==== May 20, 2016
==== Amarante is Searched!

OOC Date May 20, 2016
Summary Amarante is Searched!

The Announcement

Date: Fri May 20 20:20:30 2016 PDT
From: Clementine (#28278)
To: *Southern Weyr (#7343)
Subject: Denivoth Ditched T'zaim

Why T'zaim and Lisette were at Igen together, no one will ever know because we never figured that part out OOC. But what they did do, was search Amarante before she could be squeezed to death by Denivoth (or Syzaith). So everyone welcome the Igen healer to Southern!

OOC: And with that, we're closing off IC search! Thank you to everyone who applied, this is going to be a rocking group! :D