
Z'bor, Xanthee, Vani, Amania, N'iel, K'ane with Riski and Zariel (npc'ed by Z'bor)


3 men, 2 candidates, 2 children and a proddy greenrider in a tub! Just another day in Southern~


It is afternoon of the twenty-fifth day of the eleventh month of the eleventh turn of the 12th pass.


Baths, Southern Weyr

OOC Date 07 Sep 2017 12:00


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"Forget the pirates, there be a sea serpent in the next pool. Aaaaattaaccckkk!!!!"



The steamy fog of the baths could be an entirely different world, transitioning from the well-lit brilliance of the inner caverns: a different world entirely, one wrought in dreams and humid fog. Steam lifts from hot waters, obscuring those who bathe within, drenching any who dare enter. Well-maintained, well-stocked, the baths offer pre-netted portions of soapsand in various scents, fluffy towels in orderly rows, and five separate spring-fed pools, all of differing temperature: from scorching hot to soothing chill.

It's definitely one of those hot, sticky days that makes one feel like they've been doused in sweetener and lightly misted with water so that the skin sticks and peels from everything one touches. It's one of those things that immediately makes you want to be clean. And so, after morning drills and PT, Z'bor can be found in the baths, in his shorts and nothing more as his eldest child streaks about in the water like a fish and the youngest sits in his arms. Family bath time. What a joy! The shy wingsecond makes faces at his daughter, causing her giggles to echo surprisingly softly across the baths.

Xanthee trodges into the baths and it's obvious someone had stable mucking chores this morning. Wearing knee length trousers, a loose tunic, and a pair of heavy boots, she is also sporting a fine film of grime covering her head to toe. Her ebon hair is tied back in a messy ponytail, and her face is grimy and streaky where sweat ran down her face. She somehow even managed to get hay stuck in her hair, how could that have happened? Shoulders slumped forward, she shuffles her way over a bare spot by one of the hotter pools, and begins to peel off her mucky clothes, moving slowly and wincing every now and then. A weak smile is all she can manage at this point at the cuteness of the family bath time.

Vani was already here, sunk up to her chin in the coolest pool, watching EVERYTHING with her dark eyes narrowed suspiciously. It's been threatening for a while, but now it is clear… there is something going on with the slightly perverse greenrider. "My pool!" She announces with a hiss before sinking her face even lower into the water. She'll emerge again when it's time to breathe, but for now there are glary eyes and magnificent brows claiming the best bathing pool.

Definitely one of those days. Latrine duty in such heat, even being inside, is nigh unbearable, but adding in Southern's humidity just makes it that much more so. Amania's need to get clean is more of an instinct than an active thought at this point. She's still very shy about the baths, even after all this time, but that doesn't seem to be a deterrent today as she strides in, clothing and toiletries tucked snugly against her chest, and searches out one of the cooler pools to situate herself at. But there's Vani announcing that she owns the coolest one, so she moves with a quirk of dark brows to the next coolest one, noting another familiar face. "Hey, Xanthee," she greets the other Candidate tiredly, and then strips off her clothes as quickly as possible so that she doesn't have to think about it too much. She ends up in the water not far from the tall, black-haired man with the kids, watching the trio curiously for a moment.

Vani is the ONLY cool kid \o/

N'iel ambles in just in time to catch Vani hissing at anyone approaching her pool, and he damn near does a heel turn to head towards a neighbouring pool. He's been in a Weyr long enough to know what's going on there, and he's not getting involved. Roxie would be sad (okay, angry). Instead, he'll slip into the one with Xanthee and Amania, since this one is known to be cool as well, and goodness knows he needs that right now. Z'bor gets a flick of a hand in a little wave, as N'iel sinks down into the water, wearing shorts for modesty's sake. "Sorry - I won't be long," he says to the two candidates, and then his nose wrinkles despite his best attempts to be polite. Something smells.

Z'bor looks up when the baths are flooded all a sudden, except for Vani, she was here already. His son, Riski, pops up for air and goes wide eyed when he notices all the people. "S'a pirate invasion Da! Abandon ship!!!! " Then he's gone beneath the water once more. Z'bor laughs and salutes those around as Zari giggles at her brother.

