate person just out of sight. Sebastian takes a seat and as soon as he's certain the older woman isn't watching? Cue overly dramatic 'owwie' faces.

A sturdy sniff sounds, "Why do I get th' feelin' I took a wrong turn?" Leathers. He's a dragonrider. Lots of loopy loops and dangly bangles on that yellow and black knot. Important-not-a-Southern-dragonrider. "Oh!" He looks surprised to see someone. "'scuse me, where's th- Cor man, whaddya do?" A sympathetic wince bares teeth in a scruffy, tanned face.

Wrong turn? Well, if you're here in the infirmary, you've indeed taken a wrong turn when the long rubber gloves, sharp pointies and Healers that insist using all the disinfectants are all about. Sebastian does spot all of the loopy loops and dangly bangles, quickly bringing him to stand at attention by conditioned response when the MAN walks in. He even renders a salute, showing off them pretty colors and the beginning of not so pretty swelling claiming his finger. "Southern's greetings to you, Weyrleader. I'm Journeyman Dolphineer Sebastian, at your service." See? He even shares a little smile, even when the eyes are looking a bit misty. See, it's a little scratchy when the bite first happens. When the juices have a chance to stew for a bit, it's not so hospitable. Good thing he didn't wear rings today.

F'in's response is just as ingrained, a return salute offered, "Igen's own greeting in return, Southern." He drops his salute, courtesies exchanged. "F'in, bronze Rhakanth's." He winces again at the colorful swelling sausage attached to Sebastian's 'and. "'at looks painful it does." Oh. Hey! Sebastian should probably keep it elevated. F'in salutes Sebastian, leaving his hand at his brow, "A dolphineer ya say? I met some doll-fins 'ere about a turn ago 't was. Terrific." The hearth catches his attention and he ambles over to lifts the lid on the simmering tisane — still saluting — to sniff at the contents, "Close."

Sebastian was a little slow with lowering his salute so it doesn't stray far before it's right back up by his face. "Aye, it burns like no other! Gotta watch out for those Sneaky-peepers. Tiny, adorable. Lots of tiny little curved teeth. Creepy little croaking sound and the whole thing just vibrates til it lets ya go. Got a score to settle with this one." He'll remember the little thing! Looks like a shiny ball with tiny fins til it tries to eat you. Then you end up wearing it like a glove! A glove that likes to gnaw. "They're definitely a joy to work with, Sir." Especially when they got jokes! How long can F'in hold his salute?

Depends on if F'in remembers he's holding it or not! "Sneaky-peepers?" His face scrunches as Sebastian's description gets stranger and stranger. "Ya sure 'ey don' 'ave a toxin 'r somethin'? Like… make ya see things?" He points off to the north, or at least somewhere different (not his saluting hand). "'s a plant in th' desert'll turn yer mind inside out an' upside down if the thorns getcha." He moves closer from the hearth so he can see the Sneaky-peeper's work up close himself. "Doesn' look like a joy ta me." That peeper toxin is going to Sebastian's head!

"Not as far as my experience with them, Sir." That he can remember… The Healer leans back enough to peer right at Sebastian from around the corner of her privacy wall, light eyes narrowing on the young man before she slowly returns back to her business. He's had PLENTY of experience with the wildlife, just not the smart kind. Sebastian merely shrugs, maintaining his salute. His green eyes give his poor finger a questionable look for a moment. "Remind me never to get up close and personal with desert plants. I'll admire them from a distance." Until someone puts his reputation on the line! At least Dolphins can't be a bad influence there in the sandy wastes. The Sneaky-peepers work is definitely an interesting sight! Lots of tiny rows of dark purple holes with the skin red and angry around it. Those tiny pinholes are even sporting a clear fluid beading at the surface and the smell is some weird mixture of fish and… pickling brine? Don't lick it, Sir. "Doesn't taste like it either, Sir. I'm gonna give that Sneaky-peeper a piece of my mind if I run into him again. Blueriders stealing my shirts are bad enough, don't need that Sneaky-peeper to take my boots, too."

