
Divale, Ramita


Unfortunately, it's just water since Igen doesn't have cisterns full of alcohol. Divale and Ramita have a little chat.


It is sunset of the twenty-eighth day of the fourth month of the twelfth turn of the 12th pass.


Igen Weyr - Around the Cistern

OOC Date 29 Oct 2017 05:00



"But it is often the 'nonsense' that incites folks to do… unwise things."


Around the Cistern

The cisterns are the beating heart of the Bazaar, where life-giving water is drawn but more importantly where residents may come together to gossip. There's often a line at each and that provides ample opportunity to chat with one's neighbors. Children dash about over the cobblestones surrounding each immense well, firelizards swoop by overhead and laundry is often hung on racks on the periphery- still more excuse to linger and catch up on what's happening in Igen today.

It is the eighty-eighth day of Spring and 82 degrees. It is a bright, sunny day.

With the sun lowering, the shadows lengthen but nightfall is still some time away. Here, in the beating heart of the Bazaar, life still stirs as a few souls pass by the cistern before day's end. A few linger, conversing amongst themselves with the latest of gossip; most of which is rehashing the same old theories behind the sickness that seemed to have struck that all-important gathering of Bazaar families ? and other tidbits too! While the residents spin their tales of 'well I heard' and 'wasn't it so and so's cousin's brother who said', Divale has made herself comfortable lurking nearby. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Her being here isn't highly unusual; it's very likely the brownrider is about to start a patrol shift and where else to start but here?

As the light from the fading sun starts to give everything a bit of a reddish glow, a hint of scarlet appears and at least some of those gossiping either hush or are hushed by their conversation partners. At least the ones talking about Steens. Ramita may not be fully veiled as most Daughters Steen, but the scarlet headcloth combined with the tell tale escort marks her clear enough. The day's hot enough still that after a walk through the bazaar, some water would be most welcome and that's exactly where she's headed regardless of who is lurking nearby.
Oh, those voices sure do hush pretty fast and… is that a distrustful glare sent Ramita's way? Probably, though no one is so daring as to be outright with it. Eventually the murmur of conversation resumes, but one gaggle of residents nearest to the cistern are muttering a little hushed amongst themselves and not entirely subtle with their side-glancing to the Steen woman and her escort. Was that a hiss muttering about poison and some unkind snickering and sneer? Divale remains where she is, unmoving, save for her dark gaze tracking Ramita's movement and approach.

Ramita at least does a very good job of completely ignoring the glares being sent her direction. She's had a lot of practice at it, after all. If she bangs the bucket down a little harder than necessary that's just because full water buckets are heavy, right? She did have her own waterskin with her, so communal drinking vessels aren't needed, just refilling her own. The closest person still glaring daggers gets the full attention of the rather large escort beside the woman. The old woman's daughter does manage to drag the woman away before she can fully vent her spleen. She had definitely been throwing out the words Poison and Heartless. Moneygrabbers as well.

Sticks and stones… thankfully not literally in this sense. Divale's gaze narrows when that old woman holds her ground but as her daughter comes to drag her away, some of the tension in her posture eases. There might be some disappointment too that a confrontation does not occur but it would seem the night is cool enough to keep tempers level. With the last of the residents drifting away, the brownrider finally moves from her shadowy nook to quietly approach Ramita, though she is wise enough to mind those escorts and acknowledge them with a brisk nod. Dressed as she is in her full leathers and Parhelion markers, it's evident enough that she is 'ally', right? "Evening." she murmurs, with a more formal nod of respect to Ramita herself.

It'll take a lot more than a verbal onslaught to crack that cool facade. Ramita's just going to do her best statue impression, if statues had well articulated joints that moved as smoothly as human ones can. Her water skin is quickly filled and she seems much more interested in the liquid than in whatever other occupants might be in the square. Divale's approach is noted first by the escort, but they're no fools. Rider in full leathers usually isn't a threat and so they'll just keep up their watch and leave it to Ramita to respond to the greeting, which she does with a tiny nod. "Evening, rider. Fancy a drink?" Not her usual brews, but she'll wave towards the bucket that still has some fresh water in it.

Divale holds up a hand to gesture in polite decline to Ramita's offer. "No, thank you." she murmurs, only to cast a glance over the Steen woman's shoulder. Some of those residents are back to lingering again, now that they've spotted a rider entering the mix. A narrowed look has them reconsidering starting up their gossiping here and now; they're likely to go inside and resume among like minded folk. "They've been particularly bad of late." Divale explains, mildly cryptic as her gaze slides back to Ramita and her lips curve into a faint smirk.

Ramita gives a shrug and takes a long drink from her skin. It's not spirits, but it'll do. Probably a good thing Igen doesn't have a cistern full of alcohol. No work would ever get done, not to mention how poorly Ramita's business would do in comparison. Ice blue eyes turn towards the one couple of ladies that are making a show of trying to sweep the cobblestones in front of their doorway. Except they keep glancing over at the Steen party and now Divale since the rider's made her presence known. And there's only so much that one particular cobble needs to be swept, you know? "They seem to have plenty to talk about lately. Too bad most of it's nonsense."

The Guards would have lots of work to keep them busy, if that were the case! No cistern of alcohol, but plenty of places about to find it. Divale has not spotted the woman at her "sweeping" and even if she does, it's noted in passing. Her attention, for the most part, is on Ramita. "They are always talking. Even over the most asinine of subjects. Unfortunately, recent events have given them plenty to pick upon." There is a slight nod, "And most of it nonsense." She agrees, only to add with a vague grimace. "But it is often the 'nonsense' that incites folks to do… unwise things."

