
T'zaim, NPC Pattick


Thez got a sandwich and a guitar for his birthday. He's very happy. :D


It is sunset of the twenty-second day of the first month of the tenth turn of the 12th pass (approximate).


The Treble Clef, Southern Weyr

OOC Date 30 Jan 2017 08:00




The Treble Clef

This is a place of idyll repose, a place of music, a place of soul: no liquor finds the tables of this endeavor, nor does darts nor dragonpoker. This is a place for the Harper's soul to rest, with hearty fare served to a degree of sophistication higher than the kitchens in the weyr proper, if for a price… but the draw of it is no doubt the open platform front-and-center, where a bar would likely stand. The Treble Clef does not deal in alcohol, but it does promote the artistry of amateurs and Harpers alike in the well-outfit stage for those to entertain those who stop to sup within these gently-outfitted walls.

"You look like hell."

"Thank you, it's always lovely to see you, too."

Pattick handed over a paper-wrapped bundle with a big pink bow on it.

People always say, "You shouldn't have," so T'zaim said it. He squinted afterward and decided it sounded stupid, then sat down at the table and opened the gift that was very obviously a guitar.

Or, he supposed briefly, something in a guitar case, which would be a clever disguise for a birthday present.

But it was, as anticipated, a guitar. It didn't look like anything special, not particularly fancy, of no remarkable quality or tone. The wood was of a Benden variety, and - after turning it over - he found the mark of the Journeyman that had made it. He swallowed a lump in his throat and said, genuinely, "Thank you. This is the nicest thing I think I've ever been given."

"You're not going to cry, are you? Because, if you are, I'm taking it back and leaving," replied Pattick blandly.

"No," and T'zaim blinked furiously and sniffed stubbornly, hugging the guitar to his chest childishly. "No," he repeated more firmly. "How did you even get this?"

"I'm a Journeyman fucking Harper, how do you think I got it? By commission. How'd your resolution thing go?"

"The window is closed."

"Are you serious?" Pattick rolled his eyes, then did it again when all T'zaim had to say for himself was a shrug. "Sometimes, it's embarrassing to know you."

T'zaim scoffed! "Am I supposed to take a rebuke from someone fucking a seventeen year old?"

"He's not seventeen."


Pattick was silent.

"I rest my case. Here, it's all I've got."

Cue the next two hours of hammering out music, bickering like an old married couple, and finally parting company, job well done.

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