"Well, now. Ya might not know! Ya know?" F'in's got this, Healer! Never fear! He waggles his salute at her before turning back to Sebastian. "Ach, that is… that's somethin.'" He perks and looks around, "'s 'ere an illustrator ta draw thissun? Those colors 're something else. An'" he sniffs. "'at… doesn't smell s'good." F'in purses his lips to the side, face screwed up in considering Sebastian's imminent peeper justice. He blinks at the non sequitur bluerider and then- "-yer boots?" He uses saluting fingers to scratch at his temple, "Uh, 'ow big was 'is thing?"

Sebastian peers at the Weyrleader quizically for a moment, then turns his head to sniff at his finger, giving it a suspicious stare. He didn't eat any of that pickled bar food, today! He did plan on it but the Sneaky-peeper had plans of it's own AND NOW IT'S TAUNTING HIM! Maybe it ate some bar pickles! Sebastian scowls at his finger, quick to fix that look on his face to more of a frown before returning his gaze back to F'in and he gives him a curt nod. "Yep, I don't go in the water with them but ye know that feeling when someone is staring at you when you're basking at the beach but there ain't a soul around?" The Journeyman begins to glance around and then he peers back over to F'in, whispering, "It's them Sneaky-Peepers, Sir. They flop on on the rocks when the waves come in and watch you til the water takes 'em back in. They're always watching. They're about…" Bast gives his finger a glance with a thoughtful expression, then moves his other hand to awkwardly make a cupping motion to demonstrate how round the little mysterious creature is in relation to it. "They start out 'bout half the size, Sir. Til they try to swallow your finger, then it's like putting a glove on. Only, it's your finger. And the glove has teeth. With them little black beady eyes that judge you while they're chewin'."

Okay, that breaks F'in's salute and he lifts both hands. "Wait, wait. Yer pullin' my leg. Son, I was a Trader 'fore I was a rider. An' I been a rider at Igen fer the better part of a decade. I c'n tell 'en someone's 'avin' me on." He puts his hands on his hips and squints at Sebastian. Apparently he can't tell well enough to assense good directions from bad and ends up looking for tea in the Infirmary, but even so!

When F'in's salute goes down, so does Sebastian's and he slowly settles himself down in the chair, looking a little bit on the sleepy side. "Having you on, Sir? I mean, ye do have yer looks going for you. I can see that roguish side, but yer not my type. I'm more of a ladies man, sad as it is for me to be admitting it." Speaking of tea, the Healer FINALLY decides to reemerge to deal with the patient (read: idiot), bringing a questionable cup of tea. "Here. Moron. Drink this, ALL OF IT. No pretending this time, either. I don't care how bad it tastes, what color it is, what midden you think I swiped it from." The Weyrleader is given a oh so sweet smile at the very least! Once her hands are free, she roughly takes the hand, holding it over a towel and she proceeds to squeeze the puffy parts. "Aren't you Dolphineers supposed to be finding the creatures, not playing with them?" Sebastian turns his gaze towards her, with an incredulous look on his face. "It was being mean to me!" Peeping with those Sneaky-peepers! And insulted his mother! "You'll have to excuse this one, Weyrleader. Some of the local fish are mildly toxic but nothing to leave any damage. Just make him feel a little loopy, make his food taste bad for a sevenday, but that's about it. The tea will help with the toxins. Thank you ever so kindly for keeping him in place. Last time he was putting gloves on and wrigging about on the floor, claiming to be sea weed."

"Not hittin' on me, boyo. Tellin' me a tall tale." Even so, F'in preens. He does cut a nice figure in (or out) of his leathers. And though his tastes run to the feminine, it's nice to turn a head regardless. Sad? What? Ever helpful, "You could be a man's man if ya'd rather? I mean. Wait." His brow furrows. He squints. Pern's brain trust, right here in Southern's infirmary. "A man's man is a diff'rent thing than a ladies' man. Or… no, those're th' same." A beat, "Some o' th' time." F'in's chased himself around inside that logic, as labyrinthine as Rhakanth's mind. He blinks at the Healer calling Sebastian a moron. Healers are supposed to be gentle and avuncular. Or… the healer's a woman. Materteral. At the not-so-materteral Healer's aside, F'in stabs a pointy pointy pointy I-told-you finger in the air vaguely towards Sebastian. SEE. "I told ya it was toxins!" He watches the tea go to and fro, brows tipped up hopeful and crashing down when the descriptors of its taste are rolled out. He makes a face and shakes his head no, asserting his rejection of the tea not offered. "Yer welco-Seaweed?"