Hissing? Vani is hissing now? Wow! Xanthee stares at her antics with owlishly large eyes and then looks over at Amania and mouthes, 'What's with her?' Xan could probably guess, being weyrbred, but no girl likes to have their feelings dismissed with comments of 'oh it must be her "cycle"'. Solidarity sisters. She continues getting undressed until she is in her small clothes, because you know kids and everything, usually she isn't so modest. She slips into one of the hotter pools because it's a little known fact that bathing in hot water on a hot day, the air actually feels cooler when you get out. Or else there is no way she would get this stable grime off her in a cooler pool. She slips slowly into the water and can't help a small moan as the heat penetrates her tired muscles.

To be fair, it is entirely possible to overlook seeing as she has only the very minimal parts of her above water. It's almost as if she's channeling a certain star-dusted sea monster, who can't fit in the baths, but is probably doing something similar out on the beach… or the lake, oh and there's always the rivers… Eventually though Vani does have to come up for air, because she can't hold her breath nearly as long as Caelisth. Those dark suspicious eyes study the sudden influx of people. Greenriders and girls all! Strangely this seems to help this particular greenrider to relax… just a smidge. She even goes so far as to float to the closest point between pools. Solidarity in closeness…but NOT too close yo.

Recognizing N'iel, Amania smiles and gives the AWLM a little salute, even though they're in the baths. Considering where both she and Xanthee have been, either of them could be responsible for that smell. The Zingari girl shrugs at Xan - she has no idea! - and then dunks her head, giving the considerable mass of her hair a vigorous rub before surfacing just to take the edge off if it's her. She can't tell. She returns Z'bor's salute as well, though gets momentarily fixated on his smile for some reason or other and ends up blushing rather pointedly. Distraction comes in the form of reaching for sweetsand and grinning at the little boy. She'll wait for him to come back up before asking, "Now, we don't all really look like pirates do we?" She makes klah-dark eyes extra wide, a certain playfulness coming through that isn't often let out.

N'iel glances over at Xanthee as she claims one of the hotter pools, and it's then that his attention comes back to Amania and he realises who he's sharing a pool with. "Oh hey! Amania, right?" Oops, he's picked his moment - she's ducking underwater. N'iel takes the moment to duck down himself and start sloshing water over his shoulders and up into his hair, glancing over at Vani while he does it. She seems…less evil now? Maybe? She's come closer anyway, and he's not about to do anything to frighten her off. Ignoring her seems the best way to not cause any issues, and looks over at Z'bor and his kids with a grin for their antics.

Z'bor chuckles. "Apparently so. Dad's least favorite thing is pirates, so, all the pretend guys and gals are pirates… of course." Zariel turns I'm Z'bor's arms to see who he's talking too and waves shyly at the girls over there. If Z'bor notices any olfactory offenses, he doesn't mention them. "Alright kiddos, time to wash." Z'bor reaches for some sweet and and goes about his business. "Hot day isn't it?"

Xanthee dunks her head under water, sloshing it around to try and dislodge the stay pieces of straw that seem to want to cling to her wavy black locks. As she breaks the surface again, it looks like she got it all. She grabs a small pot of sweatsand so kindly provided for their use. takign a healthy handfull, she begins to scrub it into her hair and scalp, smiling brightly towards the little girl with Z'bor as she waves back before her father declares it's wash time, then she returns to her own ablutions. To Amania, she grins, "You look almost as bad as I did. What were you stuck with today?" she asks conversationally as she moves from her hair to her neck and face, scrubbing all the caked on grime and sweat.

Blinkblinkblinkblink. Those dark eyes continue to watch over the lip of the pool. Aside from that inital hiss she hasn't really spoken at all. Until she rather loudly and uncharacterstically blurts. "This is the cool pool!" Now back to the regularly schedualed normal conversation in the not-cool pool.
"And its niiiiiice!" Vani adds a few moments later, because I forgot to add her name. I'd be pro at no-name bingo.

Amania may not hear N'iel, but she'll just assume he remembers her as much as she does him. She gives the man with the kids a quick grin, still blushing a little and waving back at his toddler daughter. "Very," is her succinct answer to his small talk question before she starts following Vani's lead and scrubbing at her own hair with sweetsand. "Latrines," she replies flatly, then scowls a little. "I was late getting up to the garden terrace yesterday afternoon, so I pay for it today and tomorrow." And no longer, fortunately. Vani's blurting causes her to turn her attention abruptly that way, a brow quirking curiously. "This one's not so bad either," she points out, still working up a lather in her hair. She doesn't know if she ought to be commenting back, but doing so feels less awkward than silence. Sort of.

