
Violine, F'kan


F'kan brings a weyrling into the infirmary with a stupidity-related injury. Violine helps them out.


It is afternoon of the twenty-fifth day of the third month of the sixteenth turn of the 12th pass.


Infirmary, Southern Weyr

OOC Date 10 Feb 2019 05:00



"This may hurt a little…"



Sterile and scoured, the surfaces of the infirmary, well-tended and beloved by the complement of Healers due a weyr of Southern's size. Soothing tissane simmers at the large hearth, while comfortable chairs circle that particular feature in a waiting-room of sorts. Tables of dull-gleaming oldtimer metal lie as examining slabs, neatly lined in rows with pull-curtains enabling full privacy as needed. A low wall separates the southern half of the room from the rest, and those practicing the apothecary's trade can be seen compounding medicines under the watchful eye of the posted Master.

Violine is currently seated on an unoccupied slab, legs dangling and crossed at the ankle. She's slowly winding some gauze around one hand, trying to make her rolls as tight as possible. There's a mess of unwound and rumpled strips piled to her right. Presumably, this is her foreseeable activity. A mug of klah is settled within reach, also on the slab. Top teeth flash briefly as she bites her lip in concentration, trying oh-so-delicately to hinge the tiny metal clip in place to affix her last little bit of fabric. So far, no dice.

From the door to the infirmary, a broad brownrider is supporting a lanky youth who is hopping on one foot, the other is bare and already twice the size it should be, bruises only starting to form over the swollen extremity. The man, F'kan, wears the knot of an assistant weyrlingmaster, and the young man that of a weyrling bronzerider. "Of all the wherry headed ideas, why on Pern would you try jumping off your dragon before letting him land properly? If this was another ploy to impress some girl, so help me Faranth…." The bronzeling flushes dark crimson as he hobbles along helplessly. "A little help out here!" F'kan bellows into the recesses of the Infirmary.

Violine is juuuust about to clip the gauze perfectly in place when F'kan's bellow causes her to jump about six inches off the slab, fully disengaging her roll. Breathing heavy, she watches as the gauze unravels down her hand and onto the floor. Eyes narrowing slightly, not at the originator of the yell, but at the audacity of the gauze, Violine hops down from the slab and hurries out to intercept whoever. As she is fighting to get the last of the sticky fabric free of her fingers, she looks up and takes in the scene, eyes sliding to the foot and up to F'kan as she motions curtly for the two of them to head to the nearest slab— not covered in gauze. It's a relatively slow day so there's plenty to choose from. "What happened?" She asks, not bothering to look at the brownrider as she bends down and starts rummaging for various supplies in and around the cabinets. Some numbweed here, a splint there, a bit of fellis, and oh hey, she's got gauze for days, so there's that.

F'kan helps the lad to the nearest unoccupied slab, lifting him up on it with a bit of a groan, before the bronzeling settles back on the pillow, his face quite white indeed. Now that it's propped up and on display, there's definitely something wrong with the angle his left foot is resting in. Crossing his arms over his chest, F'kan glares down at the boy with a raised brow, "So do you want to tell her or should I?" K'tar looks like he'd much rather have some old wizened Healer instead of a young woman, and his cheeks flare red as he drops his gaze, mumbling unintelligeably. F'kan gives him a light knock to the shoulder and he clears his throat a bit and speaks up. "I tried to jump off Glioth before he'd landed, I thought since he was over the beach, the sand would be soft enough." F'kan rolls his eyes at this and shakes his head, "Sharding kids. Some other weyrlings who were there say they heard a crack, please tell me it's not broken, we can't have a weyrling out for months right now when the Weyr is hurting for every rider we can get."

A half smile emerges along Violine's lips at the lad's blush and the explanation. She points at the heated kettle of water simmering nearby, and after a rigorous, rough pestle grinding of fellis, hands the contents in the tiny mortar to F'kan with an indication that he should combine the two. There's plenty of mugs to choose from over there and she'll do better without the broad rider crowding her slab. She places her fingers lightly along the swollen heel then to the toes where she traces the bones gingerly before giving the ankle itself a gently push. "This may hurt a little…" she trails off, not waiting for F'kan to return with the sedative before pushing the ankle harder towards center. After all, there has to be some consequence for youthful idiotic bravado.

Blinking a little bit as he's handled the mortar, F'kan looks down at it for a long moment as if not quite sure what to do with it. But then she points to the kettle, and even though the brownrider is often slow on the uptake, realization dawns and he nods, heading over to the mugs and leaving his charge behind in the clutches of the healer. K'tar tries to put on a brave face, hardly twitching as Violine starts to prod his injured foot, although the way he is blanching, it's clear that there is considerable pain. But all that self-control fails him when the healer pushes on his ankle and a scream that would probably be more apt coming from a seven turn old girl erupts from him before he collapses back against the slab with a series of loud sobs. Returning with the steaming mug, F'kan just smirks as he hands the boy the fellis drink, "Well maybe you'll think about this the next time you think of something stupid to try and turn a girl's head." Turning his attention back to Violine, brawny arms again crossing his chest, with a heavy sigh, "So, what's the diagnosis?"

