All ranking characters are required to adhere to the Activity Policies.

  1. In general, ranking positions are open to all active characters of Southern Weyr via application to area staff.
    • Note: The player of the direct IC superior ranking character will usually be consulted about any promotions (e.g., a Wingleader will be asked about a Wingsecond). It is within the purview of the existing ranking character to decline a request, but they must provide a credible reason to Area Staff. In the event that there are conflicting IC personalities or logistics, it is the responsibility of the players involved to work out something reasonable for both parties. However, staff is ready and willing to assist in smoothing out bumps.
  2. Area staff will ensure all applicants adhere to the activity policies and then forward requests to the player of the direct IC superior.
    • If no ranking superior exists as a PC, it is within staff's purview to promote the character.
  3. The ranking character and the requesting character should work out the logistics of the promotion (on-camera vs. off-camera, requested vs. solicited, etc.) between themselves.
  4. Once the promotion has taken place, notification is given to area staff.