
Roheis, Tresquil, Novi


Tresquil attempts to salvage a robe, then Roheis and Novi have a pointed conversation.

Candidate Bingo!


It is afternoon of the thirteenth day of the seventh month of the sixteenth turn of the 12th pass.

In Southern:
It is the seventy-third day of Winter and 42 degrees. Still dark and overcast, the winter rain has picked up and become heavier, albeit still pleasant.


Nighthearth, Southern Weyr

OOC Date 18 Mar 2019 07:00



"Frill. On the neck of a robe. Of course."



A comfortable nook, this natural extension of the living room is cozily attired with overstuffed chairs and a couple of well-worn loveseats. All have been covered in various shades of green, giving the very incongruous appeal of a miniature forest hidden away inside… a grove of man-made proportion. Fish stews and spicy white-wherry chili are often kept hot on the minor hearths east and west of the main, for those whose hours defy when meals are kept. Ornate, the largest hearth towers high, rich with carving and utilitarian in fashion: it holds court by providing the weyr with rich klah, the air thick with the scent of cinnamon wafting.

It's late afternoon, and the Nighthearth has attracted a fair few people: some just in search of a late (or perhaps early) meal, or a mug of klah; others, especially the white-knotted ones, are looking for peace and quiet, or simply somewhere to sit. Tresquil is one of the latter: he's found himself a free armchair and a mug of klah, which is on the floor, tucked safely beside the chair. He's quite focused on what he's doing. There are, after all, things which candidates have to do. Some of those things are not easily done in a hammock. Tresquil has already learned this lesson, which is why he's found an alternative space for his current task. His lap is full of white cloth, there's a small roll of canvas containing his sewing kit on the arm of the chair, and he is plying his needle. It appears to require great concentration.

It seems another of the white-knot horde has a similar idea to escape the cramped confines of the barracks and work on those necessary duties of making sure one is at least clothed and presentable when the time comes. With her own robe folded carefully over one arm, sewing kit tucked away there too, Roheis has managed to retrieve herself a much needed mug of klah judging by the slightly dark circles under her eyes. Settling down into a nearby chair with a grateful sigh at finally being off her feet for a bit she spots the nearby Tresquil. "How are you faring?" She asks, covering both the general meaning and of course the sewing progress.

Quiet, it's just what Novi's looking for and this is just the place with few white knotted pes.. er candidates around. Tucked under one arm is a tube used for storing maps, and charts and the like while under the other is tucked a frame that's akin to a quilting frame. Novi carries a basket with an array of light sources in one hand, and a satchel that holds an assortment of inks, brushes, quills, and other such tools of a trade. The girl finds a low table, and carefully sets everything down. Whew, that was more like work than she remembered. It's only when she turns to go collect some klah that she notices others present. Well this could get awkward.

Tresquil holds up the garment in his lap for Roheis to see, showing a hole where stitching ought to be. "Well, I didn't think the robe that I was given in the Stores was too bad - only this bit of seam that's parted, and it looks as if someone put their foot in the hem. At least it's the right size and shape, though the frill round the neck isn't really my style. But I've never done a lot of sewing, really - just minor repairs and darning the odd sock. The technique's a bit different from stitching up people." His efforts do have a rather puckered appearance. The arrival of Novi hasn't escaped his notice: he looks curiously at her equipment before inquiring, "That looks interesting. What is the work?"

Roheis nods along with Tresquil's assessment of his robe. "It's possible they did put their foot in the hem. I wouldn't be surprised if they got caught in their own robe on the Sands." This is why proper fitting is important, folks. "Frill. On the neck of a robe. Of course." This is said flatly, as she's quickly becoming completely unimpressed by this past candidate's fashion choices. Novi's arrival with something other than a robe catches her attention. Rather than outright stare she unfolds her own robe and smooths out the in-progress hem that needs finishing. She can multitask this, most likely.

"I found an old map that looked like I could maybe pick out the lines," Novi answers as she collects her klah, "Of course, I may have to start work on copyinng it instead," apprentice work when Novi should be concerned with candidate stuff like a robe? "I have a couple of spare robes if you'd like to take a look at them," is offered to Tresquil, "My brother made them," explanation, and an offer to cut down work, "They're rather plain, but I think that would probably be preferred to that silly thing with the frill," said as the frame is set up, and the map carefully secured.

