
Dustin, Threvobek


Threvobek gallops into the caravan grounds and talks with Dustin.


It is the seventy-sixth day of Summer and 120 degrees.


Caravan Grounds

OOC Date




Caravan Grounds

Deep grooves in the hard packed earth criss-cross a large patch of denuded ground, bearing mute testament to the caravans that frequent this area. Despite the midden holes set back a ways from the main center of traffic, the air is sweet, redolent with the sagebrush that forms a loose perimeter around the flattened expanse. In what is as close to its center as the vague boundaries suggest, a stone ringed fire pit has been dug and surrounded with the odd log or two, ash overflowing from its darkly blackened core.

The long fingers of evening are reaching and suddenly the Weyr actually boasts people again. Threvobek should have chosen a smaller runner if he wanted to cultivate looking larger than he averagely is. He comes to claim the caravan grounds on a thoroughbred labeled on its flank as 'Akzhan And Not Yours'. The creature's stately, tall, and full of spunk under the stablehand, but then he isn't his usual rider. "Don't your overturn one of them wagons," he cautions the mount with a slick smile. No saddle, but the reins are legitimately expensive.

Dustin comes in from the pens and he has a frown on his face. He takes a look around as he comes into the grounds and he eyes the man riding a smaller runner. "Aye if you damage one of the Zingari wagons you'll be paying for it." He says as he looks the man over and he has a shepherd's crook with him.

Threvobek is a constant to the caravan grounds, not as often as nightfall, but once a sevenday usually has him picking up an order or playing the cad with trader girls. "Hail Dustin," the horse's reins are pulled firmly and short. Boreas's hind end continues movement though his front half has obeyed. Eh, he can handle fifty-fifty odds. Threvobek dismounts without airs or any neatness, hitting the sand moving. His ignores the threat good-naturedly, "before you ask, I didn't steal it." Speaking of the quality animal lead by his fist.

Dustin looks over the stallion again, "Why would I ask if you stole it?" He quirks an eyebrow, 'What brings you to the cavern grounds you don't usually come here this late at night? Meeting a girl?" He wonders as he gives the runner another look to make sure it's all right as he waits for the answers to his questions.

"Good man! 'cause I didn't steal 'im." Threvobek replies with absolutely no help to quell Dustin's confusion. Boreas chews on his bit though there isn't the slightest bit of tension in the lead. "No girls tonight," the stablehand grins in the dimness. "I wanted to throw him a ride now that it isn't blazing, he's a runner." In more ways than one. "What's everyone up to? Heard the latest Festival of Life went on to the wee morn, that true?" He was asleep like a good worker by that time.

Dustin gives a nod as the animal looks to be in good shape. "Good the runners could use some rides, it's easy to forget about the animals with all the activities going on, but someone has to watch over them. So it seems, there was plenty of dancing and drinking on the night when the festival happens."

"I enjoyed enough of the bonfires to leave me satisfied." Threvobek looks fondly to the plots of scorched earth dozens of feet distantly danced around. While waving at couple Reika clan members, he inquires with genuine interest, "so tell me of the health of your herds."

Dustin nods, "Well that is good, there should be some more festival days coming up so you can enjoy mor of them. The herds are just fine." He looks over towards the Reika that Threvobek is waving to, "Friends of your's?"

Future opportunities to spend time outside with drink, women, and dancing in abundance. He's sold. Threvobek appears pleased to hear only good things from the Zingari and hopes to extract more. "The stables are about equal there, had twin bovines born last month, both males and still alive." On Pern those are two of the best outcomes. "He sells us good bridles. Don't have any business for him tonight though. My interrupting your work?" Behind him the runnerbeast is a solemn mountain.

Dustin nods, 'Good fortune to have twins or so I am told." He ahs and shrugs a little bit, "Wouldn't know we make our own bridles." He shakes his head, "No my work if finished for the day, all the animals of the zingari are well taken care of. I was going to get something to eat and drink."

"Aye, so far they have all they could ask for." Threvobek swipes a hand calmly over the runnerbeast's face. He truly is a fine animal. "I'm not so good at it myself, no patience for the stitching. Usually when I do them they're all come one color: red." From all the needle sticks. "Then don't let me stop you, man. There's still substance in him I have to wear on some." A light spring and he's back on Boreas, swinging the beast's head. "If you see a dust storm towards the west, it's just us on the dunes!"

Dustin nods, "Neither do I, but those that do here in the caravan do wonderful work. Well have a good ride then, try not to kick up too much dust it is not good for the lungs."

The mounted pair have turned profile, reins gathered in only one of the young man's hands. "Don't worry over it, we'll outrun any dust!" Threvobek impels the runner forward so they can tear up a section of desert under the moons. Thankfully there are no police cruisers waiting in a pull off.

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