
Xanthee, Edlsesa


Idle Chit Chattery in the Archives


-- On Pern --
It is 11:55 AM where you are.
It is noon of the twenty-eighth day of the third month of the thirteenth turn of the 12th pass.
In Igen:
It is the twenty-eighth day of Spring and 62 degrees. It is bright and sunny. The only evidence of the overnight storm is in the lingering mud puddles.
In Southern:
It is the twenty-eighth day of Autumn and 73 degrees. Clouds hang heavy in the sky, driven by a hard wind. A storm threatens on the horizon, towering thunderclouds caught over the mountains. Only a light drizzle falls here and there throughout the day.
In Southern Mountains:
It is the twenty-eighth day of Autumn and 17 degrees. It's really damn cold out.


Igen Weyr: Archives

OOC Date 16 Feb 2018 07:00


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"So do you have other interest other than Harpering? Or does it pretty much take up all your time?"



A remarkable legacy for those with the eyes to appreciate it, Igen's Archives are modest, in proportion to the weyr's similarly modest status; but though they be small, the room itself is mighty, with grandiose portent to the high, vaulted arches. These walls hold many treasures past their prime, from instruments to examples of older flying gear and agenothree tanks. The meticulous task of re-scribing old records is continually ongoing, with faded and disued hides replaced on a daily basis. The chairs and off-kilter tables seem to be heritage of a time long past, not in line with the rest of the vision of this room; but in all weyrs are budgets, and perhaps you've found one of Igen's budget cuts.

Edlsesa has been in the archives for some time already this morning. She sits in an oversize chair with a few crooked side tables surrounding her, each is piled wwith hides, books and scrolls. She herself sits with a long, dusty, faded hide, trying to read what was inscribed on it. Study study study. That's what's on her mind today. She's already decided that history will be her specialty and she intends to know as much about it as possible before hand. And so, every spare moment is spent here, or digging through various works brought forward by her foster father.

Xanthee has a couple of candlemarks to kill before her afternoon/evening shift at the Tea Room, so after lunch in the Living Caverns, she wanders the lower caverns until she manages to make it to the Archives. She forgets for a moment why she wanted to come here, but maybe if she walks around the room it will come back to her. She's wearing a breezy green dress with gold embroidery at her neck an hem, around her neck, a piece of ocean opal, simply polished, strung onto a length of braided leather. Her hand reaches up every now and then to play with the pendant almost subconsciously. When she spies the Harper she had prefviously met, she offers the girl a smile, "Well hello! Fancy meeting you here. I don't think I've seen you since..Well for awhile anyway. Harpering keeping you busy?" she asks as she finds a nearby chair and pulls it over slightly before sinking into it.

Edlsesa comes out of the reverie of focus slowly, blinking slowly as her eyes try and focus on Xanthee. "Ah yes, the adopted Sister. Hello Xanthee." A smile crosses Sesa's lips as she lowers the hide and shifts under her mound of collected knowledge. She waves at the piles of research when Xan asks if she's been kept busy. "Quite busy, And the day not even half done yet." Sesa giggles nad shakes her head, tryiing to clear it of reading fog.

Xanthee looks over the piles of research with a raised eyebrow. "I can see. Do they ever let you see the sun? You know it's Spring now." the raven-haired weybrat will tease sarcastically as she cranes her neck to see what it is she's researching exactly, she will sigh slightly, "Speaking of our brother." Well they weren't, but anyway, "Have you managed to pin him down lately? He seems to be so…busy with other things lately." She says idly as she tilts her head to one side as she tries to read some of the stacked hides upside down.

Edlsesa laughs. "Aye, maybe, once in awhile." She says of the Harpers letting the apprentices see sunlight. "Some of this is my own doing, some of it not." If Xan looks close enough, she'll find a few normal lesson topics, but what's in Edlsesa's lap is a history of the various caravans that are linked with Igen Weyr, and those associated with other weyrs. Sesa shakes her head. "Only once, and only for about ten minutes, long enough to exchange a few hi's and pleasantries and that's about it. Why?"

Xanthee lets her eyes trail over the reading material, and raises an eyebrow in curiosity. "Interesting subject matter." And then she sits down with a sigh, playing with the stone around her neck, rolls her eyes as she ponders her brother, "I just miss the big brute since he's gotten so wrapped up in Reveka. Which is totally my doing as well, so I guess I'm reaping what I've sown…if that's even how that saying goes, I'm not up on farming lingo." She says with a sigh but then turns a smile on the harper apprentice, "So do you have other interest other than Harpering? Or does it pretty much take up all your time?" If this girl is her heart-brother's half-sister, Xan may as well get to know her better.

Edlsesa rolls her eyes at mention of Daen and his female lover, and chuckles. "Aye, it's not exactly a secret just how busy our brother has been. Wait…" Edlsesa's eyebrows fly up a bit. "You set them up?" She laughs. "Well, I certainly hadn't expected that." She shakes her head. "There are bets as to when his lover shows up pregnant." Sesa's heard the grounds' gossip. As for other interests, Sesa shrugs. "A few. I like to ride, and I like being around the Zingari, but Harpering takes up a good deal of my time, good thing I love it too."