N'iel is, apparently, only here for a quick dip. He hasn't even used any sweetsand, but apparently the dip in the pool was enough to make him feel more human. He vacates the pool, grabbing a towel once he's up and out of the water. "Enjoy your bath?" He'll say with a smile to Amania, before he ambles off, still towelling himself down as he goes. Full outfit be damned, this is a Weyr and it's also humid. Clothes will be sorted later.

Z'bor wrinkles his nose. "Those were always the worst chore to deal with…" He comments on latrines as he soaps down a squirming toddler. Riski lives up to his name and risks Vani's ire by crawling up on the ledge of her pool once he resurfaces. "Forget the pirates, there be a sea serpent in the next pool. Aaaaattaaccckkk!!!!" The boy jumps into Vani's pool screeching a child like war cry that gets suddenly cut off when the boy belly flops a few feet short of his mark. Ouch.

"Oh, Latrines, I feel for ya." Xanthee says as she gives her fellow Igenite a sympathetic look. She scrubs at the back of her neck vigrously with sand to dislodge the grime that always seems to settle right at the nape of one's neck. Then she moves onto her face and then down her shoulders. As she stretches to reach the crevaces on her elbow, she whimpers softly, "There are muscles I never knew I had…and they hurt right now." she says plaintively and then lets out a burst of giggles as Vani gets company.

So long as full-grown boys don't come into her pool looking to wrestle Vani is okay… well as okay as she can be given the circumstances. "GRRRRRRR!" Comes her response as she slithers away to make sure the kid isn't going to drown/become the sea seprent she's been called. "You okay kid?" It's a brief respite, but the greenrider does have a soft spot for kids, and a talent for keeping them entertained. "Oops. I mean Grrrrmmrrrrbgggrrrblll."

[OOC:] Vani says "Actual audio of what Vani just said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMPpnCvCZvw"

Amania manages one more salute for the departing N'iel, leaving an arc of lather above her right eyebrow that's soon assimilated back into the rest as she goes back to scrubbing. In a moment, however, she's dunking her head to rinse. "Haven't we been finding those ever since getting here?" she says of previously unknown muscles…and then the little boy is belly-flopping into Vani's pool, with the greenrider being quite game in the aftermath. Amania can't help but grin without restraint for that, laughing softly as she sets about scrubbing her arms and shoulders.

Z'bor is worried about Riski aggravating Vanilla for a moment, but then the green rider is playing right along and Z'bor relaxes, sending Vani a look of thanks, even if she might not want the grown up boys around ATM. Not that it matters with Z'bor much. Z'bor definitely has tastes that lean far to the left of women, even if he does indulge once in awhile. It's a job getting Zari clean like this, but the job is eventually done. Riski emerges from the water sputtering, but is otherwise alright. The boy could swim before he could walk basically. It's what happens when one of your dads is an ex sailor. "I'm fine, I'm fine…" Risking assures before growling back at the Vani serpent and speeding away through the water like a dolphin. Come and get him Vani!!!

"Yeah, I'm almost looking forward to possibly going back to the Tea Room. At least then I was working indoors, and there wasn't any heavy lifting." Xanthee says as she finishes her scrub and goes under one more time to rinse all the sand out of her hair and skin. As she resurfaces, a rumble can be heard coming from her stomach and she blushes a bit, "Ohh, I guess it's lunchtime for me." she says as she climbs out of the bath and takes a towel to wrap around her and another to wrap her hair up in, tuban style. Gathering her mucky clothes at arms length she heads off in the direction of the Candidate Barracks, shooting salutes off to the riders and a little wave at Amania.

Vani is a sandrat right down to the soles of her wrinkly feet (She may have been in the baths for a… while). So she isn't going to chase the youngster so much as very slowly immerse herself in the water and await her opportunity to strike. Even proddy it appears she's a tricksy bitch. When she emerges for air once more she only just notices Xanthee leaving. "Was it something I said?" She asks in innocent ignorance, emerging so far that her shoulders are now in air rather than water. Perfect time to strike Riski!

