
Jaelynn, Kyara


Weyrling and AWLM discuss grieving, flights, and potential wing placement over lunch.


It is noon of the first day of the sixth month of the third Turn of the 12th Pass.


Living Caverns, Igen Weyr

OOC Date 25 Nov 2014 07:00


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Living Cavern

Dim light from hanging glow-globes cannot fully camouflage the ravages of time and neglect on Igen's busy living caverns, though hints of its former glory peek through in the decorative cuts to the cave's natural limestone and the high quality of dusty, tatty-ended tapestries. Here and there, skybroom tables — stained dark by wood finish and a decade of grime — sit in loose groups, flanked by wicker chairs with pointy, broken rattan that pokes out to invariably find unprotected skin. The seemingly randomly placed furniture, however, at closer inspection, forms a sort of cross-shape of negative space. At the northernmost walls and nooks of the caverns, a long buffet table with tarnished lazy susans hosts an array of finger-foods and pitchers for the interested, refilled occasionally by drudges that shuffle in from the curtained entrance to the south, beyond which lies the kitchens. To the east is a large arch leading outside and, across from that, to the west, a set of rattling doors that open to reveal the tunnels and stairs of the inner caverns themselves.

It has been a rather hot, summery day around the Weyr, which really isn't a surprise seeing how they are in a desert, after all. Few people are around as it is that time between lunch and dinner in the Caverns, though one person would be Jaelynn, sitting on her own and scribbling across a scroll that is laid out before her. The bandage that was across her right arm and hand is off, leaving the scars behind that only Thread can leave. Honestly she got off lucky. Otsoath took the brunt of it when the two were attempting to help a pair of clutchmates…which ended in them only saving one set. It's still a lingering thought on Jae's mind while Oat is laid up for a few more days for things to heal fully and all to be safe and sound.

Somewhere with few people present is just fine by Kyara right now. With all that's happened in the past month, the AWLM has felt like she's been in a constant battle to keep a positive outlook - for the weyrlings' sake, if not always her own. Losing W'rin, losing a weyrling pair, feeling the pressure of the blight closing in - it's far from an ideal environment. There's always something bleak about Igen. She's just not sure it's ever felt this…concentrated. However, with some respite from Threadfall happening for a few sevens, today is a relatively quiet, uneventful day, and Kyara's mood higher than it's been for some time. In spite of the sparse population of the cavern, she finds herself looking for a familiar face to join and spots Jaelynn. Wandering toward the weyrling brownrider with a plate of food in hand, she comes to the table with a small smile. "Mind if I join you, Jaelynn?"

Jaelynn mind is clearly wandering, lost in thought is more like it so she doesn't even see, or hear Kyara moving on over to her. She blinks a bit and ohs softly while shuffling a few things around to make room for her. "Sure, go on and have a seat. How are you, ma'am?" There is even a quick salute given.

Kyara ticks a couple of fingers off her brow in return as soon as she's set her cup down, taking an empty chair with a nod of thanks and settling down. "Right now? Hungry," the greenrider returns wryly, popping a bit of a sweet orange tuber into her mouth. Amber eyes flick to the scroll Jaelynn is giving attention to, then the weyrling's scored hand. She tries not to wince at that, doing so more inwardly than anything else. "How is the scoring?" she questions, settle back in her seat. "And how's Otsoath?"

Jaelynn smiles a bit and nods. "Yeah… Figured as much." She says softly at the bit on being hungry, which she was but didn't eat that much from the looks of her plate. Her scroll is just a bunch of the day's lessons that she is going back over. As for her hand, she doesn't give it much though. "Its…fine." As if she would say anything else. Jae isn't one to bring up she is in pain; even when that Thread hit her she never cried out, though of course she was also having to watch a wingmate die while Otsoath was wrangling another weyrling, along with dealing with the Thread himself. "He's fine, saying everyone will be Impressed with his scars." Boys… Even in the dragon world they are sometimes all the same.

Kyara chuckles a bit at that, shaking her head. "You might be surprised at how many of the male dragons think that. From what I've heard, at least. Liareth's opinions on that vary. Some pull it off well, she says. Others don't. Much like people." After sipping at her drink, the AWLM's eyes fall on Jaelynn's injury again. "You were a Healer; you should know best how to read yourself," she says quietly. "But make sure you're using numbweed on it if you need to." Her lips press together for a moment, her eyes going slightly distant with a memory. "The first Fall I fly, I got scored. My leg. I was…fighting in a dress because it was a Fall that wasn't supposed to happen." Her brows arch, chagrin rising at the memory as it always does. "It might not have reached my skin at all if I'd been wearing actual leathers. But there's no use speculating. Getting scored…is something you hope never happens, but if you're doing what you're supposed to, it's something you can't necessarily avoid. Neither is…losing someone." Her gaze settles heavily on the table for a moment before sliding up to Jaelynn, the gleam of amber darkened by a remote pain. "Are you doing alright?" Given her tone and the subject, it ought to be clear what she means.