"Quite expertly indeed, so much so, they didn't even realize it worked at first." Xanthee replies with a tone of false-modesty as she sighs. "The lover in question is one of my best friends, and I've heard the rumors, and I'm hoping beyond hope they are wrong. Reveka's a smart girl. I mean one of the first time I met her she was rolling her eyes at the idea of girls our age having kids. 'Babies having babies' she said. So I'm sure she's well able to be responsible. And Daen's old, he should definitely be responsible..right?" she asks with a quizzical brow quirked. Then when the girl talks of her other interests, Xan merely nods, "Well it's always good to enjoy what you're doing. I mean I'm doing physical training several candlemarks everyday on top of my work at the Tea Room, but it hardly feels like work, it's too fun."

Edlsesa shrugs her shoulders. "Some would disagree that that age is too young, many girls are married nd on their way to their first child at your friend's age." Not that Edlsesa knows of that personally or anything, she's quite …innocent herself, but as an apprentice she sort of has to be. "It won't matter if they aren't both being responsible, you have to both be diligent about that sort of thing for it to work." On that note Edlsesa shrugs, she doesn't have much more to say about it other than maybe that she warned Daen to be careful. SHe nods avidly at Xanthee's last, grinning. "It really isn't work if you enjoy it enough."

Xanthee ponders that a moment and then just shakes her head, "Nah, they're good, just having a good time. Nothing wrong with that." Especially not since Xan's been having just as much fun with her Miner, but then when she realizes she is talking to Edlsesa she blushes a little bit and waves her hand dismissively. "You're still a little young to be thinking about all that though." Wow Xan, who's the pot calling the kettle black now, considering the moony-eye, boy-crazy girl she was just a few Turns ago. "Truer words never spoken and all that. So have you always wanted to be a Harper?" Ahh yes, more probing get to know you questions, gotta love 'em.

Edlsesa waves her hand dismissively at the idea of boys and sex. "I'm of an age to start wanting those things, but I don't. Told Daen too, that I have no interest in frivolity of the sort, it gets you in trouble when you're an apprentice." As the Xanthee's inquiry, Edlsesa nods, avidly. "I have wanted to be a Harper since before I knew what a proper Harper was, kind of runs in the family." Both blood and non. Sesa chuckles and leans back. "Have you always wanted to work in the Tea Room?"

"Well you just keep it that way. Boys are mostly more trouble than they even if you're not an apprentice." Xanthee nods sagely as she leans back in the chair she's in. "That must be nice, knowing what you wanted to do." Then when asked if she's always wanted to work in the Tea Room, Xanthee laughs. "No, oh no. It's temporary, that's for sure. I want to be a rider, that kinda runs in my family. Although it's not like a Craft where what you do matters, there's really nothing I can do to guarantee I become a rider, so I just have to keep trying." She says with what she tries to tell herself is a brave face, but there may be some faint cracks in the facade.

Edlsesa chuckles. "Runs in Daen and I's too, our dad was a rider. And My foster father's cousin is a Brownrider. Interesting thing to aspire to when you have no guarantee one way or the other. I admire your bravery. I'd love to stand for a clutch someday, but if I were ever passed over it'd break my heart, I put my all into what I do. It would be disappointing to be left standing." Sesa isn't quite in the know about Xan's past or her candidacy, so she proably just put her foot in her mouth.

"Oh it is, absolutely devastating. I've been a Candidate twice now so far." Xanthee says with a sigh as she sinks back into the chair. "But as a Weyrbrat, I can pretty much keep standing until I'm too old. So that's what I'm going to do, cause it's all I can do. And if it's not meant to be, it isn't, and I will have to figure out what to do them" She shrugs a little bit, and then tilts her head to one side at Edlsesa, "But if you impress, you won't be a Harper, and that really sounds like what your dream is." Color Xan confused.

Edlsesa smiles. "Aye, if I impress I would no longer be a harper, but DragonRiders with Harpering experience oft get picked for things such as bartering, or diplomatic missions or things of the like. I would be just as happy doing that as I would be Harpering. As long as I have a way to use my skillset, then I'll be happy." Sesa has very logical outlooks on things such as this. "And if I didn't impress, I'd still have Harper Hall to go to."

Xanthee narrows her eyes slightly at the young apprentice, looking rather suspicious before saying, "You sure you're related to Daenerys?" with a chuckle to show she's joking, mainly. "That's a very level-headed outlook on life there Edlsesa…" Then the air is full of Xan's trio of flits, all calling excitedly. Finally she gets Grymm to land on her shoulder and give her pictures of the queen headed to the Hatching Sands. Suddenly she is up in a flash, "I think the Weyrwoman's queen is going to clutch." And before the harper can say anything, she's out the door.

Edlsesa is not far behind Xanthee, at all! She unburies herself from the books, hides and scrolls and bolts after, anything she was saying in relation to being related to Daenerys poofing into the ether. Clutchings are a thing of fun and wonder. Thinking about it, Sesa runs back to her quarters for her sketch pad. This must be drawn!

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