
L'xan, Selaine


L'xan's day is not quite done yet…He seeks out Selaine to give her the opportunity to confirm or deny what the dragons have told him.



It is late night of the tenth day of the eighth month of the ninth turn of the 12th pass.


Standing Stones, Igen Weyr

OOC Date 08 Dec 2016 11:00


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Standing Stones

It is perhaps a pity that the Standing Stones lie in quiet isolation, half-forgotten in the Weyr's easternmost corner. Or perhaps it is inevitable: the grandiose beauty of these red rocks is ill-suited to Igen's coarse grit, and maybe only their loneliness allows them to survive unmarred. Whatever the reason, it cannot be denied that the Standing Stones, a lonely jumble of ancient boulders, have a glory about them. The tumbled field of pillars and arches has been shaped by eons of wind and water into strange shapes, twisted and rutted. The going is treacherous: only the Weyr's half-feral herd of caprines navigates the terrain with any ease. To the northwest, the lakeshore glimmers; to the east, rough-carved steps lead towards another ancient pile of rocks - though the Star Stones are less haphazardly placed than their Standing cousins.

It is the fortieth day of Summer and 101 degrees. It is a hot, miserable night.

It's a shitty night. It's been a shitty day. And Selaine wants to be away from all the people. But it's late, and there's few places she can afford to go. So she goes to the place furthest in the weyr she can without actually leaving it. She sits, leaning against a nearby boulder, staring up at the sky and at nothing all at once. Akitith perches nearby, an eye on her lifemate through this moment of contemplation. Though it is soon interrupted. « You need to tell him. » » No. « The answer given is immediate, with no beat in between the transition of thoughts. Faintly moonlit face turns to look at the shadowed green, almost glaring. » It's my choice. « « And also his child. » Eyes close as one hand moves to her temples and another to her chest to rub away the uncomfortable feeling. « We should get back to the weyr. You're not well. » A sigh. Troublesome dragon.

If L'xan were privy to Selaine's thoughts, he would totally agree with her on the subject of the general shittiness of this particular day, thankfully shambling into extinction as the stars pass overhead. But, he is not. Nokteryth flares in for one of his signature flashy landings, L'xan perched in his customary seat in wrinkled shirt and no signs of riders kit apparent. He's not even wearing his knot. Perhaps he also sought some solitude, after a long day dealing with petty people. Or more likely, he badgered Nokteryth into ferreting out the green pairs location. Either way he offers a cheery "Oh hey!" When he finally slithers down the bronzes neck, his exhausted appearance at odds with his tone.

And if L'xan were privy to her thoughts at the very moment when Nokteryth makes for a landing, he would be able to hear the string of curses that runs through her mind. Selaine doesn't glare in the bronzeriding pair's direction, instead, directs her fury upon her own lifemate. » You better not have told him. « She threatens. « I didn't. » But Selaine didn't specify which him she met. So she's only sort-of lying. When L'xan slides from Nokteryth's neck, she does her best to put on a neutral/welcoming face. Trying not to, y'know, look as panicked and stressed as she felt inside. Though dark circles beneath her eyes do the greenrider no favors. She grants him a small smile, if tight, smile. "Hey… what brings you out here at this hour?"

L'xan grimaces. "Ever met someone you just wanted to…" His hands reach up and shake and squeeze an imaginary person. "…Urgh!" He begins to pace. "Why is it, even when you are doing your job, some arsehole has to take it personally?" Of course, arrest and detention does tend to be a little personal. He paces for a few moments more, frustration giving him the appearance of the violent bronze-rider that the incarcerated fear. All of a sudden he forces himself to a stop, He inhales deeply and holds it for a 5 count, the tension easing in his frame as he exhales. "But, enough about me. How have you been?" Pleasant once again, he turns to face her, his grey eyes watching her with friendly interest.

Selaine's expression moves to neutral to a slightly bemused one as she watches L'xan and lets out a soft chuckle. "Bad day, I'll wager to guess?" She comments when he finishes his little rant. If only she knew. Though seeming a little hesitant, the greenrider pats the spot beside her to invite him to take a seat. Whether or not it would prove to be a bad idea, well… she'd find out. A sense of panic seems to run through her, though much effort is given to suppress it from manifesting on her face at his question. His interest seems too pointed… though Selaine supposes she could chalk it up to him trying to be not-so-awkward around her? "…I've been better. Heat's a bit something this Turn, huh? People passing out from heatstroke and whatnot." Not that she was one of them. Noooo.

"I think…" L'xan pauses. "…technically it's been two days. I don't know, I've had 3 hours sleep. And far far to much aggravation." He does look pretty wiped, but still he's here, and doesn't appear to be wandering off any time soon. "People have been passing out?" This is news to him as his eyebrows creep to his hair line. "Really?" Why this catches his interest is not clear. But that slight lift to his voice suggests the question would be the perfect opportunity for her to elaborate further. He doesn't take that offered seat, instead preferring to stand in the dust, letting the cool breeze ruffle his shirt. He probably looks pretty impressive standing like that, outlined in the far-off glow of the more populous parts of the weyr.

