
Diem, H'rik


Diem and H'rik have a catch-up away from the council chambers. Southern Weyr, and Va'os's visit, are touched upon.


It is midmorning of the thirteenth day of the fifth month of the sixteenth turn of the 12th pass.


Crystallum, Igen Weyr

OOC Date 26 Feb 2019 00:00


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The immediate entryway lacks a door so that visitors can hang up their jackets and stomp off sand and dirt in a medium sized mud room before proceeding through a wooden door. It's a much needed barrier between the elements and the living quarters that are seen after stepping inside. A grand central chamber with many Fortian style rugs placed underneath various pieces of furniture is large enough to entertain guests at an evening soiree. Beautifully hand spun tapestries hang along the walls to help keep the weyr cool during the summer months and warm during the winter season. Pieces of framed artwork from Fort are hung near a large hearth that is covered by a fireplace guard when not in use. Along the mantle are crystal geodes and other trinkets from the desert weyr that are kept dusted and cleaned at all times. Two other wooden doors are located in the central living space, one veering to the left that leads to a private bed chamber, and one leading to the right that leads to a private bath and vanity room with a walk-in closet.

Zsaviranth sunbathes out on her ledge and enjoys the warmth upon her hide when she summons Wendryth. Or, well. Wendryth's rider since hers wants to see him. Hanging out inside her weyr is Diem dressed in her lavender colored sundress with her dark hair in a half up, half down style. She's sitting on her couch in the central area of her living space and is currently rubbing some citrus scented oil onto her wrists when Zsaviranth's internal white sage makes known. « Wendryth will relay the message. » Loudly, no doubt.

Loud indeed! Wendryth acknowledges Zsaviranth's request with a cheerful burst of golden light through the mist, and the summons are passed on to H'rik. Good thing the man is well used to his dragon's volume, or he'd no doubt he rubbing a sore head when he makes his way up to Zsaviranth's ledge. "Hello, Zsaviranth," he greets the gold cordially, pausing a moment before he enters Diem's weyr, taking the time to stamp the sand from his boots before he progresses in. He's been here a number of times, but the beautiful place still impresses him. He resists the urge to glance about, focusing on Diem on her couch. "Ah, Diem - you wanted to see me?" There's something very Weyrling-like about him as he waits at the entrance.

Zsaviranth rumbles to H'rik as he strides up the stairway leading toward her ledge and permits him entrance. Inside the weyr, Diem glances at the archway when the bronzerider shows up and waves him inside. "Want some tea? I just had some brought over." Up she stands from her perch upon the couch and makes her way over to a table that has a tray with the teapot on it, already pouring herself a mugful. "Sit down if you'd like. I figured we'd brief each other on the sevenday's events here rather than in the council chamber. I'm tired of not seeing the light of day." Outside, the senior queen snorts a little. Elegantly, of course. "Although it did rain last night!" She sounds cheery about this.

"Yes, please," H'rik says gratefully, and now he crosses the weyr to take a seat in one of the chairs. "One of the brews from the Tea Rooms?" He asks conversationally. There's a pause, then, as he considers the sevenday's events. These catch-ups are not out of the ordinary, but what has happened of late has been unusual. "Probably good for my eyes not to be studying hides by glowlight," he says in agreement with her sentiment of getting some day light, half joke, half serious. Given the gold's snort outside, he can assume her and Diem both are in good spirits. "Yep - caught the tail end of it in this morning's drills." Though he sounds happy enough about that fact.

Diem prepares another mug of tea and carries it over to H'rik when he accepts her offer. "It is, actually! There's a bit of a sweet spice to this one. You'll see. I rather enjoy it." True to her Fortian roots, the Weyrwoman then takes hold of her own mug and settles upon the couch since H'rik opts for a chair. "The dragonhealers have been keeping up with training brought down from visiting Journeymen from Healer Hall." she starts by saying. "Some improved methods of suturing, along with some different techniques for packing wounds. We've been keeping up with these visits every third month or so to have demonstrations and questions answered." Some of her tea is sipped. "Mirage has the lowest number of wingriders its had in the past Turn, which is great." Meaning, fewer dragonriders with physical injuries. "I feel like I'm forgetting something. Dragonhealers, Mirage… oh! Yes. We have council members from Kurkar visiting in two sevendays."

H'rik wraps both hands around his mug, settling comfortably back into the chair. He appears at ease; these catch-ups are hardly foreign, and with both in upbeat moods, there's pleasant conversation to be had. "I'm glad to hear it," he says, covering the training and Mirage's state both. "I think I'm happy with the balance in the Wings at the moment, though I may have to rejig a few when the Weyrlings have graduated." He doesn't sound annoyed. No, this is simply a fact of his job. Kurkar gets a flicker of something in his eyes. "Ah. I'll be interested to see what they would like to discuss." He'll leave that topic at that. He has something himself to bring up, after all. "I thought we should probably talk about Southern some more, since Nasrin mentioned his visit." He blows on his tea now, trying not to make any weird noises while he does so. And just about succeeding.

"His visit?" Diem perks up at this and recalls something that Zsaviranth had mentioned the day before. "Oh! Va'os." She doesn't exactly twinkle at the Southern Weyrleader's name, but she does have a wide smile when they settle to discuss him. "He's a dear, isn't he? I heard he had stopped by for a visit and I'm rather sorry that I missed him. I would've loved to have been anywhere other than that mind numbingly boring meeting yesterday afternoon." She looks a teensie bit sad that she missed Va'os by a few candlemarks. "Did you get a chance to speak with him?"

