
Ramita, Neryk


Two folks heading home pass on the road.



It is late afternoon of the twenty-fifth day of the second month of the eleventh turn of the 12th pass.


Weyr Pass Road, Igen Weyr

OOC Date 10 Jun 2017 07:00


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If a man wants to freeze to death, who is Ramita to stop him?

Weyr Pass

The temperature begins ever-so-gradually to drop as you travel further into the foothills of the Central Pass. Largely inhospitable and difficult to traverse, it is no wonder most traffic converges on this narrow dip through the mountains: a hospitable pass that runs east-west, deep-rutted with the marks of centuries' of wagon ruts and runner hooves. To your northeast, Igen Weyr is now clearly distinguishable from the other mountains in the range, and the eastern roadway splinters, a trail running up towards the plateau at its feet.

On days that Neryk cannot get a ride to dump him somewhere nice for the day, or he doesn't have a place to do some random menial labor, or no cool place to tuck himself away into, Neryk leaves Igen in favor of the lake. The Weyr Road and down the path come to the shore, and here Neryk has spent many a day trying to teach his lizard to fish, or exersizing runners for the stables. Today he too is heading home, walking to the side of the road wet to the knees after wading in to 'save' Alzirr from a larger fish. A careful ear might hear his voice as he talks to the blue, soothing and easy. Though he doesn't notice the riders behind him until thier steps grow closer, it is only now that he pulls up and glances back. Oh, traders?

Ramita is going to slow down as it appears they're no longer alone on the road. Her ice blue eyes take careful note of the figure as they're approaching, and don't miss the fact that he's walking in wet clothes as they draw closer. "You know, there's an inn not to far down that way." She'll nod her head towards a fork in the road that is visible in the distance. "You might want to stop in there."

Neryk lifts a hand in greeting as the runners pull up beside him, a light blue firelizard is cradled in his arms and a backpack sits on his back. No knot to be seen, but brown eyes do scan over the woman and escort for knots, mentally parcing where they might be headed, "Pardon? Oh, um, I'm headed up to the weyr, it's fine." He nods, though he was aware of the inn, he'd rather get home and change then try talking to unknown people, "Thank you though." These last words are tacked on as an after thought, manners remembered.

If it weren't for the veil, Neryk might be able to see an eyebrow shoot up conveying Ramita's doubt at that. As it is, well, there might be a flicker of the emotion visible in her eyes, but that's it. "It's a long walk, especially when wet." Her head tilts to indicate the bottoms of his pants. "And in this weather." It's practically freezing. Although, she doesn't care enough of his well being to offer him a ride or anything.

Neryk's hands shift to a better cradle for Alzirr and he shrugs slightly, "I don't mind, I'll dry out." He supposes that he could send Pollux to Temyrth or Tl'iok's dragon if he wanted a lift, but that would defeat the purpose of walking. The cold night air, the generally empty road, a clear sky above and firm Pern below, it was nice in a secluded sort of way. He misses the emotion in her, not reading such things well these days, nor does it occur to him that a ride could be offered, they didn't have an extra horse after all. He offers her a small smile, "Thank you anyway. I'll keep on."

If a man wants to freeze to death, who is Ramita to stop him? She'll just shrug and nudge her runner on forward. Her escort does likewise. Apparently just pointing out that there was an alternative of a place to get warm and dry out instead of being out in freezing weather is enough to qualify as her civic duty for the day and Ramita's moving on without another look behind her.

Neryks lifts a hand in farewell, then returns it to cradle the blue. As the evening grows darker and colder, the riders shrink from veiw. Nice of her to suggest the inn at any rate. His voice picks up again, a one sided conversation with the lizard as night closes on Igen.

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