==== May 29, 2017
==== Khalyssrielth clutches 40 eggs!

OOC Date May 29, 2017
Summary Khalyssrielth clutches 40 eggs!

The Announcement

Date: Mon May 29 13:44:32 2017 PDT
From: Bailey (#26758)
To: *Southern Weyr (#7343)
Subject: Under The Cover Of Darkness…

From late evening on day seventeen through early morning day nineteen Khalyssrielth wasn't anywhere to be found - and quiet as a peep.

Things make sense when she announces her clutch fully-laid on the afternoon of the nineteenth in a pleased, exhausted blast of ice and iron to the weyr at large. Forty eggs grace Southern's sands, all soft colors: pastels and shades better suited for painting walls than eggs.

She's blaming it all on Nokteryth, sounds like. Otherwise the only sounds coming from the hatching sands are Bailey's super loud sounds of bitching, having been caught on the Sands in a Southern summer AGAIN. Waterskin delivery and ice cubes are appreciated.

OOC: Obviously this is an NPC clutch— feel free to use the presence of eggs on the Sands as an RP hook! :)