H'rik rests his mug on his knee, still holding onto it though only with one hand now. This leaves the other free to settle on the arm of the chair. "You and me both," he adds drolly, before looking morose himself at having missed the Southern Weyrleader's call at Igen. "Unfortunately not. But from what I understand…Southern's not doing too well for rider numbers. Telgar's already lent them a gold, and I…well, he and I are friends. I wonder if he might come to us to ask for some help, too." He's choosing his words carefully, as though testing the waters; watching Diem thoughtfully as he speaks.

Diem is sipping her tea when H'rik suggests that Southern might be in need of some riders for their wings. She doesn't respond right away and instead might be testing to see what his waters are like on the matter. "Yes, you are both friends." Which is great for political ties, but that goes unsaid. She shifts a little upon the couch and crosses one leg over the other while considering the very idea again. "I'm not entirely sure that we have the numbers to spare if he asks. But, you ought to know better than I when it comes to our fighting wings." Now she sips more tea and casts her gaze toward H'rik to see if she can gauge his reaction.

It's a back and forth, then, both of them probing the other to test the response gained. Mug still settled down, steaming slightly, H'rik isn't rushing to answer. He's clearly spent some time thinking about it prior to this catch-up though, for his expression doesn't seem to be that of a man in deep consideration; rather, waiting for the right moment to talk. "We've only two golds ourselves, and I don't want to be stripping us of riders. But I could move a few around, try a few different Wing formations, maybe spare a few if he did ask. Half a wing at most, I reckon." He lifts his tea, looking across at Diem with a slightly sad smile. "If he asks. Maybe he won't." And sip!

"I mean, we could offer some aide. I'm sure our numbers won't suffer greatly if we picked from each of our wings as evenly as possible." Diem siiips more tea, still watching H'rik like a hawk. Seems they are just going to keep sailing on smooth waters… for now. "The next time he visits, I would like to be a part of the conversation. If I can't for some reason, I expect to be briefed that same day." That sounds like it's not a request even if her tone remains light. "My schedule over the next few sevendays is slowly becoming a nightmare but I will do my best to squeeze him in."

H'rik 'mms' a soft agreement with Diem's assessment, going in for another sip. Now that the drink's cooled, he can start to drink properly. Mouth full of tea, he rests the mug casually on his knee once more. "Certainly. And-" the next is something else he's clearly thought of, and there's the tiniest amount of sorrow as he says it, "if he does visit again, I'll not mention having thought ahead. If he asks, we'll discuss it, but if he doesn't…." He leaves it there, the implication from that and his shrug being that he won't throw the idea or offer out himself. Looking on the optimistic side, he does say, "maybe now they have both golds egg-heavy, they'll hold out?"

"I think that's a wise decision." Diem agrees before pivoting to set her mug of tea down upon an endtable near the couch. Both hands brush together and she then smoothes the lavender fabric of her sundress over her knees with a gentle shrug of her shoulders. "Perhaps they'll even hatch another gold upon their sands. Faranth knows they could use a third." A beat, "As could we." She eyes H'rik like it's Wendryth's fault, though the grin that curves her lips is quite clearly teasing. "Truthfully, though. A third queen wouldn't be a bad thing to have for us."

With that matter seemingly sorted, H'rik relaxes, tense even though he didn't realise it. They may not have solved Southern's problems, but at least there's an agreement between the two of them should Igen become involved. He gives Diem a curious look when she talks of queens. "Are you suggesting we go asking other Weyrs for one? Or do I need to have a pep talk with Wendryth?" He's clearly jesting, mouth widening into a smile that shows a bit of tooth.

Diem laughs a little at the very thought and then raises her voice so that Zsaviranth can hear her while sunbathing on the ledge. "A pep talk!" she calls out with a hand cupping the side of her mouth for emphasis. Maybe she'll tattle to Wendryth! Her focus then returns to H'rik and she shakes her head at the idea of asking for a gold. "No, we don't need to ask. We'll just wait and see what happens after Rajakhelath takes to the skies, although Nasrin hasn't mentioned anything about it. And Zsaviranth isn't showing any signs. So…" She shrugs again. "We'll just have to wait and see. Does that conclude our meeting?" She then scoots to the edge of the couch, but doesn't stand up. Yet. She peers at H'rik rather eagerly like she wants to go somewhere. "Do you have any place to be after this?"

H'rik's grin broadens, a laugh ringing out as Diem makes sure Zsaviranth can hear her. "We're not in dire need, and if we can keep things running smoothly with the dragonhealing, and the Wings - well." He sounds hopeful. His tea is drained, seeing as Diem seems to be finished with things. He can't not notice that eager look, nor the question's implications. "For once - no. Clear diary. Don't ask what I had to ask my 'seconds to get that." He's still in a jovial mood apparently, the look he gives her amused as he reaches over to set his empty mug next to hers.

"Good!" Diem springs up from her seat upon the couch and then whirls around to go collect her shoes near the entryway. "Then let's go to the Cantina. I want to see what new ale my dearest Topiltzin might have today." She flutters at the thought of her favorite Tlatoani cantina owner. Now she regards H'rik with another grin and an outstretched hand for him to take. "Come along, Weyrleader. You can tell me all about your shenanigans with Va'os along the way." Because clearly that's what the two Weyrleaders get into when they're hanging out together, right? Either way, she's eager to find out!

H'rik rises, though he watches Diem getting her shoes before he heads over, moving around the furniture with great care. "With or without all the exciting details?" He asks with a laugh, before taking the offered hand. He's happy to be led, to be guided, and happy too to share as much detail of his visits to Va'os as Diem wants to hear. Though the language used is, perhaps, rather toned down from the original antics!

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