Amania lifts a hand to returns Vani's wave, then rinses her arms. "No, just something her stomach said," she tells Vani with a smirk, watching the little boy again for a moment as she gets to work scrubbing elsewhere. She gives the little girl a finger-wiggle, though, something eminently fond and a bit melancholy softening her features for a long moment before she calls herself back to order. "They're both little characters, sir," she ventures, her gaze flicking back to the father across the way somewhat shyly.

Z'bor checks off a salute back at Xanthee as she departs before he begins a play routine with Zariel in the water, holding her at arm's length and spinning her around. Food should be a priority for these guys too, but Z'bor will wait a hit, knowing the kids eat better when they have worn themselves out. Z'bor tosses Zariel up and she let's out a squeal just as Riski tries to dart past Vani, little legs pumping as he tries to pick up speed. Z'bor catches Zariel when she comes down and she excitedly proclaims for him to do it again. He looks over at Amania, brown eyes alight with amusement. "Thanks… they do keep us busy." And then Z'bor is sitting there trying g to figure out how to wash one handed as Zariel squeals in his arms for more play.

Vani makes a little o with her mouth, and even goes so far as to say "Oh." Just so it is perfectly clear. "Not so fast you little bug…" Dark eyes dart to the parental unit and candidate. "…er bug!" That'll do! "This is too easy with just one dolphin to catch!" Sea monster Vani announces loudly, shooting Z'bor a significant glance. "IF only I had… two dolphins!" Her volumne control is slightly broken today, but she's good for distracting children in her fey mood. "Has anyone else earned a day off on that stupid obstacle course yet?" Because yeah, Vani is most dissapointed that D'wane and N'iel couldn't figure out a way to include her ice-bath idea.

"Um…Rhuysarr did, I think." At least that's what Amania heard, not having been among the first group subjected to the sharding thing. "I'm still working on it, myself." Just so it's known that she intends to beat it someday. She's still getting better at the swimming thing. She observes the little boy amusedly for a moment before surveying the man and his daughter. "I could hold her while you wash her, if you like," she suggests, then chances a cheeky bit of a smirk. "Even though we don't know each other's names or anything yet." She's certain she doesn't project an air of Stranger Danger, at least.

Z'bor looks between Vani and Amania, to subject Zariel to being a dolphin or pass her off so that Vani only has one handful and not two? Riski is in himself,quite the handful, so even though Z'bor doesn't know her name, he passes Zariel off to Amania. The little tykes is used to being passed between parents and nannies at this point about ain't no thang to her. Oh no. "Thanks," Z'bor starts with his own sort of blush, you'd think he could do the multitasking thing after five turns of being a parent, but no… not so much. "I'm Z'bor, green Ozriath's." Riski the bug-dolphin is caught and he comes up squeeling. "Oh no! Da! She got me! Halp!" The youngster squirms and tries to break himself free.

Now what to do with the squirming wet pile of child/bug/dolphin flesh she has in her arms? Vani is purplexed… for all of a moment. "I like to eat… TOES!" And with that one of her hands slips to the childs foot to test for ticklishness. Vani is really good with kids. "Used to look after the caravan kids when I was travelling with traders." She admits in an aside to the adults, even as she tries to find more ticklish spots before the boy slips out of her arms. It is also revealed that Vani isn't naked! Instead she wears a demure one piece that ties just above her boobs, leaving her shoulders bare. Just accept the oddity, apparenlty Vani is. "Yeah I was there when that guy did it." That guy being Rhuysarr obviously. "I was just wondering if anyone else had." She speaks as if it's nbd, even if it is currently the favorite toy of about a bazillion dragons…

Amania presently finds herself with an armful of toddler and can't help the soft smile that lingers on her lips. "Amania. From the Zingari caravan out of Igen," she counters Z'bor, noting his blush in turn with some curiosity. "Well met, sir. Who am I holding?" she asks, and then glances up as Vani goes after toes in the other pool. "And who is Vani about to nibble on over there?" She gives a little nod over the matter of the greenrider seeing Rhuysarr's victory. "Who did you travel with?" Questions all around!