Toxins from the Sneaky-Peeper! The woman rises to her feet, stepping back around the wall for a moment with efficient steps and cabinets clattering can be heard. She re-emerges, carrying a second cup of tea which she hands to the Weyrleader. In her other hand? Lots of not fun smelling poultices! She opens the lid to the small jar, taking up a paddle as she glances over at F'in. "Sea weed. Would just say 'tide going in!' and lean to one side, 'tide going out!' and lean to the other. 'Mind yer feet, I'm the weed that grows in the sea. I'll get yer ankles!' Sometimes I wonder if his Hall puts him up to it as a joke or he's just that… I don't even think there's a word for it. Males always be testing your limits." Does the Weyrleader need to be eyed, too? DOES HE? The poultice is spread over Sebastian's finger and he turns his face away in disgust! At least it doesn't smell like pickling brine… Not gonna stop him from the bar, though.

F'in flares hands, palms out, at the healer, "Ah, no, th-" and she's handed him the cup. "-anks." He gives the Healer a weak smile and wrinkles his nose to sniff at the brew. Laughter at Sebastian's impression bubbles up and switches into coughing with suspicious swiftness. "Ach, come on, 'ealer. 'at's… at's pretty funny." Bitran brogue renders the tone more a question than a statement. There's a look of genuine enjoyment at the notion, a friendly warmth that lightens the careworn creases of the Weyrleader's face. And, he might be one who needs eying. That brogue isn't dissimilar to Sebastian's.

At least the tea is far more palatable than what poor Sebastian is choking down. As the Healer peers at him, he's peering back with those sad seafoam puppy-dog eyes, all while the look of misery is painted on his features behind that mug. HE'S REALLY DRINKING, HONEST! There's no where for it to go, anyway. With the light color of his shirt, it'd be a dead giveaway if he spilled it. One drop, and D'ex might come and steal this shirt, too. He had fish on his hands back then, though, the circumstances were different. Maybe D'ex and the Sneaky-peeper are in cahoots! "There. Poultice on, don't remove the bandages. Just let it do it's work. Don't get it wet. Stay away from the wildlife, Journeyman!" Sebastian opens his mouth to argue but she's got THE LOOK down pat. "Aside from your Dolphins! No more Creepy-Pooper or whatever it is you call them!" she shakes her head, cleaning up her supplies now that Sebastian is done and all mended for the most part. As she rises, she smirks at F'in, taking nin a deep breath and sighing. "Funny? Don't tell me you've been up to similar mischief, Weyrleader. I've got some more of his tea instead of what I've given you."

Oh. This is actual tea? A wary final sniff resolves into a sip. "That would offend th' dignity of my Weyr, now, 'ealer. I wouldn't dream of 't." Nevermind the decades F'in wasn't Weyrleader. He takes another sip, peering at the healer over the rim of his mug, again, like young Sebastian, sky blue eyes wide, guileless. He snorts tea at 'creepy pooper,' sputtering, "O' course not, ma'am. 'is is plenty good. An' thank you." He ducks his head, a nod for the Healer's indulgence. Mischief gleams, "Laughter's th' best medicine." He elbows Sebastian. "Right?"

Sebastian glances at where the elbow came into contact with his person, and at this, he grins widely at F'in with orange stained teeth. The foul tea must be taking the edge off the loopiness in exchange for some temporary dental adornment. At least laughter tastes a load better and it doesn't require provoking the aquatic life of Southern. "Aye, that it does. It's the best kind of medicine there is."

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