Jaelynn looks a bit amused and nods. "Oat sort of makes me think of my brothers, all tough and able to take on anything but then at times all soft and so forth." Somewhere a brown dragon is snorting at the thought of being 'soft'. He is a prime example of a hunter thank you, all strong and buff, scars included! She glances to her hand a bit and pulls it back, letting her other hand run across her arm a few times. "I do." There is a pause at the comment of a dress and she is just peering at Kyara, pondering if the other is playing with her for a moment before she chuckles a bit. "Mental note: never fly thread in a dress." A slight nod is seen and she lets her arms fold upon the table. "I never thought it wouldn't happen, just.." Well, how it happened. She didn't see that coming. As for the rest she is quiet while watching the other, her gaze flicking around a few times while her shoulders lower a touch and she picks at her nails a few times. "I'm alright. I think about it sometimes." Sort of hard not to after all. "How do you deal with it?" She hasn't actually went out and tried to talk about this with anyone, especially her wingmates, she doesn't want them seeing her as weak or some such thing.

Never thought it *wouldn't* happen… But one hopes it never will. Kyara nods slowly at that, watching Jaelynn closely. "We each have our own ways that work best," she answers after a long moment, sighing quietly and leaning forward to rest her own arms on the table. "For me…well. Liareth helps. More than I can put into words, really. I have a punching bag I keep on my ledge, which is a good release at times. I cry when I need to. Not while on duty, but when you're at home, it's no one else's business how you handle your grief, as long as it doesn't affect how you do your job. And I go to the people I love - my brother, my friends, my boyfriend. Not letting yourself be alone with it for too long - that's important." Her eyes lifting to Jaelynn again, she asks, "Have you talked with any of the others yet?"

Jaelynn nods slightly while taking it all in, her head lowering a bit while she is trying to think on it all, it would seem. "Oat helps a lot." More than she can admit, really. As for the rest, a faint sigh escapes her and she lifts her hand to scratch at her neck a few times. "My family doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I sent them a letter when I Impressed and…well.. They aren't to happy. They wanted me to come learn, further my education as a Healer, not become a rider." What was said was a lot worse, actually. "No, I haven't talked to them. There's plenty of talk of about how the girls shouldn't be on fighting dragons. I've talked to F'in and Th'bek some but…I don't want them to see me as being weak."

"There's nothing weak in talking about things like this," Kyara asserts evenly, her regard upon Jaelynn earnest. "Even the strongest bridge will collapse under too much weight. The same can happen to a person who tries to bear hard things by themselves. I'm glad you talked to Th'bek and F'in; they probably needed it as much as you did." Even if they might not admit it. Her eyes dropping slightly, the AWLM gives a subtle shake of her head. "I'm sorry about your family. You can only keep trying to get them to see the truth of things…but this is likely why it's often said the Weyr becomes your family. Riders have common ground with one another that's more easily understood, but outside the Weyr…" She shrugs a bit. "It's a difficult thing, getting people to understand. The same way it's difficult for some to understand about women on fighting dragons. It might be a battle that goes on longer than Thread."

"I've had to deal with what they thought of me before, being in Healer craft." Jaelynn says softly. "It was easier then than now honestly." It took a lot of time for her to get to her spot then, too. Though she does understand what Kyara says, glancing to her hand a touch. "Suppose I just got used to not talking to people that felt the need not to talk to me, or avoid it to some degree." As for the rest she shrugs a moment a glance sent back to Kyara. "I have Otsoath, some friends here. If my family feels the need to shun me then so be it." Its taken some time for her to come up with that; it was a hard blow, seeing how family has always been important to her. "Maybe at some point that will change." Though she isn't too sure on that.

"I think it's always good to hope so," Kyara returns with a small smile. "Hope is a precious thing these days. Igen may not be the best place to raise a person's spirits, but it always bounces back. Always makes it through. That much can be said for it." After getting a bit more food into her mouth, the AWLM switches subjects, eager to move on to something a bit lighter. "How did the lecture with G'deon go yesterday?"

Jaelynn smiles a touch and soon nods. "It'll work out as it should." So she things at least. The bit on the lecture makes her blink and a soft ah escapes her while she fiddles with a bit of paper before her. "It…was good.." Can she call that good? "I've some idea on things I suppose from Healer Class, just not the dragon sort of side. Now I do. So far Oat isn't interested so, I'm alright with that." More than alright honestly. Though this does lead her to another thought. "How.. Might I go about getting into Dragon Healer lessons.. Or is that something you have to be picked for?"