A light sort of recognition crosses Z'bor's face as Amania introduces herself. He's never met her of course, but he knows a couple of the Zingari people. "Well met Amania. Colorful people, your lot. And damn, do they take PT seriously." Z'bor should know, he impliments a Zingari routine in his wing. And he's got a few of their accessories too. "That," Z'bor points at Riski, who is currently trying to laugh and escape, and it isn't working so well, "is my son, Riski. And this," he points at Zari, "Is Zariel." Z'bor grins, blows a raspberry at Zari and begins his washing routine, after all, that's why he needed someone to hold Zari. "Thanks, Amania." He comments after lathering up some sweet sand, an easy smile on his lips. He'll look over to Vani then. "If you can't tame th' little monster you can always threaten to wash him…." Z'bor chuckles. That's a threat that works every time, because thoguh Riski loves being in the water, washing is somehow unberable to the lad.

"Bubbles!" Vani announces, letting the child fall into the water (She's not tall so there is no danger). With the minor exodus well and truly over, it appears that the greenrider is relaxing a little. It also helps that she is focusing on child care rather than grown up people. "Uh, a few different ones…." It's an answer for Amania, but one that is cloaked in her usual lack of details. "I…" NOPE. Reaching over to a pile of stuff close to her cool pool she pulls out a bulbous glass bottle that fits comfortably in her hand. "This is a maaaagic potion." She informs Riski, letting the viscious green liquid within swirl invitingly. "Wanna see?"

Amania, understanding well enough about not wishing to be forthcoming to those barely known, just nods to Vani's answer. To Z'bor, "I was just learning how much so; I was a guard for them," she explains. "But…PT here showed me I'd barely scratched the surface." She notes the children's names with nods, unable to help blushing again when Z'bor's grin rises again. "Well…at least he'd be partly clean just from swimming," she notes, peering down at Zariel as she holds the little girl still for washing. "She reminds me of my littlest cousin back in Igen," she notes softly, a corner of her mouth lifting a little further.

Riski is curious about the bottle and stares at it wide eyed. "Whassit do?" He asks. There's absolutely no hope for this kid's vocabulary, not with H'ris and Z as dads. "Does it turn ye into a spinner?" Z'bor can only laugh at this, ah, to be young again…"We do take PT pretty seriously." Just ask any of the wingmates that currently hate Z'bor for the added routines. He shrugs at the comments about Riski being clean, the boy is leavig the baths clean one way or another. Zariel examines Amania with avid curiosity. "She pretty…" The girl says in a soft tone of voice. "Pretty lady."

Vani grins at the young child. "And get eaten by a lizard? I don't think so! Watch!" There is a burble of amusement in her voice as she loosens the cork stopper and pours a generous amount onto the surface of the water. "Watch." She hisses again anticipatory as the rainbow film of that viscious liquid starts to react with the current of the pool. In pretty short order there's an incredible amount of bubbles, barely contained by the pools edges. "Now it'll be really hard to find dolphins!" Also it'll get him clean without him even realising it. There is a slightly bitter-sweet smile as she replaces the bottle with her things, but it is fleeting as she once more returns to her role as sea monster.

Amania is about to comment further on the PT when she suddenly finds herself the subject of intent regard from the little girl in her lap. Zariel's evaluation of her has her blinking in surprise, her cheeks coloring even more deeply than before. "Well thank you, Zariel," she gets out eventually. "You're very pretty, too!" Uh oh. Is she going to start swapping chores with the Candidates who might be unfortunate enough to end up with nanny duties or some such thing now? Suddenly there are bubbles, and it fascinates her probably just as much as it will Riski. She's never seen the like! "What's that? Just for bubbles and not cleaning?" Except for cleaning little boys in passing, of course.

Whaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?! is the only way to explain Riski's rection to the bubbles suddnly flooding the pool. With an excited squeal he disappears beneath the surface and the shield of bubbles. Riski is game! Let's go! Zariel is somewhat facinated by the bubbles, but it's Amania she's focused upon. Something about the girl's face has Zari fascinated. Z'bor is also curious about what's in the bubble mizture, eyebrows rising. "Aye, what's in it?" I.E. What is my son swimming around in?

