==== June 11, 2016
==== A little good news about the glow situation.

OOC Date June 11, 2016
Summary A little good news about the glow situation.

The Announcement

Date: Sat Jun 11 06:02:19 2016 PDT
From: T'zaim (#28198)
To: *Southern Weyr (#7343) and *Gossip (#627)
Subject: A Light in the Darkness

After months of dim news, there's finally a faint beacon of hope! A decent-sized shipment of glows from one of the larger glowfarms is finally ready and on its way to the Weyr. Some of the side caves that collapsed have been cleared and are being reinforced, so the farms may actually be producing again soon, yay! What's more, the large (completely destroyed) glowfarm owners located a new cavern suitable for cultivating glows.

By and large, the day-to-day life at the Weyr won't change much. Major public areas will still be lit by glows, and everyone else will still be using candles and lamps, but at least the news is finally good!

If you have any questions, feel free to @send T'zaim or nab me with a page. \o/