
Casobet, Bradach


Reading while walking is definitely not something Casobet should do, even if it has her running into strapping guardsmen.


It is noon of the fourth day of the second month of the tenth turn of the 12th pass.


Garden Terrace, Southern Weyr

OOC Date 03 Feb 2017 07:00


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"I believe that's called 'wandering aimlessly.'"


Garden Terrace

Tucked-away and bejeweled, here is a hidden treasure of Southern, beckoning and beguiling those who may trod the entrance of weyrbridge: steps cut upwards, switching back and outer-railed, to terminate in a sheltered ledge of stone. Here, greenery blooms in fragrant profusion, scenting the air and quieting the minds of those who stroll amongst the cultivated rows of cultivars. Flowers, and tiny fruit-bearing trees limn the walkways. Tables and benches scatter organic throughout the rambling concourse, providing easy rest for those who challenged the stairs… or the craft shops beyond the scrolled wooden door at the innermost part of the terraced ledge.

It wasn't everyday that Casobet got a chance to just kick back and relax but she's been working hard on gathering soil samples from around the Weyr these last few sevens. She totally deserves it. Although she did end up losing a day's worth of work just the other day… But today she's off. And walking around with her nose in a book, which probably isn't the best idea, considering her two left feet. She's not even looking where she's going as she climbs those stairs up to the terrace! The unassuming Farmer is bound to bump into someone at this rate…

It's hard to miss a man as big as Bradach, really. He'd be more obvious if he were on the stairs, though. He's just beyond them, having made his way up to the garden terrace to learn the layout of yet another unfamiliar niche he's discovered in the Weyr. He hears someone coming, moves to let them pass…and still manages to get bumped into. "What the-" A moss-green regard snaps around, sharp upon the one responsible for the jostle as he steps further to the side.

To be fair, it's really quite humid out at the moment so Casobet doesn't really expect anyone else to have braved those steps to go up to the terrace. She, on the other hand, is quite used to constant work out in the sun and heat, which might explain her generously tanned skin. Still, it doesn't excuse the fact that she bumps into a very sturdy obstacle soon after she crests over the top of the stairs. It causes her drop her book and take a few steps back (almost tripping in the process but thankfully far enough away from the stairs to not fall to her doom). She looks up to blink in surprise before finally realizing she'd bumped into a person. "OH! Sorry sorry!" Then crouches down to pick up that fallen book.

Bradach scowls a little, but it's an easy expression for him. Very serious guardsman, here. Yet the keenness of his gaze softens as he surveys the farmer woman, and he utters a grunt that seems to carry a hint of "don't worry about it" with it. "Never wise to be on the move without your eyes on the path, journeywoman," he says, and holds a lightly scar-roughened hand down as she crouches. "I believe that's called 'wandering aimlessly.'"

It's a good thing Casobet isn't really looking up to see that scowl on Bradach's face… she might have been a little more intimidated if she had. But as she doesn't, the young Farmer will just take his grunt as a 'it's okay' statement. Surprise registers in her face as she finds the hand out and gaze flickers up meet his a bit sheepishly. With her book in one hand, she uses her other one to place in that outstretched one. "I don't normally wander aimlessly…" REALLY, CASOBET? Once she's straightened back up, she clears her throat a bit and lets go of that hand, "I'll uh… be more careful next time."

Dark brows hike a bit when Bradach sees the woman's surprise at being offered a hand up. Is it really so uncommon a thing for women in the Weyr to encounter such offers? At least this one accepts it. The muscles along his arm go taut as he pulls upward to help her to her feet, though not much else seems to move with the effort. "You should," he affirms. "The next person you bump into might not be as friendly." Guard or no. "Sergeant Bradach," he introduces himself after a moment of consideration. "At your service, journeywoman."

Considering Casobet tendency for clumsiness and anyone privy to that information, they might understand why the Farmer is surprised by the silent offer of help. It's rare for her, anyway. Brows knit together as she considers his advices seriously, "Right… thank you… Sergeant Bradach." The last bit is added after the guard's introduction. "Journeyman Farmer Casobet," she adds in her own introduction with a slightly goofy grin, "I'd say well met but considering how we met… " Her voice trails off with a soft chuckle.