"Thank you, that sounds like an excellent idea," Tresquil tells Novi, turning the robe on his lap to show the neckline. It is indeed frilly, ornamented by a gathered strip of fabric and - Tresquil blanches. "Oh, shells, it has embroidered flowers, too. I've a strong suspicion that the previous wearer of this was of the female persuasion. I suppose that's what I get for not being very tall." He eyes the garment critically, and asks Roheis, "Do you think if I take this back, they'll still insist that I fix it?"

Roheis's nose wrinkles as the offending neckline is revealed. "I think you could plead your case that it's beyond fixable. At this point it's more dress than robe." Hers is much less frilly though there's clearly been some tailoring done to make it more suitably fitting to its intended wearer. It appears to have been several sizes too large in the shoulders and hips previously, judging by the amount of additional seams beyond the requisite two they normally come with. "An old map? What of?" She asks of Novi while unrolling her own sewing kit. Thread and a suitable needle are found, but now comes to hard part of actually threading the darn thing.

Map secured to frame, Novi selects the correct light source and sets it up so that it shines up through the map on the frame, "Looks like Southern. Some of the markings are really faint. I figure this makes good practice before I start in on restoring a map I've been wanting to work on for some time now," Novi nods in agreement to Roheis' suggestion, "I think Roheis is correct," even without any appreciable sewing skills, Novi can still see the hopelessness of Tresquil's project.

"That is interesting. How old do you think it is? I thought the Weyr hadn't been occupied for many years." Treaquil's tone is laced with curiosity. "And I think I'll try to get rid of this. You're right," he adds to Roheis. "It's definitely rather girly." He has a needle in his sewing, but fastens off the thread. "I'd very much like to try one of the ones you were offering, though," he tells Novi. "Maybe I could have a look when we're back in the barracks? I think your cot's near my hammock." The last word is pronounced with distinct distaste. Tresquil returns his needle and thread to his sewing kit, and stands up to fold the robe.

There's some advantage to being Searched early. Namely, getting a bed. Still Roheis can commiserate with her less fortunate compatriots. They all have to live squished up together, regardless. "I don't think a dragon would really care one way or another as to what you're wearing, but I get the feeling that there's plenty of folk who won't let you live it down if you wore that out there." Needle threaded she falls silent for the few moments it takes to get the garment shifted and the thread fastened on. "Interesting indeed. It'd be a big surprise if there's something on there that hasn't been accounted for yet."

A nod is given as Novi says, "Of course. My hammock's generally rolled up when not in use," so it's easy for Tresquil to misunderstand. Novi's still busy working on setting out the inks and such when she gives a shrug, "Not sure. Could be some place else entirely," she admits, "I won't know until I actually start getting place names and the like picked out," she sounds so certain, but to anyone that pays attention there's a tension that settles in across Novi's shoulders that says she's anything but. A nod is given to Roheis, "Indeed, but nothing will be known until it's complete," she's now setting out an ink well, and selecting a brush before getting the small candle lit, "I think Roheis is correct. Mind, you wouldn't hear word one from me about that thing," but she can't say the same for some of the other candidates.

"I don't think I'll risk that, then," Tresquil says, rather sourly. "I thought I might try to take the frill off, but the flowers are a stitch too far." The robe is reduced to a neat pile of white, the sewing kit picked up and crammed into a pocket. He appears to have forgotten about his klah - or perhaps he plans to return. "I'll try my luck at the Stores again. See you later." With that, he vanishes into the tunnels.

"Good luck," Roheis calls after the vanishing Tresquil. He'll need it. Belatedly remembering her own klah, which has cooled significantly at this point, she pauses her work to sip at the drink before it becomes a cold undrinkable sludge. "I didn't know you had a thing for maps," she comments with a conversational nod. It seems best to keep the conversation decently light since Novi is occupied with work more permanent than a stitch that can easily be ripped out and redone.

Novi gives a nod, "I love 'em," not as much as she loves working with dolphins mind, but still, "I haven't decided if I'm going to specialize in cartography, or search and rescue. Provided I'm left standing," always providing that. Novi now has a fine brush that's been carefully loaded with ink. This is applied to a faded line, and there's a small smile on her face as she works to bring life back to that series of lines. When done, the brush is set aside, and Novi takes a sip of klah. Cold, but it'll due.