Sweep, sweep, make a vague motion in the direction of the ground that's possibly sweeping. Center of attention is on the pair. Unfortunately, not much actual to talk about going on here as Ramita just gives the briefest of nods again. "It has. Although amazing how sure folks who haven't even seen a healer in turns can be about illnesses." If her eyes just so happen to focus on the sweeper, it's surely just the repetitive movements drawing attention, right? "And it does. Which is why we've taken precautions." There's a small wave towards her escort. Normally one, but today she's accompanied by two.

"So I see," Divale muses with a small and fleeting side glance towards those escorts. "Wise, perhaps." Indeed, that woman's sweeping (or the break in the motions) will draw her attention again and with a heavy exhale, the brownrider gestures subtly; look at her, just the picture of proper behaviour! "Shall we?" Walk, that is. Perhaps the cistern is not the best place to remain, now that Ramita has filled her waterskin. "You would be surprised just how many 'experts' come out of the woodwork in the face of any note-worthy event. Know-it-alls too, who believe they have sourced out the cause."

Moving probably is the wisest course of action and since Ramita doesn't have a pressing reason to linger, she'll start back with the walking. "Of course." The course she sets out is not towards the Pit. There's no fights tonight, which might be for the best. Whatever errands she'd been out on, Ramita's heading back in the general direction of the Steen residence. "Surpised?" There's a hint of a smile there. "Not with how much time I've spent around bars." Where everybody is an armchair whatever occupation is in the spotlight at the moment. "Sourcing out the cause is what you're after? Or just decided to take an interest in a Steen's wellbeing?"

There may be some disappointment on Divale's end that there is no fighting tonight — if she had the free time, even, to visit the Pit. As Ramita sets both the pace and direction, she will follow alongside as is respectful. "Perhaps 'surprised' is the wrong word, then." she'll muse in return and with a faint, shadowed smile of her own. Where does she factor into all of this? Now there is genuine amusement flickering in her gaze, fleeting and gone within a heartbeat. "Neither and both," Her answer is in the driest of tones again and she is well aware that that is no answer at all. After a moment of silence, she will cautiously add: "As a rider, I am to hold no loyalty save to that of the Weyr. I am of Parhelion, so one could say I would be interested in a Steen's wellbeing. As an individual, well…"

"Disappointed?" Ramita will calmly offer her own suggestion of more appropriate words. Her faith in humanity might be at an all time low for all too obvious reasons. The journeyman raises an eyebrow ever so slightly at Divale's dry and cryptic response. "Ah. Didn't realize I was speaking with a paradox." Cause that explains everything. "But of course, we all are many things. Which are you more at the moment? Rider or individual?"

Divale's mouth quirks at the corners in a near-smile in agreement. "Yes, that is a better word." And she wouldn't know it, but Ramita has a kindred spirit as far as 'loss of faith in humanity'; Divale has seen too much of the bad (and horrific) that humanity has to offer to have much faith to start. "I was nicknamed Puzzle for good reason?" She quips back, lips drawing into a true grin. "Paradox doesn't quite have the same ring." A slow inhale sees her sobering as she mulls over Ramita's question and this time she will afford the Steen woman some small token of honesty. "Individual. It is not my place to dig into things, but that does not mean I am not curious." But it is a very difficult place for her to be in.

Ramita keeps moving forward at a fairly sedate pace. The guards escorts have fallen behind just a few paces to give at least a resemblance of privacy without sacrificing the security they're supposed to be there to provide. "I can see why." She'll nod her agreement to the fitting nickname. "And yes, not quite." Any trace of smile that might have been on her face vanishes at the revelation of the true reason, not that it wasn't a half guess. Sure, they could have played those polite little dances for quite some time, but Ramita's a busy woman and can appreciate the small token provided. And it peaks her curiosity as well. "Oh?" Just who is interrogating who here?

And who doesn't enjoy a good little dance, now and again? "The Bazaar and its many families have always fascinated me," Perhaps not the deeper politics, but Divale leaves that detail out. "It's different from what I've known." It'll be as far as she'll explain, the shift to neutrality in her features an obvious enough hint to Ramita that any further prying will simply lead to another round-about game.

At least Ramita is well accustomed to the whole dance routine by now. Sometimes a little song might even go with it. Today however, apparently neither. "It takes some getting used to…" The families. Namely turns and turns and being born into one. And sometimes not even then. "But then, I've always known them." Even if she did have some temporary escape during her training. "Is it a particular reason why this interest is peaked so much that you're approaching me now?" Sure, she had her own guesses but revealing what those guesses might be would give up even more information than any words she gives might and it's a time when playing cards close to the chest seems wise. Better hurry though. The path forward is getting pretty close to the final destination of a particular Steen household.

"Can one not simply be curious?" Sorry, Ramita. Divale's not going to play 'reveal all' tonight and will be parting ways with much left to be assumed. As they come to that point where the brownrider should veer away on her own path, she will slow her steps and give a respectful dip of her head to the Steen woman (her escorts are all but forgotten at this point). "Be well, Ramita. I imagine we'll cross paths again sometime." Most likely in the Pit or the Tea Room. It's on that note that Divale makes good on her farewell and turns to walk away, leaving the other woman to go about the rest of her evening and return home.

Hey, there's the Menagerie too! Ramita can probably be forgiven for assuming if someone that if someone's approaching her in the middle of the bazaar, they probably want something. And when it appears that Divale's leaving without revealing what those true motives might be, well, she won't be the first person to leave a conversation with that particular brownrider feeling a little perplexed. But niceties are habit after all, so a "Clear skies." Will find it's way after the departing rider before the woman turns to open the gate to her home.

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