Bradach dips his head in a little bow, bringing his hands around his back to clasp and rest there, at ease. "Journeyman," he echoes, carefully emphasizing the masculine end to the title. "Is that what you prefer, then? I've met some Crafter women who were very particular about ending their title with 'woman', and just as many who didn't care." Or didn't want such distinction from their male peers. As for their manner of meeting, broad shoulders hitch in a shrug, the subtle light of a smile brightening his eyes. "Only would've been a problem if you were trying to bowl be over," he states matter-of-factly…which may be a mask for a bit of a tease.

There's a little rise of one of Casobet's eyebrows at the bow and the emphasis of her title from the guard. Her head tilts curiously at his inquiry, followed by a light shrug. "I've never been picky. It's just a title." That allows her to do what she needs to. As for the maybe-tease, the Farmer's expression brightens as she lets out a hearty laugh. "I don't think I could even if I tried!" She points out with a glance over at Bradach's frame.

"That's what I was getting at, journeywoman," Bradach counters over the matter of being able to budge him, a little smirk finally forming on his lips. Apparently he's sticking with his original titling of her. It feels more proper to him. Finally pulling his gaze from the farmer woman, he glances around the terrace. "Being a farmer, do you tend this little spot here, or do you spend most of your time in the fields out there?"

Casobet's lips quirk into a smile at his use of the gender-appropriate title, not quite mirroring his smirk. As Bradach looks around the terrace, her gaze drops to her book to quickly search for the page she'd left off on before looking back up at the guard at his question. It's then her turn to look around the terrace. "Oh! I do none of that, actually… I just got temporarily transferred to figure out the grub problem so I'm usually out and about gathering soil and grub samples."

At that, Bradach frowns. "I'm new here myself, though I'd heard a bit about it," he says. "What exactly is going on there?" Not that he knows the first thing about agriculture and such, but he's a sponge for information. Though generally quiet and not well-travelled, he's a curious man. There has to be more to life than dealing with the dregs of society and keeping those in need of protection safe, after all…and he's got to keep his mind sharp.

Casobet's eyes seem to brighten considerably at Bradach's question though it sombers within the same moment as she thinks about what she's about to tell him, "Oh! The riders had been noticing more burrows some 'Falls ago and discovered that there was something wrong with the grubs… They're not as hearty as they're supposed to be and seem to be dying out…" And she looks completely heartbroken when she says the last bit before quickly clearing her throat. "In any case… a handful of us were called down to try and figure out just what is causing the problem… We highly suspect soil quality is affecting their livelihood…"

"So the grubs are sick, in other words." Bradach does know the importance of the things, having studied a bit about his new home before getting there. "Do you really think they're dying off, though?" he asks, genuinely concerned at the prospect. "Couldn't it be something like that firehead that went through here not long ago, just…something that can only affect them? Hits hard and passes on eventually, I mean." Not that it's really a happier prospect, but at least it carries some hope of recovery.

Casobet's brows knit together in concentration, "Not quite… sick," she attemps to clarify, "But they are dying…" She shakes her head as he suggests something like firehead, "No. If it were just that, they wouldn't be smaller and weaker than normal… The only explanation is something's wrong with the soil. If we can figure exactly what… Well, that's what we're currently working on." Get her started and she'll just keep on talking about grubs and soil.

Again Bradach frowns. He isn't sure how there can be dying going on without sickness, but he thinks that trying for clarification might start touching on things that really are beyond him. "Well, I hope you're able to figure it out, and fast," he says, and glances around again at all the greenery. "If they go, it's gonna be hard keeping this place looking this way, I'll bet." His eyes drop to Casobet again. "I hope whatever's worth reading while walking is something to give your mind a break from it, though." Even he knows how important it is to let oneself relax a bit once in a while.

"We are certainly striving to figure it out as quickly as we can." Casobet glances around them as well, still not able to get over the fact that there is so much greenery. As Bradach mentions her book, she looks back to him with a sheepish smile and a light blush. "Ah well… yes. It certainly does." She'll just… hide that book behind her back so he can't read the title. "I… ah… do hope I'm not bothering you if you're on duty…" she notes a bit belatedly.