"It's good to have a backup plan, Roheis affirms, setting the mug aside. "But, if you don't mind me asking, why would you think you'd be left standing?" So much for keeping the conversation light. That pesky hem is coming along nicely. Hemming and light tailoring are clearly something she's done before but she's not near the level of a well-trained Weaver judging by how often she stops and readjusts to make sure her stitches are even or that the hem is staying the same size and not creeping up to make an asymmetrical line.

Novi works slowly, and meticulously as she thinks on her answer, "No reason. Just a feeling," she finally answers as she selects a new brush to work on a new section of the map, "I stand as good a chance as anyone to Impress, but there's no guarantee."

"Hm, I suppose you have a point." Roheis concedes after some thought. "It just sounds to me going in with a mindset like that seems a bit like a self-fulfilling prophecy. But that's just my two marks." This length of thread done she fastens off what she's got going and sets aside her tools. Standing she holds the robe out at arms length, checking progress so far.

Novi glances up from what she's working on, "That looks good," then she's back to work after another sip of cold klah. This is a fact that doesn't seem to bother Novi, "I suppose so," is added after a moment of silence, "After helping Ulrika with gathering shellfish and other things, it occurred to me that maybe I'd not best serve anyone by Impressing?"

"Thank you," Roheis smiles. Just a little work left to do and it should be good to go. "Did something happen?" There's a note of concern in her voice when she asks for clarification. "I'm don't think anyone is going to begrudge you if you decide your skills are best served elsewhere, but dwelling on what could have been isn't healthy no matter the case."

Novi gives a light shake to her head, "Not really. I was just reminded of how much I love what I was doing before I was Searched. I'd miss that if I were to Impress," of course she'd have a dragon to care for and work with, "Dolphins are just a different kind of work, and it's work I don't know if I'm ready to give up?" questions she should probably have answered well before now.

Roheis settles back down to finish out the remainder of the hem, but klah first. "I don't really know much about the Dolphincraft. We didn't exactly live near the ocean when I was younger." She chuckles softly at some private joke. Thread meet needle and off we go again. "Not everyone can say that they're not willing to give up their old life when given the chance to Impress. Good on you for being self-aware enough to realize that. Not everyone has that ability." It's a strange compliment, but a compliment nonetheless coming from the normally reserved candidate.

Novi nods as she sets the brush aside to stretch her hand, "Well I think that's enough for now," with the candle behind the map the ink has dried as she works, thus Novi's comfortable blowing the candle out so she can start to put things away. When the hand cramps it's time to stop, "Probably so," Novi says about the compliment, not recognizing it as such, "So I'm here, and all I can do now is wait," which she's happy to do. After all, Novi's made some amazing friends from this experience, "I can state that I wouldn't trade this experience. I've met so many amazing people through being a candidate," though she could happily do without some of the other candidates.

"It's an experience to say the least." Roheis agrees in a roundabout way. This last length done she's finally able to fasten off for the last time. Trimming the remaining thread takes only a moment and she sets away her tools with a relieved sigh. "It'll be nice to have a little free time again," she declares naively. Everyone knows candidates don't get free time, especially those with the greater work ethic.

Novi nods as she starts to pack up her own tools. Brushes are carefully cleaned before being put away, "What if you Impress?" free time would virtually disappear. The map is carefully removed from the frame it's been stretched on to, then rolled and tucked away in its tube, "I'm glad that there was not as much that needed to be repaired as I thought there would be," so that map is nearly done, "It's actually off the coast of Keroon," oops.

Roheis makes a thoughtful noise, clearly not having expected to have the question asked of her in turn. "I'm taking it one day at a time. If it happens, then it happens. If not," she absently chews on her lip, brow furrowing. "Well, Weyrs are places of opportunity. I'll find something suitable to do with my time and skills." She's too old to join a Craft at this point, but there's always something that needs doing around the caverns and what not. "It may not be glamorous or what I had expected to do with my life, but it needs doing." Pragmatism at its finest.

Novi nods at that as she finishes gathering the things she'd brought in. She even manages to get the mug that's about half full of cold klah, "There is that. Always thinking is a good way to be," she's got things to do, "I need to get this stuff back to the archives, then I have laundry so I should be going," Novi says as she heads out the door. It's been an interesting conversation, and she even managed to give one of the bigger robes away.

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