Violine nods at K'tar's high pitched scream before accepting the mug and handing it to the boy. "Here, drink this." She turns away from the weyrling for a moment to finally wash F'kan with her full regard. "Well, I don't think it's broken, but it's a bad sprain, and there may be some minor fracturing." She turns a stern eye to the boy to make sure he's drinking the fellis as she gathers up some numbweed and begins smearing it gently along the ankle and surrounding swell. She points to the slab covered in unraveled gauze and indicates F'kan should bring her some. "We'll put him in a splint, and let it set in the right position. I think with time he should be fine, but he needs time." She emphasis the word with an eyebrow arch. Not her first dragonrider, and if there's one thing about riders and injuries, it's impatience. "I don't want him flying for at least a sevenday, maybe two. After that he can fly, but I want you to bring him back here to have his foot looked at before he flies thread." All that bouncing and blinking into between and… it's just begging to jostle that foot back out of alignment. "Just don't be an idiot," she says with a small smile for K'tar as she finishes applying the salve and reaches for the splint, "and you should be back to impressing the girls in no time."

When Violine points at the gauze, F'kan picks up her meaning quickly enough, grabbing some then returning it to the healer with a gruff grumble. "Two sevendays isn't terrible, I guess he's out of PT for the time being, I'll need to figure out other ways to keep him occupied. Maybe he could come here and help wrap bandages for you guys or something." K'tar looks like he might not think that's too bad an idea, eyeing Violine appreciatively as he sighs in relief when the numbweed starts to take effect, his body relaxing as he sips slowly on the fellis concoction. "On second thought, I'm sure the cooks need help with peeling tubers," F'kan amends with a sharp look leveled in the lad's direction. "By the way, I'm F'kan, assistant weyrlingmaster, I don't think we've met before." K'tar for his part is looking more and more relaxed, goofy smile on his face as the fellis is certainly taking hold.

Violine snorts, accepting the gauze from the brownrider as she places it next to the foot and then deftly grabs his hand and places it on one side of the splint, pushing it gently but firmly. "Keep that there," she nods to his hand while she presses on the other side. The kid should be doused enough to only feel pressure and muted discomfort as she slowly begins winding the gauze around the tension-held splint, making sure to keep his ankle as straight as possible. "Violine," she grunts as she continues pushing and winding until she has the foot and ankle neatly done up and secure. "I haven't been here long," she says by way one explanation, though, she doubts any dragonrider has much reason to remember her anyway. "Thank you," she says once his hand is released from the splint and her task done. "It's much easier with two."

F'kan blinks a little bit when the healer grabs his hand but doesn't resist. He holds where he's asked to, trying to be as steady as he can. K'tar isn't minding anything, happily numb and seeing firelizards flying round his head no doubt. When she gives her name, he nods briefly, "Well met." He holds steady until she is done her wrapping, then carefully removes his hands when she indicates he shoulder. Looking down a the bronzeling's face, he snorts to find the boy actually passed out, "Well I don't think he's going to be going anywhere any time soon." Looking back at the healer with a bit of a smirk, he cants his head to one side, "Newly arrived huh? From where?" He seems to be making conversation rather easily, maybe he's had a few close calls with healers in his time.

Violine glances up at the boy once he's passed out and laughs briefly. "We're in no shortage for space, he can sleep it off here and then I'll send him to the barracks with some crutches." She starts tidying up, putting things back in cupboards, sterilizing her hands and wiping them clean. "The Hall, I was recently placed here. But I'm from Black Rock Seahold originally." She appreciates the conversation. She's pretty secluded while on duty when not much is going on, so she ventures to keep it going. "And you? Before you were a rider?"

F'kan finds an empty slab to lean against as he nods to the girl's first, "Good, well if he needs help, just sent a message and I'll send a couple other weyrlings to help him." When she mentions where she was from originally, the brownrider perks up a bit with a lopsided grin, "Me too! From Black Rock, I mean. I was searched at eighteen, but I did some work on the docks when fishing boats would come in. Nice to meet someone from home. Although it's not so much home anymore. My parents relocated to Ista after that bad storm a few Turns back that displaced so many."

Violine brightens. "You are?" She leans in, inspecting his face a bit more. "We've got to be close in age, I wonder if we ever crossed paths? I wasn't near the boats often, only when my father was docking and needed some attention for minor wounds for the crew." She gives a sideways smile. "My mom had a bit of rough-around-the-edges healer in her, she taught me what she had learned on her own. It was enough to deal with the minor stuff." Aaaaaanyway, she catches herself rambling. "That storm," she shakes her head in commiseration. "My folks are still there but it did a number on our boat." A tiny grimace, and before she can say anything else, another Sr. Apprentice comes in, looking flustered. "Sorry I'm late, Vio." Glancing up at the young man as he enters, Violine smiles brightly at F'kan. "Maybe I'll see you again soon. Or at least some weyrling proxies to come gather up K'tar." She chuckles as she turns her back to the brownrider. "Just don't let me see you on the slab, F'kan."

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