The way Casobet reacts to the matter of the book is something that amuses Bradach deeply, the subject matter something he thinks he can make a reasonable guess at judging by her blush. As to her last, he gives a tiny shrug again. "Other than running into me," no, he's not going to let her forget it, "you aren't. I'm on duty, but it doesn't stop me from talking with people. Provided I'm still keeping aware."

Casobet is obviously not really aware that her reactions clue the guard in to the type of book she's likely reading. But that blush certainly deepens as he continues to mention their initial meeting circumstances. "In that case…" Totally ignoring any coloring of her cheeks with a curious glance around, "You said you're new, right? Where're you from?" Because now that she's not actually working and she's not really bothering him… she can exercise her curious nature.

Bradach may just be learning the area as part of his duties, but that does mean he still has to move around, regardless of whether or not he's talking. He slowly starts forward, waiting for Casobet to follow. "High Reaches," he replies. "Lemos before that. It's where I was born…but High Reaches is where I lived and trained."

Casobet hardly notices when Bradach starts to move, but she follows right along without much heed of her own actions as she listens, even moving that book that was behind her back up front. But she'll hug it tight against her body as she walks. "High Reaches!" she exclaims, "You're an awfully long way from home," she notes with wide eyes. "Why Southern?" The Farmer idly thinks that maybe the weather but in the same moment dismisses it easily. He seems almost too serious to use that as a basis for decision. Though not quite, as she's learned from his teasing.

Bradach simply gives a snort for that observation. "Wouldn't call it home," he says, "but yeah, it's pretty far from where I'm used to." Casobet's question of why isn't answered quite so quickly. He stalls a moment, trying to figure out how best to reply as he idly inspects a broad rectangular planter full of what look like herbs. "Needed a change," he finally says as he straightens and starts onward again. "I guess I just figured I hadn't seen enough of the world, and Southern's as different from High Reaches as it gets." To his mind, at least. "And you? Born here, or are you a transplant like me?"

Casobet's gaze flickers up to look at Bradach as he stalls, and nearly trips in the process since she's not looking where she's going. But at least she doesn't fall as she somehow catches herself from doing so as she returns her focus to back in front of her, and maybe down at her feet. There's an interested hum from the journeywoman at his eventual answer. "Quite different, I'd say…" She observes with a quirk of her lips. "Temporary posting to study grubs?" she reminds. "I was born in Nerat Hold. Then got apprenticed and went to the CraftHall after. Lived there practically my whole life." It's a simple life for her~

"Right." Bradach gives another small, brief frown, this time at himself for needing the reminder. A brow lifts for the farmer's near-trip, but at least he doesn't have to remind her to look forward again. "So not such a big change for you, then," he says once she reveals where she's from. "Sounds like you're about as familiar with a Weyr as I am, though. I've gotta admit, all the dragons are taking a little getting used to." And he ends up posted where the biggest ones reside more often than not. Quite a thing to deal with, that.

"No, not really," Casobet agrees readily as far as change for her. And then there's a soft sigh. "I've mostly been occupied with going out of the Weyr for sample collecting so I'm rarely here," she tells him, "There certainly are a lot of dragons though…" she agrees readily enough with a furrowed brow. "Convenient though, I suppose…" They're the ones ferrying her around the continent, after all! "So you think there'll be a high demand for your expertise here?" she then asks, not really knowing the history of the place.

For that, Bradach gives Casobet a somewhat sidelong look, surprised. "Did they not let you know Southern Weyr isn't the safest place on Pern before tossing you down here?" he asks, a bit incredulous. Really, there should be travel warnings issued before postings are given, regardless of whether or not it's a mandatory relocation. "Goldriders and others getting stabbed, pirates in the Sea of Azov and along the river, Black Rock Hold being more or less a thief's den…" He nods decisively. "I'd say I'll be in pretty high demand. Already am, in a sense. Keep your eyes open, journeywoman. If you're ever in doubt of your safety, you come straight to the guard."

The incredulity in Bradach's voice is what gives Casobet pause after her question. She actually stops walking for a moment to look at Bradach with wide eyes at the news before resuming. Yeah, would've been great if someone had told her about such things because then maybe she wouldn't be risking her life just to study the poor grubs… Too late now. She nods seriously at his last, "Given what you just told me… I'll certainly make sure to do that…" She should probably also tell Master Grissom. Unless he already knew and forgot such an important detail. "And you knew about all this before you came here?"