That is totally Riski's giggles coming from the depths of the bubbles. TOTALLY! "Um herbs… soap… a little of the stuff they boil of herdbeast hooves." The list of ingredients aren't Riski though. "It's not much more than plain soap." It's just you know, really, really, REALLY cool! Suddenly Vani pops up at that close point again. "It'll get him clean without him noticing." She hisses quietly before risking the depths of bubbles once more. "I picked it up in Ista…" For reasons, which make her voice droop a little, but she doesn't really go into the reasons. Although the observant might note the sparkly pink hair tie wrapped around the neck of the bubble-bottle.

Amania is listening to Vani's answer, curious as she is…but with how intently Zariel is watching her, she can't help but be a little distracted. She smiles gently at the girl, lifting a hand from the water to lightly boop her on the nose with a dripping fingertip. The "clean without noticing" part earns an amused glance upward. "Maybe it'd be a good way to trick him," she suggests to Z'bor. Though there is the possibility other bathers won't like having to get into a bubbly pool after every time Z'bor comes to bathe his kids.

Z'bor lifts a brow. Hmmm. "I might have to make myself a trip to Ista." Washing is accomplished pretty quickly on Z'bor's end, having got the knack of cleaning up quick back in his weyrling days. "Thanks for the suggestion." He says to both women, as they both commented on it. Clean now, Z'bor pops up over the side, but NOT into, Vani's pool. "Ris you have ten minutes ok?" Z'bor says, knoowing the boy is hiding in the bubbles. He can see some of them shifting just over there.

And then, there is more! "What? No…I don't want bloody cream puffs!" What that has to do with a pile of bubbles, Vani doesn't seem inclined to share…Although she is starting to emerge from the quickly deflating bubble pile (Alas, there is no modern chemistry on Pern). "So…" Once again that fey irritation is settled on her features. "I have to go. Bye." It's short, but not even a little sweet, even as she slips out of her cool pool. The muttering continues as she slips her feet into filmsy sandals and ties an airy scarf around her middle. NO NEED FOR DRYING! "I'm sorry." She finally says sheepishly before leaving. But hey! She did entertain and clean 50% of Z'bor's children, so it's not a complete loss!

Amania does wonder at the rather flip-floppish mood Vani seems to be in though won't inquire after it. It'd be weird, considering she's only been in the woman's presence twice. "Evening," she says to the departing greenrider, not saluting because a) Vani told her not to once and b) she still has her hands full of toddler. Now it's just her and Z'bor and his kids in the pool. It doesn't feel much more awkward than earlier, except for the fact that she ends up staring a bit every time Z'bor smiles. He does have a very nice smile, she's noticing. And…other things, she notices when he pops up on the side of the pool. Good thing he's wearing shorts! She might have had to leave otherwise. "So…is it common for dragonriders to have families like this?" she ventures. "I didn't think they did, but I never really noticed at Igen." Mainly because she was still shy about going into the Weyr proper there.

Eventually, even K'ane has to come out to the public baths: sure, he's got plenty of goldrider bathing quarters he could plunder, especially the ones that are lying more-or-less empty given Southern's state of queens. The big bronzerider comes in with his own towel thrown over a shoulder and a scrub brush in one hand. He's whistling, 'cause he's a damnably cheerful sot, heading towards a hot pool. It's not far from the cool pool Amania and Z'bor and kiddos are inhabiting.

Z'bor waves at Vani as she makes her exit and turns to Amania, the action sinking him back into the water. "Not too common. There's some of us that raise our own, but most foster or consider other options if it's early enough." That subject seems to make the greenrider uncomfortable and he shies away from it. K'ane is given a salute when he enters and Z'bor tries to gets his son's attention again. It works this time because the bubbles are wearing off and he's getting bored with it. And he is indeed about seventy percent cleaner than before. Riski climbs back into Z'bor and Amania's pool and waves at K'ane.

Amania nods but picks up on Z'bor's discomfort, her eyebrows quirking together in apology for a moment before the whistling draws her attention. She absently bounces Zariel a little as she turns to see the source. "Evening, sir," she says to K'ane with little smile tugging into place. "You're seeming in a good mood. How's Dhioth?"