At Jaelynn's fiddling, the corner of Kyara's mouth rises in a sympathetic smirk. "Fortunately, you don't need to understand all the mechanics of what they do, just that they do it. How it affects you in the aftermath is another matter. And Otsoath should still have some time yet before he gets interested. The others in your class who rose to chase Kaelidyth…well. Let's just say that's not common." The question about dragonhealing earns an arch of eyebrows. "If it's something you're interested in, we can talk to the dragonhealers on Mirage about getting you tapped in there. You can also talk to Trek to have a better idea of what would be expected of you. And G'deon. Though he'll be a little busier now, of course."

"Which, I do understand the aftermath, at least as far as I can with it being on paper, that is." Jaelynn knows when the moment happens she won't be paying any attention to all her notes. "I was wondering about that. Oat didn't even give a thought while Sa'id and his…well." It is obvious what happened there. The rests makes her blink and a slight smile is seen, something to pull her out of that bit of a funk perhaps. "Really? Yeah…I'm interested, have been for a while now. I wasn't sure how to go about asking on it." Seems she just should have in the end.

Kyara chuckles lightly. "Jaelynn, sometimes you have to just walk up to someone and ask without thinking about it too much. Trust me; it's something I had to get used to doing, too. If you'd like to be considered for Mirage, I'll bring it up to Ay'den and Sienna. I see no reason why you shouldn't be; you're a good study, and having a Healer background will only help." She goes quiet for a moment, getting a drink as she considers the weyrling's first comment. "I'll tell you the same thing I told Delila," she says, setting her cup back down. "Before the next goldflight - unless you'd rather just go visit somewhere to get away from it - or before Otsoath does take an interest, if you can…talk to someone you know and see if they might be willing to help you be…ready. Having your first time be a flight, possibly with a complete stranger, isn't something you really want. Sometimes, like me, someone might get lucky in that situation…but all things considered, if you can be the one in control of things, it's much easier"

Jaelynn smiles a touch and nods at that. "Well, yes, I'm seeing that has a possibility of needing to be done." She ponders that thought. Really, she didn't use to have a problem asking things, so what changed? "I would really appreciate that, Kyara. I'll be more than happy to speak with them too of course." She doesn't want it to seem like Kyara is the one speaking for her; after all, she can speak for herself, normally. The rest makes her pause a touch, a slight blink seen and she nods a moment before she is quiet. "G'deon brought that up as well. I have no idea how to even bring that up in a conversation." Oh hey, do you mind sleeping with me real quick like before my dragon chases some glowing dragon? Doesn't seem like the way to go about it to her.

Of course the weyrlings can speak for themselves, but it is up to the weyrlingstaff to discuss the upcoming riders with the wingleaders of the Weyr! Hence Kyara's statement. Not that Jaelynn going and speaking to them will hurt, of course; it shows good initiative. At the brown weyrling's last, Kyara opens her mouth with what seems to be an automatic reply, but then catches herself, letting her exhalation puff through her lips and her eyes run along a seam in the table before she clears her throat lightly and looks up at Jaelynn again. "You're right - it can be a tricky thing. I should know; I'm Craft-bred, and it wasn't easy for me either. It's such a…forward question, and it doesn't help part of the perception of female riders, either…so it has to be discreet if you don't want to perpetuate the stereotype. But a lot of riders, especially Oldtimers, will understand. Get to know some. Befriend them. If there ends up being attraction there, even better. Then, sometime when you're alone, just…mention that Otsoath hasn't been in a chase yet and you've never dealt with it before. You may even get an offer of help before you even ask, and if it feels like a good time, and you trust the person, then…there you go. You can convince Otsoath not to chase, but that's pretty selfish when it comes down to it." She holds up her hands, palms up, in a sort of weighing gesture. "When you're inexperienced, it can be a difficult thing to navigate. But whatever you do, just be sure you're comfortable. It should be your choice, on your own time, but once Otsoath starts showing interest, you can't really predict what might happen." And therein lies the catch, so to speak.

Jaelynn is honestly thankful for all the help, knowledge and lessons from the Weyrlingstaff; she worried over what might happen there for a while but it didn't end up being…well, bad. really. Sometimes things just work out like that. For the rest she is left just peering at Kyara, the one with all the answers! That reply is one she is thankful for, it seems. She glances to the table, then to her scored arm and lets her fingers lightly trace across one of the red marks upon her arm. "Thank you Kyara. That all makes sense. Honestly it was what I needed to hear." A soft smile is seen while she nods a touch before there is a moment that makes her pause. "I need to go give Otsoath a hand. Is it alright that I do?" This questioned even while she is rolling up her scrolls and looking to the rider before her.

"Glad I could help," Kyara replies, one more small smile playing over her lips, and she nods, gesturing for Jaelynn to move on. "He's your lifemate and you're on your own time; no need to ask permission. I'll see you for drills later." Thus is the AWLM left alone with her thoughts and the rest of her lunch, the sparse living cavern left a little quieter with one less conversation to contain.

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