"Oh…" 3 hours of sleep. Not much better than how much sleep she's been getting. Selaine observes his face and frowns, "Then shouldn't you…" Be sleeping… The words trail off as she realizes it's not really her place to say. The pot calling the kettle black, or something of the sort? So she just purses her lips and refrains from saying anything on the matter. "Oh. Haven't you heard? A few wings have had a few people pass out from dehydration and whatnot." She attempts an unaffected tone. "Weather too harsh on some days for PT and drills, really." Even when they do it early in the morning. And yea, L'xan totally looks impressive. Standing there. Though nobody's around to tell him. Poor thing.

L'xan drags a hand through his hair for good measure. Yeah, pity he doesn't even know what a magnificent view he creates. "Can't sleep…just yet." For reasons unknown. "If they're stupid enough not to drink when they need it, they probably got what they deserved." That rather hard-luck line just proves how near the end of his tether he apparently is. "In between all the guard stuff, I ran into Ypsilani again." He continues conversationally, changing tack when he realises the fainting angle wasn't his 'in'. "She kept on going on about how her dragon betrayed her…something about not being truthful." He's totally putting words into Ypsilani's mouth, but it’s for a good cause.

Selaine doesn't probe for the reasoning behind his answer to her incomplete suggestion. Though L'xan's words may sound harsh, there is obviously some truth in it. Still, she can't help but purse her lips slightly but doesn't comment further on the subject. Thankfully, or not, depending, L'xan does her a favor and changes the topic of discussion. "Oh?" She remembers L'xan speaking of the dragonless woman some time ago. "Her dragon betrayed her?" Selaine repeats, one eyebrow rising questionably. How close it hit to home, though she didn't quite realize it yet. "Did she tell you how?" There's a vague interest in the dragonless woman, along with a slight uncertainty.

"Honestly, she barely keeps it together. I bought her some rum, and she seemed happy." L'xan at least speaks the truth there. "It was curious. She belonged to a brown, and her …former weyrmate rides green…" And he's honestly too exhausted to connect any dots any further. "I think maybe it was flight related." Oh, all right, just that one last little push.

"Ah… Alcohol probably offers her some solace from her troubles." Drowning your sorrows in liquour and all that jazz. Selaine can hardly imagine what it must be like to lose your lifemate. Her gaze goes to Akitith, opalescent eyes whirling in the darkness. When L'xan begins to speak of flights, Selaine pales. Good thing he's not looking in his direction. Once more, panic runs rampant. » Does he know? « « I don't know. » That is at least truthful. She'd only told Nokteryth and was never informed whether or not the bronze had relayed it to his lifemate. Selaine swallows roughly. "Did another end up catching the green?" She's totally grasping at straws, trying not to let the panic be heard in her voice. He can't know.

L'xan shrugs, before glancing in her direction. "Many times. Her Yomarth died 5 turns ago. Isn't funny…" And by funny he means not funny at all. "…how they can have such long lasting effects. I mean I know Ch'vion was never the same after she left him in the dark…" Another beat skipped. "…that long ago summer night." He sighs and refolds his arms. "The thing is, he would have been there for her. Would have helped her out…you know?" Perhaps this is some kind of release for him. "Perhaps even come around, when she first talked about other plans." Another sigh. "Now they'll never know." Such a sad story.

Oh shit. He's looking in her direction. Don't panic. Easier said than done. Hopefully Selaine's face doesn't look so panicked and instead holds a grimace. Maybe he'll chalk it up to what he's saying, and not how she's feeling. Chances are pretty good, right? Each beat skipped in his speech makes Selaine's heart skip a beat. Her blood seems to run cold. Not talking about them. Just Ypsilani and Ch'vion. Not her and L'xan. « Just tell him. » » No. « "That's pretty tragic." Yes, sad. She looks sad for the story of Ypsilani and Ch'vion. Not for her own inability to tell L'xan what she needs to. An ache pounds at her head. A hand moves to her temple. "I…I'm sorry, L'xan. I've a bit of a headache… Should probably get back to my weyr for the night." She slowly gets up, using the boulder for assistance, and then makes her way to Akitith. "You, uh, should probably get some sleep, too." A leg goes over that neck. "… Good night." She's not running away. Not at all.

"Don't forget to drink enough water." L'xan reminds her pleasantly enough. "Wouldn't want you to be sent to the infirmary or anything." He had to go there for work anyway, and he is pretty charming when he wants to be. When the person he is speaking to is female. Usually. He raises his hands in a wave, watching her reach her dragon and prepare for take off. "Good night Selaine. Safe travels." Perhaps if she choose to look at him now, she would see that his mask is cracking, it is entirely probable he is cracking…but the darkness hides it well. "Fuck."

L'xan's words make her falter. He knows. Fuck it all. There's no way he doesn't. But she can't turn around to face him now. The pause in Selaine's step is brief. "Sleep well, L'xan." Did her voice crack? She reaches her dragon, she's mounted. And doesn't look back. He at least won't see the tears that stream down her face. Distraught doesn't cover half of what she's feeling as Akitith takes her away.

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