K'ane waves an idle hand at Z'bor. "How y'doin'?" he asks the greenrider as he strips off the casual clothes he wears into the baths, leaving them in a basically tidy pile before starting to ease his way into the hot water pool he's chosen. The towel belatedly gets thrown onto the rest of his clothes. He nods at Amania amiably as he sinks down, neighborly, that pool next over. "Still a fuckin' asshole," he responds to Amania with a crooked grin. "You?"

Z'bor shrugs. "I'm doing alright sir." Crisp an formal, as always. Z'bor gets about securing Riski for a proper washing. This is not an easy task. Zariel, at this point, is about ready for her afternoon nap and it shows. THe little one yawns and lays her head on Amania's shoulder whilst idly flicking at her lip with one finger.

"I take it that's not something that changes much from day to day," Amania says of Dhioth, her smile tilting cheekily at K'ane just before she realizes Zariel's head is on her shoulder. "Could you please tell him thank you for me? For the other day." An odd thing to want to give thanks for, probably, but at least now she knows she doesn't have to die in the water thanks to Dhioth's particular form of pragmatism. She glances at Z'bor trying to wrangle Riski with a smirk before gently stroking Zariel's hair. "I don't think this is a good place for a nap, girlie," she says softly, not that she expects the little girl to agree.

"Aye, good t'hear," K'ane comments to Z'bor, finally sinking into the water with a half-articulated groan. The massive scarring on his back is visible to those in the other pool as he does so, one from the tops of his shoulder to mid-back, the other starting in a ragged line just below and trailing just past the dimples of his lower back. "Thanks?" he questions without turning around at first, his eyes closed and his head tilted back in a luxurious sprawl. "I can, but it's just gonna give him a big ass head," he reports to the girl without moving from his languor.

Amania does indeed notice the scarring on K'ane's back, her eyes widening as she takes it in for the brief bit it's visible. She can't really help but stare until it leaves her field of vision, though she's hesitant to ask about it. How rude would that be? On the other hand, she figures he's probably asked a lot… Fortunately, his incredulity over her request proves a welcome distraction. "Well," she says, still gently toying with Zariel's hair, "since you know his big ass head best…I could always just help wash him sometime or something." Instead of making him smug with the conveyance of her thanks.

Thread is a bitch. There's a lot of riders out there running around unscarred, and then there's K'ane. He of the massive very visible scarring~ He doesn't seem too concerned or self-conscious about it, at least. "Washing him?" His eyes do pop open at that, and he lazily shifts the way he's laying up to reorient the Igen lass into his field of vision. "That would be th' way to do it." Because it most helps K'ane. Let's face it. #selfish

"It'd be a good way to show I more or less got the point, getting out in the water with him. Or so I figure," Amania says, unable to avoid the subtle blush that finds its way to her cheeks yet again when K'ane looks at her fully. Apparently being in one of the cooler pools doesn't help the matter. "So whenever might be a good time for that…" She'd vastly prefer dragon-washing to mucking or latrine duty now. It's manageable, at least. Noticing how still Zariel has gotten, she glances down to find the little girl dozing. "Um…I think I'd better give her back now," she tells Z'bor, smirking. "It's about time for me to get back to the barracks anyway."

“Aye. Then he can try to drown you again, but maybe in a bit shallower water." K'ane's twang is as dry as it is humorous. If he actually notices Amania's blush, it doesn't rate a comment; more likely he just attributes it to the steamy atmosphere of the baths itself. K'ane's attention lands on Zariel, and his mouth curves in a gentle smile for the sleeping kid. "Aye, gettin' close to curfew." He closes his eyes again, leans back to better soak.

Amania hasn't even fully connected the dots as to what triggers her blushing yet. For now it's just something she either ignores or gets frustrated with, and at the moment she's endeavoring to do the former. Except she feels herself doing it again when she rises somewhat to pass Zariel back to Z'bor. She'll probably figure it out later. "Hopefully he won't try too hard," she says of Dhioth. Particularly if she's able to distract him with scrubbing and scratches and whatnot. "Evening, sir. And to you, sir," aimed to Z'bor after K'ane. She also finger-wiggles goodbye to the children before taking herself out of the pool and out of sight to change, all with considerable haste. Now that she's clean, she's shy again, apparently. But it's short-lived; she's soon changed and on her way back to the barracks, just having been through one of her more memorable bathing experiences thus far.

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