"Most of it." Bradach's hand comes to rest on the hilt of the short sword at his hip. "I'm a guard, journeywoman. To do my job to the best of my ability, I've gotta know all I can about the environment I'm posted to, especially in the legal sense. I had homework to do before I got settled in the barracks." Realizing he's probably not sounding the most encouraging right now, he pauses and lets his eyes meet hers. "I don't think you have all that much to fear, given what you're here to do. But if there's one thing I know, it's that you can never just assume you'll be safe. It's why I do what I do. You just never know…and someone's gotta be there for the unexpected."

Brows still knit in worry, Casobet doesn't even notice his hand move to his sword. She nods in understanding, "Right… makes sense…" Her feet keep moving for a few steps even after Bradach stops, though she's quick to realize it and turn around to meet those green eyes of his. "Well I am most certainly grateful for all that you and your fellow guards will be doing," she says earnestly. She might be a bit silly sometimes, a bit goofy and a complete klutz, but at least she knows how to be serious every now and then. "But Sergeant, I hope guarding isn't the only thing you do~ Life gets a bit dull when you're too serious," the Farmer eventually says as she continues walking, attempting to lighten up the mood.

Now Bradach is the one to start moving second, though his longer strides catch up to Casobet effortlessly after a few moments. "I'm not on duty all the time," he informs her, though he could make an argument that that's not true, from a certain standpoint. "I read, I go find a good drink, I play a little dragon poker." Big partier, obviously. "It's always harder to do that somewhere new, but I'm sure I'll figure something out, big as this place is."

Given the guard's height, Casobet had no doubt he'd be able to catch up with her easily enough. She only tosses him a sidelong glance at his reply, lips quirking into a wide smile. "Pity the 'Kitten's on a beer shortage… though I've no doubt they have other drinks." That she certainly won't touch. "Have you been to the library here yet? They've got quite a collection!" And she's never played dragon poker so she's totally useless on that end.

"Good thing I'm not a big beer drinker," Bradach says. "I'm a whiskey man myself." So he should be set for whenever he decides to venture over to the Kitten, hopefully. "Can't say I've been to the library yet, no. Though you clearly have." He gestures to the book she holds to her chest, another flicker of amusement showing in his eyes. "Must be one of the branches off the inner caverns I haven't gotten around to discovering yet."

"Whiskey." Casobet wrinkles her nose in distaste. She's clearly tried the stuff before but she can totally see him as being a whiskey guy. Her own gaze flickers back down to her pick as he points it out, eliciting another light blush. He clearly is enjoying teasing her. "Uh… right. I think so…" She's been there all of one time and practically wandered into it unknowingly so she's fuzzy on the directions.

Casobet's dislike of his favored liquor doesn't faze Bradach in the least. It certainly isn't for everyone. He gives her a pensive look as she wavers on whether or not the library is where he says it is. "You've gotta pay more attention to where your feet are taking you, journeywoman," he observes with a subtle wryness. Given their manner of meeting, her near-trip, and her fuzziness about the library, he's starting to think wandering aimlessly is a regular thing for the woman.

If Bradach encounters her enough times, he will soon realize that her near-trip is simply due to her inherent clumsiness. Casobet literally can trip over nothing. "But if I pay more attention to my feet, I'm more likely to bump into unsuspecting sergeant guards while they're trying to protect me," the Farmer points out with a light laugh, now joking at her own expense.

"I didn't say to watch your feet," Bradach points out with a smirk. "I said pay attention to where they take you." After another beat of thoughtful consideration of the woman before him, the guardsman drops his hand from the hilt of his sword. "I must take my leave, journeywoman. I've got a bit more ground to cover up here before I need to report back for my next rounds." He inclines his head to her again. "A pleasure speaking with you. Try not to read and walk at the same time too often."

And apparently Casobet also has selectively hearing. "Oh… right." Her smile turns sheepish as she looks back over at him. When he announces his need to continue doing his job, she nods in understanding. "Of course. It's been a pleasure speaking with you as well, Sergeant." The smile widens as she pauses. "I won't make any promises~" Her smile grows into a grin before inclining her own head in his direction. Then she'll turn on her heel to walk back the way they'd come. Perhaps to sit and read instead~

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